DCS terrains

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DCS terrains

Terrain installation

First and foremost, you must have purchased DCS Terrain, any of them can be installed to DCS World.
You can buy the map in our E-Shop: DCS Terrains
Once you have DCS installed log on to the module manager in game, your purchased terrain should be available for download.

If not, please check your purchase is bound to your ED account here using the license check.

Transferring modules to another drive

It often happens due to the large size of modules for DCS World, there is not enough free space on the drive to install new modules.

If we have two or more drives installed on our system, we have the option to separately transfer large modules to another drive using symbolic links for folders in Windows.

How to transfer a module to another drive using the example of the Caucasus map included in the free game DCS World:

For example, the game is installed: D:\Games\DCS World (OpenBeta) and we additionally have drive E.

1. Create a folder on the E drive, for example DCS World Modules.
2. Move the Caucasus folder located: D:\Games\DCS World\Mods\terrains to drive E into the DCS World Modules folder.
2.1. After moving the Caucasus folder, make sure that it is not in the D:\Games\DCS World\Mods\terrains folder.
3. We launch the command prompt (cmd) as administrator, for this we execute the command through the Start menu. Right-click - Start - Run: write cmd and click OK.
4. In the console window that appears, write the command: mklink /J "D:\Games\DCS World\Mods\terrains\Caucasus" "E:\DCS World Modules\Caucasus"
5. Check if a link to the Caucasus folder appears in the terrains folder.

Allow symlinks on Windows:

If, for some reason, we get the error "The symbolic link cannot be followed because its type is disabled" open a command prompt as administrator and enter the command: fsutil behavior set SymlinkEvaluation L2L:1 R2R:1 L2R:1 R2L:1

How to install the terrain (map) without Internet on PC ? (or traffic issues on PC)

Due to the rather large volume of the simulator (especially true with the release of maps of Nevada) there are often questions on the quick add module, which is already downloaded on another computer. "Frontal" way of copying might work, but sooner or later it will end up in a complete reinstall. 

How to properly and safely do this:

1. Copy the existing module to any temporary location, preserving the folder structure of simulator (for example, E:\DCSCopy\Mods\terrains\Nevada). 
2. Create in the root directory of the DCS simulator the text file with the title: dcs_local_source.txt
3. The contents of the file is the path to a temporary directory, in this case (UTF-8!): E:\DCSCopy\Mods\terrains\Nevada
4. Run DCS World, go to module Manager and start installation of Nevada terrain. The Updater will find your existing files, compare the version numbers, download all the required and will install it correctly.
5. After installation of Nevada on second PC, you can delete the temporary directory.