In case you want to write a support ticket

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In case you want to write a support ticket

Read the FAQ for already answered questions

Please carefully read our Technical questions (FAQ) section before ticket submitting,
many questions were already answered! For many issues we have useful tips. Use site search. Thank you!

If you want to write to us via the support system, please describe the problem precisely. This is very important for us.

Here is the link to support:

If you have problems playing DCS World and how to collect log files

Very important DCS.LOG file for technical support

please attach a dcs.log file related to any issues from your C:\Users\<UserName>\Saved Games\DCS\Logs folder
to the message in the support system

Click to see how to find the dcs.log filedcs.logEN.gif

NOTE: this file can be named "dcs" if you have disabled the display of the filename extension in the windows explorer.

If your game is constantly crashes, please send us a pack of reports so that we can diagnose and fix the problem,
the FAQ about Crash Reporting Tool is here:

Additional Debug information in the dcs.log file

If we asked you to provide the dcs.log file with additional DEBUG information, after talking in the technical support ticket, please download autoexec.cfg file and place it into the folder C:\Users\<UserName>\Saved Games\DCS\Config
then start DCS World game and send us the new dcs.log file.

If you can't find the Logs folder, please use this hint:

Hit at the same time Win+R and copy-paste this:
%USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Logs
Enter - OK and you will see Log files in the folder.

Please watch a video made by BIGNEWY - How to find your logs folder and zip it

If you have a problem with DCS World updates, how to find files, links to the FAQ

Please provide us a log and config files from root DCS World folder:
..\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\autoupdate_log.txt
..\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\autoupdate.cfg

If you game folder located in other place, please find the files there.

If the DCS World can't start the update for several reasons, then we need the file autoupdate_templog.txt
from folder: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\
you can find this folder by hitting at the same time Win+R and copy-paste the path to Temp\DCS folder.

Please ZIP them to reduce a size of files.
a short guide on forums how to compress the Logs folder 

How to repair/cleanup or update DCS World?

Errors during DCS update, install, repair

How to get a DirectX Diagnostic file?

In most cases of the DCS problems we need DxDiag file:

1. click on "START"
2. click "run"
2.1. you can hit at the same time Win+R (instead of Start -> Run)
3. type in "dxdiag" and click "OK"
4. check through the tabs and perform all tests (!!)
5. click "Save all Information..." and save the text file to a location of your choice
6. attach this text file to new message in the ticket.

How to take a screen shot from DCS World?

How to take a screen shot from DCS World?

Hit the PrtScr button on the keyboard.
All in-game screenshots are saved automatically here:
C:\Users\<UserName>\Saved Games\DCS\Screenshots

More information about user DCS profile can be found here:

Tasklist while running DCS.exe

In some cases we want to know which the processes are running on PC directly while running DCS.exe

You need to start command prompt (CMD) and run this command :

tasklist | sort >%userprofile%\Desktop\process.txt

then find the file process.txt on Windows desktop and attach it to the support ticket  

WEB link:

DCS track file

How to save a track for support and future replay

Please fly the mission showing the problem. You always can set up your own quick mission to demonstrate the issue.
Then close the mission, during the debrief screen you can save track.
This track can be found in C:\Users\<User_name>\Saved Games\DCS\Tracks
For support, please attach this track and we will take a look into the issue.

In case we need a track file after crash

To do this, start a flight and wait a crash of the DCS World
Go to c:\Users\<User_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\
Find a file LastMissionTrack.trk 
Then attach this track to your message in support ticket

you can find this folder by hitting at the same time Win+R and copy-paste the path: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\

NOTE: If any files are over 2MB in size, you can use any internet drives or clouds to share with us

How to save a memory dump of dcs.exe process

If your problem is complicated and requires unusual methods of solving we can ask you to create a memory dump of dcs.exe process.
Please download and unpack Process Explorer utility from Microsoft (
This is more advanced task manager. Launch procexp.exe executable, agree with the license.
Then follow these steps:
- reproduce your problem with the game
- do not close DCS
- switch to the Process Explorer
- locate process dcs.exe in first column named processes and use mouse right-click
- in popup menu choose "Create Dump" -> "Create Minidump"
- choose folder to save minidump file to
- send us created minidump file
- If this file will be more than 2MB you can use any Internet drives or clouds to share it with us.

Once you have used "process explorer", it can be easily deleted after all operations.