DCS: World
- Type 052B: fixed SA-N-12 not intercepting AShM
- Type 052B: fixed SA-N-12 interception range for AShM
- C802AK: adjusted autopilot params
- HQ-7 STR: fixed potential CTD in MP
- Missiles. Minor adjustments to the RСS of some missiles.
- Rockets. Sound corrected.
- AIM-120. Chaff bug - changed chaff/slow moving targets filtering logic, introduced ground clutter model, missile notching now depends on target/clutter signals ratio, range of blind velocities depends on geometry of intersection of seeker beam and ground.
- AIM-120 fixed ECM blinking issue
- AIM-120 fixed missing / improper RWR indication if missile launched in visual mode (maddog launch)
- AIM-7. New ground clutter model also applied to all AIM-7 family missiles.
- AIM-7F/M. Loft trajectory is disabled by default (F-15C).
- Several fixes on A2A missiles desync in multiplayer
- R-27R, R-27ER will not go for the chaff if radar lock is lost.
- JDAM - fixed error in bomb onboard pathfinding algorithm, which may lead to strange maneuvers at terminal phase of flight and miss.
- DCS Manual Updates - Options.
- ME. If an uncontrolled group gets a 'follow' command before starting, they will never obey the 'start' command later, and just get deactivated - fixed.
- Aircraft AI. Aircraft sent to AAR will continue to fill up even if re-join is called during AAR - fixed.
- Aircraft AI. AI Calls Bandits, then refuses to engage - fixed.
- Effects. Updated smoke presets.
- Fixed WRADIO error during landing of DDR, Argentina and Lebanon aircraft.
- Time from mission start instead of absolute time in debriefing - fixed.
- Ships AI. Ships unable to reach max speed - fixed.
- AGM-65. CIWS can not destroy Mavericks because AGM-65 lacks DM - fixed.
- Log book not recording day time / night time correctly - fixed.
- ME. Player controlled 'civil plane' can be armed in-game - fixed.
- Aircraft AI. If a player sets an attacking aircraft to intercept an aircraft parked on the ramp, and the attacker is heavy enough, it will dive at a rate it cannot pull out of - fixed.
- BetAB-500ShP and BetAB-500 anti-runway bombs. Reduced chute drag and dispersing by wind, adjusted rocket plume position. Damage effect against concrete structures has been increased.
- ME. Yak-52 preview for solo/non-solo flight is wrong - fixed.
- Bunkers get destroyed without smoke - fixed
- Su-34 payload presets. Replaced Kh-25 missiles with Kh-29L/T and Kh-31P missiles.
- Aircraft AI. Canopy visibility geometry corrected. Now MiG-15 doesn't see the enemy on his six, allowing for silent attack.
- L-39C. Added DDR skins.
- SAM AI. SAMs do not engage fast aircraft weapons - fixed.
- Triggers. OnEventEject event no longer works for Warbirds but does for jets - fixed.
- MP. DCS version number added in servers window.
- BLACK Screen early morning flights, seem to be around 05:13 - 05:15 - fixed.
- The button End mission doesn't work if a map object was destroyed - fixed.
- SH-60B. Added to the list of Australian units.
- ME. Corrected some new weapon icons into the payload panel.
- Aircraft AI. In the case when an active missile is launched in the TWS mode, AI aircraft will begin evasive maneuver only after the missile seeker is turned active.
- Fixed CTD on the Tomahawk launch.
DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations
- Fixed: DMT slew using keys not stopping.
- Fixed: DMT camera drift after recovering from gimbal lock
- Fixed: Pilot falling through carrier deck after ejection
- Added: Bullseye Position can be modified using the EHSD/DATA page.
DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations
- Fixed: VTB Waypoints wrong placement
- Added: SA2 and SA3 RWR symbols
- Added: RWR codes kneeboard sheet
DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations
- Fixed: Corrected incorrect lift coefficient with respect to angle of attack
- Fixed: Minor correction to reference CG to align with correct static margin from documentation
- Fixed: Minor correction to better match expected turn performance
DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
- Fixed: broken FCS Autopilot ATT
- Fixed: WMD7 level was reset when switching between CCD/IR (WH and BH)
- Fixed: HSD top left should display waypoint bearing information
- Fixed: collision damage when immortal
- Updated: CM802AKG seeker with IR image only
- Adjusted: take-off landing roll pitching moment
- Adjusted: DEEC control law
DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev
- Multicrew WIP continuation:
- Fuel used display is now correctly synchronized when entering the second seat after a time delay.
- Removed delays in ARC-164 frequency and mode knobs synchronization.
- Finished ARC-164 synchronization (C-101EB).
- Implemented ARN-127 synchronization (C-101EB).
- Flight controls are correctly animated now in the aircraft external 3D model when the Combined Controls mode is enabled.
- Implemented TACAN AN/ARN-118 synchronization (C-101EB).
- Fixed accuracy of HSI course deviation numerical display shown on the other seat.
- Fixed minor problems in the lighting system synchronization.
- Removed delay for several switches animation synchronization.
- Made canopy ejection lever animation synchronized in multicrew. It can now be seen from another cockpit.
- Implemented Weapons Control System synchronization (C-101CC).
- Fixed V/UHF radio V/TVU-740 synchronization (C-101CC).
- Fixed decision height synchronization (C-101CC).
- Finished VHF-20B and VIR-31A/DME-40 synchronization (C-101CC).
- Added synchronization of generator test switch.
- Implemented synchronization of C-101CC Flight Director.
- Added ADF (ADF-60) synchronization.
- C-101EB Flight Director transfers now commanded altitude correctly.
- C-101EB Flight Director panel lights test function works now in the rear cockpit.
- Added C-101CC radar altimeter switch synchronization.
- Gyro platform control panel is now synchronized (C-101CC).
- AHRS control panel switches in C-101EB are transferred now as clickable switches (not just as flags).
- Fixed FD and IFF circuit breakers animation in C-101CC. They were interfering with trim position indicator animation.
- Updated ES localization.
- Fixed round shapes of several C-101EB and C-101CC instruments.
- Fix to avoid the altimeter needle spinning at mission start (WIP).
- Added Throttle Idle Detent - Idle/Stop (2 pos switch) to C-101EB and C-101CC joystick inputs. This makes it possible to bind off-idle throttle detent in HOTAS Warthog and similar peripherals or to bind it to any two positions switch.
- Fixed Glide Slope index animation in rear cockpit ADI of the C-101CC.
- Fixed texture of B (for bombs) amber indication in the Mode Selected Indicator (CANCEL) of the SCAR Display Unit of C-101CC rear cockpit.
- Added grey texture to control stick base when it is hidden.
- Fixed C-101EB marks of vertical speed indicator.
- Fuel flow reset is a pull and release knob, therefore fixed C-101EB input, so that now key or joystick binding will pull the knob when pressing the corresponding key or button (front and rear cockpit).
- Adjusted initial position of C-101CC gyro platform control panel switches: magnetic variation and hemisphere selection switches.
- Fixed ADI DH and GA lights in the C-101CC rear cockpit.
- Radar altimeter is now ON by default at hot start (C-101CC).
DCS P-47D by Eagle Dynamics
- Main fuel tank capacity increased to 270 US gal
- Fixes to in-cockpit animations
DCS Bf 109K-4 by Eagle Dynamics
- minor tune to the oxygen gauge
DCS Spitfire LF Mk.IX by Eagle Dynamics
- new ammunition belt variants
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
- Added AGM-84 H SLAM-ER
- Added Raid assessment (RAID)
- Situation awareness mode (SAM)
- One-look RAID
- Added New smaller flares
- Added Offset waypoints
- Added Control Stick Steering (CSS) Mode
- Added Remaining options for HOTAS
- A/A Radar
- Surface
- Mode
- Azimuth Scan Centering
- Change azimuth using cursor on tactical regions left and right
- Mode
- A/G Radar
- Mode
- Freeze
- EXP1, EXP2, EXP3
- Pen/Fan
- Silent
- Range
- Air
- Active
- Azimuth on Radar Attack
- Range on SA
- Auto/man TWS option
- PRF and Reset
- Sensor control switch depress then right
- TDC cursor added for AG EXP mode
- Changed logic lock/shoot lines on SA page
- Segmented and solid line logic between flight members and donors should be the same.
- If a flight member of donor has a sensor lock (radar or TGP) on a target, the line should be segmented.
- If a flight member or donor has launched a weapon at a locked target, the line becomes solid.
- Cursor stow position after option selection - Fixed
- FPS Hit in Syria when switching to AA / FLIR - Fixed
- TDC not slewing and Stuck top left - Fixed
- Can not cage the velocity vector in AUTO bombing - Fixed
- Autopilot HDG mode does not maintain pitch attitude - Fixed
- BALT hold does not hold altitude during bank angle changes - Fixed
- Engaging BALT in dive will break wings - Fixed
- Current waypoint on FPAS page doesn't change when it changes on SA page - Fixed
- Unless ILS is turned on, the ILS push button option should not appear on the HSI - Fixed
- Incorrect weight calculation in CHECKLIST page - Fixed
- Off-Board contacts should show Mach and Altitude on hover - Fixed
- HUD L&S friend cue: update position - Fixed
- ACM page active options - Fixed
- SA TACAN heading/range showing incorrect data - Fixed
- CCIP Line moves on fall line when changing between feet and meters - Fixed
- Inner wing damage shows flame in mid air and wingtip missiles remain - Fixed
- TDC should not be displayed on any page (RDR/SA/etc) if TDC priority is not assigned to it - Fixed
- Check pilot face and helmet for older liveries - Fixed
- HSI scale and the DMS - Fixed
- Radar is capable of locking small missiles - Fixed
- Segmented diamond symbol in HUD/JHMCS always has TDC assignment dot inside it - Fixed
- After HUD or JHMCS designation, AGR is not enabled until SCS up is re-commanded - Fixed
- EXP should not be usable below 5nm - Fixed
- B-sweep line in EXP mode - Fixed
- Bar/azimuth selection via cursor in TWS - Fixed
- Scan RAID Mode recentres scan area in certain circumstances - Fixed
- Line in mirror depending on light angle - Fixed
- Laser not counting down in JHMCS - Fixed
- CBU-99 are bursting 1.2s after falling below 1,500' AGL - Fixed
- When switching to HACQ/LHACQ, radar track files are never deleted - Fixed
- Acq point cue is displayed when L&S exists or when there's a TUC - Fixed
- GMT RADAR seems to lock static ground targets when used with FLIR - Fixed
- HAFU Height should be rounded with no decimal - Fixed
- TDC continues to control radar azimuth and elevation after uncaged WACQ has been exited - Fixed
- VACQ does not detect target head on - Fixed
- AA radar: tuned ECM behavior
- Jammering tracks on SA has target speed and altitude indication - Fixed
- SA sensor sublevel FRIEND option doesn't work anymore - Fixed
- DL16 donor target disappears if the target jams you:SURV tracks showing when jamming - Fixed
- AA Radar: with large memory time value after jam target burn in "brick" will stay on jammer line on radar page in preset time - Fixed
- SEA RADAR not seeing Handy wind ship - Fixed
- SEA radar can detect submerge units - Fixed
- GBU-24 has different mass - Fixed
- Flame rotation seems unnatural - Fixed
- TACAN table: MVAR input not working on Syria - Fixed
- Changing scan azimuth while in SPOT breaks radar limits after exiting - Fixed
- When try set AACQ on contact under TDC with L&S contact AACQ switch on L&S contact - Fixed
- A2A RADAR - Select SIL - JAM and AUTO are in conflict - Fixed
- Loud distant sound from behind on the runway in high wind weather - Fixed
- Error after Spotlight exiting - Fixed
- Radar and az/el pages show L&S true heading instead of magnetic heading - Fixed
- Amphibious vehicles can not be seen on SEA RADAR - Fixed
- Rearming JSOW is already aligned - Fixed
- HARM PLBK indication not shown on JHMCS - Fixed
- HARM and MAV can be fired at the same time - Fixed
- VFR Training covered with clouds - Fixed
- Undesignate selects TWS AUTO from TWS MAN - Fixed
- Some hornet missions have Chinese text - Fixed
- Pylon 5 x2 bombs create overlap on safe text - Fixed
- Complete AIM-7 with LAR symbols, HOJ mode, FLOOD mode, and LOFT option
- TDC jumps to DDI center in TWS mode when SIL turned ON and OFF - Fixed
- Coordinates on UFC stuck together when doing PP
- The weapon release blink for CCIP and ASL should be longer duration and include the release cue and CCIP aiming cross - Fixed
- Flashlight battery off unable to adjust brightness - Fixed
- Target Diamond should occlude the fall line - Fixed
- HSI Sequence line behaves strange sometimes - Fixed
- Currently the GBU-24 for the Hornet is using the payload image for the GBU-10 - Fixed
- HARM Seeking Target After Jettison - Fixed
- The description is M151-HE, but the actual ammunition fired is MK5-HEAT - Fixed
- Typo in input commands - Fixed
- CPL TCN + SLAM create conflict in HUD - Fixed
- GMT reverts to 90 degree sweep when cycled away - Fixed
- GMT with INTL boxed unable to adjust GAIN - Fixed
- JDAM TOF - Fixed
- Litening
- TDC Diamond not showing on second try with TDC Depress - Fixed
- Maximum zoom - corrected to 3.5x
- AA mode can not slew diagonally - Fixed
- Ground designation by HMD or WPDSG results in unslewable INR mode - Fixed
- Waypoint markers - added
- AA mode cross on autotrack indication - Fixed
- North arrow symbology - added new compass symbol
- Pressing OSBs in SETUP sub-menu the corresponding main page option - Fixed
- Grey scale when switching modes - Fixed
- Position stabilized symbology can shift when view is not aligned with symbol - Fixed
- Default A/A mode - fixed
- Coupled mode
- When switching from WPT to TCN or SEQ# in coupled A/P mode, indication still WYPT - Fixed
- CPL bank limits - NAV 30-degree limit, TAC 60-degree limit - Roll 10 - 30 degrees per second - Fixed
- Changing coupled steering mode (Changing coupled steering mode - suggested change, first uncouple, then change steering mode)
- Coupled autopilot symbiology doesn't disappear after A/P overriding - Fixed
- Autopilot makes unexpected roll after disengage coupled mode - Fixed
- Missing SEQ number - Fixed
- OVFLY when using AUTO / CPL - Fixed
- AUTO in CPLD mode should not change selected waypoint - Fixed
- After enabling coupled autopilot SEQ# mode, symbology is WYPT - Fixed
DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
- Sometimes Hang when strange A2A weapons load and dogfight switch -Fixed
- Countermeasures quantity do not match - Fixed
- Bullseye, showing on the HUD, is true north not magnetic north - Fixed
- CCRP HUD symbols doesn't move at times on Cold Start - Fixed
- Releases A2A missile while in A2G mode - Fixed
- CCIP Time delay CUE in HUD does not work first time - Fixed
- Missile sounds louder from outer pylons - Fixed
- No English text in CCRP training mission - Fixed
- Steerpoint distance issue in EOM or PB mode - Fixed
- Typo in loadout menu - Fixed
- AI and Player aircraft sound different on the ground - Fixed
- Problem with cougar mfds losing inputs - Fixed
DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
- LSO give EG grade when pilot does not pull back throttle
DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics
- Corrected 3D model of B-8V20 rockets block.
- Operation Medvedev II Campaign. Corrected unit positions and set new clouds presets. Mission 2: the flight trajectory of the Mi-8 has been improved.
Flaming Cliffs 3 by Eagle Dynamics
- J-11A default warning sound changed to Chinese voiceover.
DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics
- Added PT-76
- Added АА-7,2-60 FireFighter - Ural 4332
- Added ATZ-5 - Ural 4320
- Added Diesel power station 5i57A
- Added VAB Mephisto
- Added Chieftain Mk.3
- Added naval La Combattante II (with Harpoon missile)
- Added Leopard 2A5
- Added Leopard 2A6M (replaced Leopard-2)
- Added Leopard 2A4
- Added Leopard 2A4TR (Turkey)
- Added ship Seawise Giant
- Added SPH T-155 Fırtına
- Replaced MLRS BM-21 Grad (replaced old model)
DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns:
- Updated weather to use new cloud presets.
The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600:
- Mission 1 and 16. Bugfix.
The Border Campaign by Armen Murazyan:
- Mission 13. Fixed wingman behavior.
DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:
- Campaign weather updated to new presets.
- Player readme updated with missing credit.
- Mission 2: Updated wingman behaviour to prevent wrong target being attacked.
- Mission 3: Updated trigger to prevent a bug due to vehicle pathfinding changes.
- Mission 6: Modified trigger to stop event on RTB activating early.
- Mission 11: Removed floodlight causing issue with Chinook landing at Lavan.
- Mission 16: Added missing frequency to kneeboard.
DCS: A-10C II The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
- Mission 03: Updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
- Mission 06: Updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
- Mission 14: Updated weather and fog for better FPS. Fixed issue with mission stuck after main target was destroyed.
- Mission 18: Fixed issue with Colt not engaging targets when called via F10 menu.
DCS: A-10C The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
- Mission 03 - updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
- Mission 06 - updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
- Mission 14 - updated weather and fog for better FPS - fixed issue with mission stuck after main target was destroyed.
- Mission 18 - fixed issue with Colt not engaging targets when called via F10 menu.
M2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
- Mission 6 - Fixed issue with Reaper 02 refusing to taxi
DCS: F/A-18C Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
- Mission 2: Fixed problem with Smoke never stops refuelling. Smoke moves to Marshal earlier instead of following player to the boat. Updated skin for Texaco
- Mission 4: Updated wrong freq for Al Dhafra.
- Mission 9: Added extra instructions about taxi order at mission start.
- Mission 0: Updated AAA barrage effects.
Combined Arms: Frontlines Georgia Campaign:
UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development:
- Mission 6: Adopted to DCS World 2.7. Skip Mission function added. F-10 Map in time Marker added. New Voiceovers for better Mission guidance.
- Mission 7: Adopted to DCS World 2.7.
- Mission 8: Adopted to DCS World 2.7, Skip Mission function added. F-10 Map in time Marker added.