AGM-84H SLAM-ER suddenly climbs after launch at high speed and hits launcher-aircraft - fixed.
Fixed constant lead-angle guidance at high LOS angles for old API missiles.
Old API missiles sometimes can guide on client’s side without launcher radar illumination - fixed.
Crash when destroying a group leader while refueling wingmen - fixed.
Crash on RenderAPI - possibly fixed.
ME. Fixed historical mode for Leopards, VAB, Chieftain.
Added T155 Firtina SPG.
Crash caused by a static object (Single Helipad) gets destroyed via script - fixed.
AI aircraft. Fixed the crash of the game when an AI crash landed outside the airfield.
Crash in video driver after changing water quality between two mission launches - fixed.
ME. Fixed wrong RU КАБ-1500 names in the payloads window.
Fixed one of the reasons for the crash when restarting the mission.
DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3
Adjusted Cockpit IBL and Ellipsoid Reflection settings.
Moved 'Special Features' SPO-10 to core code.
Users will no longer need to select the corrected functioning RWR.
Improved RSBN dialing precision.
DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics
Сrash on pressing CPL Mode - Fixed
Fixed a crash when carrying a weapon that is not provided for this station.
SLAM-ER Climbs after launch and hits aircraft - Fixed
F-15C 16-2 Red Flag Campaign by ED. Overhauled.
Complete re-build of AI flights to ensure they execute their assigned mission and manage fuel in a more reasonable manner.
Added ‘air start’ option for players who would rather not fly the full departure. Select ‘Skip to Push Time’ from F10 comms menu to use.
Reduced radar usage by friendly AI flights. RWR activity should be more relevant and easier to follow.
Added several new radio calls to help build situational awareness
Added ‘kill removal and regeneration’ for players based on Red Flag procedures. Details are included in the new Campaign Guide.
Removed ‘mission success’ criteria from missions. Campaign will now advance automatically when ‘end mission’ is selected at the debriefing screen. If you wish to re-fly the mission, select ‘close’ instead.
Updated unit visibility options and routes to allow better use of the Mission Planner
Added new lineup card to kneeboard [RSHIFT+K]
Moved start time back 5-10 minutes on some missions to allow reasonably fuel-efficient departure while still making push time
Moved SAM and AAA threats to actual NTTR threat site locations
Replaced targets with actual NTTR target sites and layouts
Adjusted AI and player departure/recovery routes to match those used in 2016
Adjusted AI ‘Allied Flight’ radio calls to ensure only relevant information is provided. This requires ‘Allied Flight Reports’ to be enabled in DCS: World options.
Updated mission briefings to match mission plan and timing more closely. Also added illustrations where required.
Added new 50-page Campaign Guide
Updated weather to use new presets
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