Known bug: CCRP Solution Cue is in the lower position after dropping JDAM/JSOW. Changing the aim point by cursor (TDC) does not change CCRP Solution Cue. After first bomb falls, the solution works correctly again.
Weapons and armament:
Other fixes and additions:
F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations
DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations
FM and systems fixes:
3D model:
Input and cockpit controls fixes:
Flight model, aircraft systems and weapons:
Other fixes:
Warning: due to changes in input commands some user local assignments may have disappeared.
Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone Sky
DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Crew Part 1 Campaign by Stone Sky
DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations
The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600
Warning: due to changes in input commands (like radar scale selection, etc.) some user local assignments may have disappeared
DCS: MAD JF-17 Thunder Campaign by Stone Sky
Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of a Hero Campaign by Stone Sky
DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky
Introducing DCS: Mirage F-1 by Aerges
Note: We are also working on new fuzes and a fuze and laser code selection panel for modern-day weapons. This includes JPF, DSU-33A/B, FZU-139, and others.
Known issue: Multicrew Kord gunner client will desync if aircraft will rearm and change Kord gun mounting side.
Note: The ARC-210 radio is now in work.
DCS: A-10C Operation Agile Spear Campaign by Combat King Simulations
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One: Dominant Fury Campaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations
DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations
Introducing three new campaigns:
Note 1: Please note that the TALD used by the DCS: F/A-18C Hornet is different from the one developed by Heatblur for their F-14. Heatblur will be using the TALD developed for the Hornet, but this task was not complete in time for this Open Beta, but it should be available for the following.
Note 2: We are nearing completion of the F-16C flight model and FLCS adjustments, and following this, the Hornet will get the same flight model and FCS review. This is one of the primary remaining items on the Hornet’s roadmap. The team also continues work on the UFC BackUp page, and GPS-guided weapon updates. Please see the Hornet roadmap here.
Note: Next priority items include finalising the Max Toss Anticipation Cue, update to the external and cockpit models, Mk-84AIR high drag bomb, LADD bombing mode, the FCS BIT with control surface animations, air show smoke pods, and more. Please see our roadmap here:
We have also defined the planned Viper features before it exits early access. Please note that development will continue based on the roadmap linked above.
Note: The next big, new items planned for the AH-64d will be the Image Auto-Tracker (IAT) set of functions that allow the TADS to lock on to a target with sufficient contrast rather than having to manually track it with the thumb force controller. Following the inclusion of IAT, we plan to add DCS: AH-64D to the free trial period program.
F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:
The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations
DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger633
Introducing brand new DCS South Atlantic map by RAZBAM.
Note: the ADM-141A TALD requires further testing and is planned to be available in the next update. Work is also proceeding on the UFC-BU page, updating the flight model and flight control system, IAM Loft cues, and finaling the INS/GPS alignment system. We are focused on completing the Hornet roadmap.
Note: We are investigating the addition of all the possible delivery modes for a later update. In the meantime, the GBU-24A/B provides greater range and better hard-target capability than the GBU-10.
Note: We have read all concerns regarding radar performance, and we are preparing a White Paper that reviews and explains performance. For the following update, we hope to add the new features of MAN bombing mode and ACAL / FIX DED pages. In parallel other new items are in development like setting up IDM/L16 networks, flight air-to-air target assignments, ALE-50 towed decoy, MK-84AIR, smoke pods, and more.
Note: Items in development that we hope to release for the next update include the Altitude Hold mode, Target State Estimator (TSE), updated Performance (PERF) page, and George as pilot improvements for settling with power conditions.
Additional points:
DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations
F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633
F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633
F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
Notes: Due to the new rockets and Telson 8 launcher on the SA-342L, as well as the ability to load/unload the launcher, missions made prior to this patch need to be updated using the new weapon loadouts. Many keybinds have changed due to the new multicrew method implemented. Make sure to review your keybinds.
DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo
DCS: F-14B Operation Sandworm Campaign by Sandman Simulations
All missions are updated but only mission 1 briefing material from documentation.
Note: Basic Fighter Maneuver (BFM) for jets improvements are planned for a June, 2022 update.
Note: Although additional Viper items have been completed like the Cruise DED page and the Expand function for the HSD and HAD pages, we did not have time to properly test due to the long holiday. These are planned for a June 2022 update.
Note: Although the Hellfire Ripple (RIPL) has been completed, we did not have time to properly test due to the long holiday. These are planned for a June 2022 update. Other items in development after June 2022 include 1st person pilot models, Target State Estimator (TSE), Altitude Hold, and Image Auto-Tracker (IAT). Following these, we plan to offer the DCS: AH-64D as part of the free Trial Program.
Known issues: Cold helicopter cannon is intersecting with ground.
Known issues: Bug fixes for ACL in multiplayer are scheduled for the June 2022 update.
Known issues: Multicrew is only supported when players start pushing buttons after both player slots are occupied. Join in progress synchronisation (i.e. joining mid flight) will come later. 3 players in minigun version doesn’t work yet.
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:
DCS: MiG-21bis Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo
DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo
DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo
DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: A-10C II The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633