DCS World
- Debriefing. Players get no scores - fixed.
- Weapons. Kh-58 and Kh-25MP will not aim to long-wave EW radars.
- ME. Loadout menu extended to 15 hardpoints.
- MP. Users in the same server sharing the same UCID - fixed.
- DS: Liveries stored in zip files are completely missing from dedicated server install - fixed.
- DS. "Pure Scripts" option not available in webGUI - fixed.
- Fixed: Alarm State Change causes all tasks to abort.
- Fixed: Wrong position for ground units in ME (3D view).
- Fixed: Initial heading in simulation does not match the heading assigned in the editor for ground vehicles.
- Added task 'Hold' for ships.
- Fixed: Unable to create circular routes with “Go to waypoint” for ground units.
- Improvements made to Tracer Round Smoke
- Fixed: MP Scoreboard not working
- Fixed rare crash caused by using TAD MFD mostly in A-10C II (in edterrainGraphics41.dll)
- MP: Reduced number of AWACS messages. (WIP)
- AIM-120: Improved tracking of slow targets
- Fixed: AI aircraft sometimes fail to takeoff if player enters runway with no ATC clearance
- New: Multiple lines of text now possible in ME draw tools
- Fixed: AI F/A-18 will not release TALD
- New: AI task - Recovery tanker.
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
- Added UFC/BU Page
- Fixed: AUTO Int impact error with Dive Toss.
- Fixed: Donated trackfiles on the RDR ATTK page stop showing speed and altitude info, while the radar trackfile is being built
- Fixed: Hornet Rocket CCIP Pipper Weirdness
- Fixed: HARM Page still shows threats after Jettisoning all HARM
- Fixed: Radar tracks AIM-120/SD-10
DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics
- Fixed:CTD with F6 view
- Fixed: FCR Sync with TGP using TMS Right
- Fixed: HMCS ACM Bore ellipse should vanish once lock gained
- Fixed: Tail numbers on the 0 and 1 LOD. unable to set in ME or in game
- Fixed: M4 IFF Scan provides accurate target range and azimuth
- Fixed: ACM-BORE HMCS Error
- Fixed: ENG CONT switch doesn't affect nozzle position
- Fixed: MK-84 CCRP fall short
- Fixed: CRM in BST mode locks target outside beam pattern
- Fixed: Incorrected behaviour after off HMD
- Fixed: Unable to boresight multiple mavericks without TGP
- Fixed: Using step or weapon release on dual maverick lock undesignated the second target
- Fixed: Steering cue does not lead perpendicular targets
- Fixed: AGM-65D Handoff does not work if the target is moving
- Fixed: Guard frequency doesn't shown on freq indicator
- Fixed: Radar priority in Mode 2 not switching on with MRM mode
- Fixed: Markpoint HUD not working if I cycle CCIP, CCRP, DTOS and back to CCRP
- Fixed: AG Radar in GMT mode azimuth change decreased scan velocity
- Fixed: Autolocking target in ACM mode from 30nm
- Fixed: LAR indication can still be seen in HUD after maverick use and switched to CCIP
- Fixed: ACM Bore JHMCS ellipse - after lost lock at radar gimbal edge incorrect display and incorrect radar behavior
- Fixed: HARM Target handed off in HAS mode gets frozen relative to missile's seeker boresight
- Fixed: HARM reacquires target handed off in HAS after it's gone off seeker's gimbals
- Fixed: Don't show up on DL without GPS
- Fixed: Lesson 13 for AGM-65 Maverick - Too short duration of text showing "Reset Run 4"
- Fixed: Radar elevation jumping around on bugged target
- Fixed: HSD shows range to jamming target
- Fixed: AIM-120 being guided by FCR when it is off
- Fixed: Air start setting HOME on CRUS page changes when set
DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics
- Total controls MPD profiles added
- Fixed: FUEL Advisory should not show in EUFD if fuel page is open
- Fixed: AH-64D paint kit - APU Exhaust warning on wrong side
- Fixed: FMC channels not synced on CPG join - MP
- Fixed: Radar Altitude Hold uses barometric altitude as reference
- Fixed: Altitude Hold will oscillate when out of ground effect.
- Fixed: CPG TRN Threat ring appearing on Pilot TSD when it should not
- Fixed: Threat ring shown in centre of TSD when TG point is set as ACQ but hidden by COORD SHOW options
- Fixed: VID page is briefly showing main format when VSEL (T6) format is enabled and VID button is pressed
- Fixed: George should select "NO WPN" after depleting another
- Fixed: CPG AI George systems desync on seat switch cold start
- Fixed: Keyboard Unit Brightness Knob stop working correctly when assigned to Axis
DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics
- Fixed: Sometimes SC doesn't rise JBL after client spawn
- Fixed: Carrier wake too short
DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations
- Fixed: integrated configuration panel GUI not open if there’s wind
- Fixed: Cockpit capture keyboard input when integrated config panel GUI is opened
- Fixed: LS6-100/250 accuracy issue
- Fixed: unguided rocket engine not ignition bug
- Fixed: SPI switched to WPT when WMD7 point track downgraded to area track
- Fixed: some bugs when manually set SMS load
- Adjusted: try to improve WMD7 CCD image quality (still under adjustment)
- Added: campaign mission 11 and 12. Now campaign is completed
DCS Mirage F1 by Aerges
- Added YAW position to Yaw/Anti-slip switch and renamed the switch up position from ON to ANTI-SLIP in control inputs.
- Fixed missing gunsight reticle in (C + M or SW) mode with VEL (velocity vector) Optical Sight mode selected.
- TRAIN light logic corrected according to SME feedback.
- Combat flap logic completed.
- Fixed missing default Mirage F1 art picture in ME briefing window and in loading window when the module is not set as wallpaper.
- Fixed BIP Trim heading mode behaviour.
DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations
- Improved: All drum style indicators animation (EDP, ACP, Hydraulic Gauge, Flaps Indicator, Standby Altimeter, Fuel Panel)
- Fixed: Speed brake not properly retracting sometimes when gear retracted
- Fixed: LHA Tarawa tag missing
- Fixed: Incorrect aircraft name in Nevada’s Cold and Dark QS Mission
- Fixed: Mission trigger error in Nevada’s A/A Gun and Sidewinder mission
- Updated: TOO button functionality. When saving the position as targetpoint, If the aircraft is not in A/G attack mode, TOO will command the aircraft into A/G mode and recall the last A/G weapon used.
DCS: MiG-19P by Razbam
- Fixed: Aircraft damage table.
- Fixed: both engines able to start at same time.
- Fixed: Auto-start getting stuck in MP.
DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
- Added new textures for inside of upper airbrakes
- Added new textures for inside and outside of lower airbrakes
- Fixed all instances of deprecated 'Color' shader causing severe visual issues
- Added correct tire animations for L/R tires respectively.
- Fixed some lighting direction issues in LoD2 meshes
- Slightly reduced drawcalls by batching together some materials for improved performance
DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX
- 2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee
DCS: P-51D Mustang
- 2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee
DCS: Bf 109 K-4 Kurfurst
- 2 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee
DCS: Fw 190 A-8
- 3 New Single Player Missions for Operation Jubilee
DCS: Mosquito FB VI
- Texture Template now available here!
DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics
- Fixed: Attack points clone when moved.
- Fixed: Leopard 2-family. AA MG stabilizes with the hull, not with the tower.
DCS: South Atlantic Map by Razbam
- New - Santa Cruz Airfield
- New - Comandante Luis Piedrabuena Airfield
- New - Aerodromo de Tolhuin Airfield
- New - Generated all detail maps for the full map
- New - Porvenir Airfield
- New - Almirante Schroeders Airfield
- New - Rio Turbio Airfield
- New - Updated Lighting components to support 2.8 releases new lighting system
- New - The Normal maps previously pushed are now enabled for the whole map (see know issues)
- New - Added Gause bushes across the Falklands Islands
- New - Started Detailing out the farms in the Falklands (still WIP)
- New - Replaced primary and Secondary Road surface textures across the map
- New - Added new detailing models for surfaces in a few places
- New - Various new models across the map, which include but are not limited to: New shipping container models, new gas storage tank models ….
- New - Introduced lighting variations across the map for a more realistic look
- New - Added new towns and villages around new airfields
- Improved - Converted all Lighting to 2.8 standard for all our objects
- Improved - Added lighting variations across the map for a more realistic feel with light colour variation
- Improved - Improved video memory usage which should improve performance across the map
- Improved - Adjusted taxiway lighting at Puerto Williams
- Improved - Detail maps for the low level terrain have been improved for the whole map
- Improved - Existing towns around the airfields have been tweaked for a better look
- Improved - Updated the vegetation maps for 3/4 of the map (still WIP)
- Improved - Resolved forum reported surface triangulation around the Falklands Islands
- Improved - Changed the colour of all of the tracks across the map to be more in keeping with the region
- Improved - Fleshed out Rio Gallegos refuelling terminal
- Improved - Refined the Railway line from Rio Gallegos refuelling terminal
- Fixed - Map grid misaligned according to in game coords
- Fixed - Threshold lighting at El Calafate Airfield set to correct direction.
- Added - REIL lights at El Calafate Airfield runway 25
- Added - Various new models across the map, which include but are not limited to: New shipping container models, new gas storage tank models ....
- Normal maps cause a discolouration around the Falklands Islands Cliffs areas in certain parts
DCS Campaigns
P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Bomber formations updated
- Carpet bombing performance optimized
- Ice halo enabled
- More realistic turbulence levels
Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Bomber formations updated
- Carpet bombing performance optimized
- Ice halo enabled
- More ambient chatter added
- Radio procedures improved - you only check in with control over the Channel
- Ingress altitudes adjusted - flight lead will stay low and climb only over the Channel.
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Mission 10 workaround for JU88 AI crashing into ground units.
- Bomber formations updated
- More realistic turbulence levels
Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Bomber formations updated
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Bomber formations updated
- Ice halo enabled
- UK AAA improved
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Ice halo enabled
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- AI skill levels adjusted to better match the new AI BFM
- Improved AI breaks
- Fixed the landing checklist in the intro mission
- More realistic turbulence levels
- Bozo calls Speed & Angels instead of Jester
DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Ice halo enabled
- Recovery tanker functionality added to mission 1
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: Spitfire Beware! Beware! Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Intro mission progression fixed
- Ice halo enabled
- Increased bomber speeds to reduce AI glitches
- Carpet bombing performance optimized
- UK AAA improved
- The Bet mission - AI will now put up a fight
- More realistic turbulence levels
F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations
- Ice halo enabled
- More realistic turbulence levels
DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims
- Mission 1 - Adjusted Poodle AI behaviour.
- Mission 2 - Adjusted ATC zone to fix possibility of not being handed off if player is off course.
- Mission 7 - Adjusted AI behavior to avoid rare potential for mid-air collisions.
- Mission 11 - Fixed error in scoring incorrectly deducting points for hitting TOT.
DCS: F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badge633
- All Super Carrier versions: New Stennis model added.
DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633
- Mission 1 all versions: New Stennis model added.
- Mission 13: 420 not engaging fixed.
- Missions 3,4, 6 to 9 and 14: Launch radio call conflict avoided.