Stable changelog

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Stable changelog
DCS - 22.07.2024
DCS - 11.07.2024
DCS - 05.06.2024
DCS - 22.05.2024
DCS - 03.05.2024
DCS - 15.04.2024
DCS - 12.04.2024
DCS - 10.04.2024
DCS - 22.02.2024
DCS - 29.11.2023
DCS - 02.08.2023
DCS - 05.05.2023
DCS - 27.12.2022
DCS - 05.10.2022
DCS - 08.09.2022
DCS - 04.08.2022
DCS - 27.05.2022
DCS - 08.04.2022
DCS - 09.02.2022
DCS - 30.12.2021
DCS - 03.11.2021
DCS - 01.10.2021
DCS - 18.08.2021
DCS - 14.07.2021
DCS - 25.06.2021
DCS - 11.06.2021
DCS - 05.03.2021
DCS - 04.01.2021
DCS - 25.12.2020
DCS - 09.10.2020
DCS - 24.07.2020
DCS - 28.05.2020
DCS - 12.04.2020
DCS - 23.12.2019
DCS - 15.11.2019
DCS - 10.09.2019
DCS - 26.08.2019
DCS - 10.07.2019
DCS - 26.06.2019
DCS - 15.05.2019
DCS - 03.04.2019
DCS - 20.02.2019
DCS - 06.02.2019
DCS - 25.01.2019
DCS - 12.12.2018
DCS - 31.10.2018
DCS - 17.10.2018
DCS - 29.09.2018
DCS - 19.09.2018
DCS - 07.09.2018
DCS - 27.06.2018
3 apr
DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM Simulations is now available.
DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations.
Introduced of the DCS Dedicated Server.

DCS World
  • Static objects linked to a parent object with offset fixation will ow rotate with the parent object (i.e. static objects on an aircraft carrier).
  • AI combat vehicles. Buildings and allied units in the the line of sight prevents weapon fire.
  • MP. Multiple clients will not spawn in the same location on the CVN-74 deck.
  • Fixed bug that could potentially cause SFM aircraft to explode at spawn.
  • Improved performance of some scripting functions.
  • Open mission/track panels. Added ability to sort files by typing by first letter of the file name.
  • Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event , as result - aircraft destroyed in the middle of self activity which result crash on next line after posting event.
  • Aircraft AI. Fixed crash caused by the bingo fuel landing at aircraft carrier.
  • JTAC will now not report Rapier as SA-2.
  • ME. Ground units. Added different colors for detection and engagement range rings.
  • ME. Deleted non-functional PLANNING CARGO indicator from aircraft payload menu.
  • MP. The glass in the cockpit will be transparent, not black, during texture loading after spawning into the cockpit.
  • MP. Some tuning of Server options panel.
  • MP. Client aircraft disappears, if he disconnects from the server on pause and joins back, fixed.
  • Mi-8MTV2 and UH-1H AI helicopters. Onboard gunners are implemented. From now the AI gunners will engage different types of threats within their (gunners') weapons range.
  • Airborne troops can embarking to second helicopter after disembarking from the first one.
  • ME. Corrected an enabling checkbox of Sand storm setting.
  • Scripts. Fixed frequent crash with mission scripting - script trying to destroy aircraft when aircraft trigger some event.
  • AI KC-130 will not taxiing reverse after refueling.
  • Input axis binding causes UI "freeze" and Lua error in dcs.log fixed.
  • MP. Increased timeouts to 10 minutes.
  • ME. Triggers. Added new field to message action with delay message in seconds.
  • Fixed a crash when player left aircraft for AI control with scheduled two identical failures, which caused them to mess.
  • Fixed a crash if player ejects himself in the middle of refueling procedure.
  • Dedicated server. Log update now checks if lifecycle is enabled.
  • Dedicated server. File selector: 'Saved Games' topmost folder. Only show relative path from it.
  • R-27R and R-27T DLZ is corrected.
  • Black screen flickering on the some video cards fixed.
  • Fixed crash when use trigger "Start player seat lock" with incorrect number.
  • Ship's cruise missiles. Fixed a wrong launch orientation of missile.
  • ME. Corrected unit templates: Hawk SAM Battery standard and Hawk SAM Battery reinforced, S-300, Patriot. Corrected name of Rapira position.

  • Weapon positions fixed
  • Cockpit internal lighting improved
  • Mission 1 and Mission 12 updates in the Campaign
  • Weapon positions fixed

  • Weapon positions fixed
  • MPCD Transparency background fix
  • KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
  • Bitching Betty sounds upgraded
  • Cockpit internal lighting improved
  • Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
  • Previous fixes now added:
    -Weapon positions fixed
    -MPCD Transparency background fix
    -KC-135 MPRS wingtip vortices position fixed
    -Ground Proximity Warning System enabled
  • Tpod Point track issue Fixed
  • ASL line behavior fixed
  • Fuel Probe Model Changed
  • Training Missions Updated
  • Fuel Probe Model Adjusted to match real airframe
  • DMT can now track moving targets
  • MPCD Brightness control enabled

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Improved textures of cockpit structure and front panel
  • Fixed canopy textures
  • Fixed pilot textures
  • All liveries are now also accessible to users that do not own the module
  • Fixed engine failure due to ice accretion
  • Added the following failures:
    Engine flameout with relight
    Engine flameout without relight
    Engine anti-ice failure
    Chip in oil (including engine damage accumulation if engine is mishandled)
    GS and LOC signal failures
    VOR, TACAN, DME, ADF and radio altimeter failures
    Pitch trim runaway - Nose up
    Pitch trim runaway - Nose down
    Control stick pitch trim switch failure
    Control stick aileron trim switch failure
    Rudder trim failure
    Left gear extension fault
    Left gear retraction fault
    Right gear extension fault
    Right gear retraction fault
    Nose gear extension fault
    Nose gear retraction fault
    Flaps fault
  • Front and rear cockpits synchronization in multiplayer (multicrew):
    Fixed dc bus tie and engine anti-ice syncs
    Added fuel valve, submerged pump and fuselage fuel quantity syncs
    Added partially functioning transfer pumps and start-up sequence syncs
    Fixed fuel pumps synchronization
  • Fixed refueling on ground (Still WIP, can only refuel up to 97% and cannot defuel)
  • Added buffet vibration and sound, due to high angle of attack, high g-force or high airspeed.
  • Fixed refuelling and defuelling processes.
  • Solved issue with engine shutdown at high altitudes when moving throttle in a slightly abrupt way.
  • Added Force Feedback.
  • Fixed emergency fuel lever full travel. It now reaches the max position.
  • Improved buffet. It now vibrates depending not only in G load but also in AoA at high G loads.
  • Added new ejection seat to external model.
  • Added synchronization of the following systems to multicrew:
    -Canopy (partially working)
    -Radios priority
    -Navigation priority
    -VOR/TCN selector
    -HSI course/heading selector
    -Fuel test
    -Emergency air brake
    -Emergency landing gear deployment (working partially, only front cockpit)
  • Updated CN localization.
  • Solved issue with telebriefing dimmer moving ADF intercom button.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Introduction of new pilots and associated textures.

DCS Fw 190 D-9
  • ME, payload. Corrected the order of hardpoints.
  • The asymmetrical loadouts in the ingame payload panel are not possible now.
  • The sensitivity of rotaries EZ42 Gunsight Target Distance Control and EZ42 Gunsight Altitude Aiming Correction Adjusting Knob I is decreased for fine tuning.

DCS Bf 109 K-4
  • Corrected the parking places in the Taxi and Takeoff training mission.

  • MIDS with Link 16 datalink functionality was added
  • Situational Awareness (SA) page basic functionality was added: MSI symbology, PPLI, F/F, and SURV tracks, EW symbols, air defense zones, TUC data, chaff/flares data, waypoints and route, and Sensor subpage
  • IFF was improved: possibility to interrogate target on RDR page with no radar lock
  • Link 16 capable AI aircraft were improved to interact with F/A-18C
  • NCTR function was added
  • Corrected Hornet 1989-OCA.miz
  • Turn rate indication on ADI page was fixed
  • HARM Target of Opportunity (TOO) mode was added
  • Some minor fixes in HARM SP mode
  • Tone for HARM handoff in SP mode was added
  • WYPT indication on HUD will not jumps when heading goes through zero.
  • Switching DDI's from left to right will not causes loss of contacts.
  • On the SA page, the TDC will always be displayed as priority and "over" other symbols.
  • SA TDC will be yellow color.
  • Fixed bug that can caused to ghost contacts on SA page in multiplayer.
  • SA page. Locked donor will be marked star symbol.
  • Only a contact determined as hostile (red, chevron), will have a diamond TD marker on the HUD.
  • Fixed uncommanded roll with crosswind.
  • Added HARM TD box on HUD.
  • F/A-18C. The TDC will be always displayed as priority and "over" other symbols on the SA page.
  • F/A-18C. AGM-65 and AGM-88 don't disappear from stations 2 & 8 after fired fixed.
  • Corrected heading values on radar page.
  • F/A-18C missions: added HARM instant action mission, added more threats, added Hornet Nevada mission, updated sound trigger, updated SAMs, added waypoints, Added Hornet low alt recce mission for Normandy map, added new Hornet instant action caucasus mission, added voice-overs. Added French, Korean and Russian localization. Updated for datalink. The big part of Instant Action missions relocated to the Single missions.
  • SA page with large number of threats will not causes significant FPS hit.
  • Hostile identification on SA fixed (WIP).
  • INS alignment procedure fixed (WIP).
  • Added initial Latent Track While Scan (LTWS) mode
  • Missing AGM-65F timing after re-arming is restored.
  • Correct sequence of bombs release from double rack.
  • Optimization of afterburner nozzles animation.
  • Folded wings produce bug on 2nd and other LODs fixed.
  • INS set correctly on Autostart.
  • INS alignment fixed.
  • Updates to IFF and datalink to include interrogation of already locked target

DCS Flaming Cliffs
  • MiG-29. RPM hangs at 100% if player moves throttle from max to medium position at supersonic speeds is fixed.
  • Su-33. Training lessons from Simon Pearson added.
  • Su-33. Fixed small jumps on carrier spawn.

  • Corrected some cockpit materials: radar indicator, gunsight glass, pilot textures.

  • Added chinese manual.

DCS MiG-15bis
  • Added chinese manual.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed flight model not reacting to damage values.

DCS Campaigns
A-10C Basic Flight Training (BFT) Campaign:
BFT08 - Corrected Manual Reversion oscillations.
BFT10 - Corrected altitude triggers. Added F10 Nav Point references for VR.
The Enemy Within 3.0
Mission 02: Updated radio settings for the wingman (35.5 FM).
Mission 04: Small adjustments and bug fixes for radio system. Updated laser code in the kneeboard.
Mission 05: Fixed bug where sometimes the RTB conversation wouldn't be played. Wingman will no longer speak after he has been shot down.
Mission 12: Updated timing of some voiceovers.
Mission 16: Fixed bug where HVA would be destroyed even if player killed all enemy units.
Mission 18: Fixed rare bug when some players would not hear comms with Overlord.
Black Shark 2 Republic Campaign. Structure of campaign changed. Minor changes in missions.
L-39 Kursant campaign. Changed banking around targets.
Mi-8MTV2 Oilfield: 16th mission, place of emergency landing of 325th moved to the clean place.
TEW 3.0 by Baltic Dragon
Mission 13: Updated positions of some enemy units to decrease difficulty a little. Fixed occasional bug with allied helos not landing on the roof - now they will land beside the main building.
M-2000C Red Flag by Baltic Dragon
Mission 06: Updated F-14 model and loadout. Reduced skill of Aggressor Phantoms.
Mission 11: Updated triggers for Hawg flights - they should RTB when task is complete. If AI flights crash after mission complete it won't affect the score.

20 feb
DCS World
  • JTAC has very short designation range - range is increased.
  • Added binocular with laser to units that assigned for JTAC task.
  • BDA setting can be enforced now from server to clients.
  • AIM-9X: AIs will not use the missile to engage targets well outside the range of the missile.
  • AGM-65: Missiles launched from sides of Triple Rack will have proper trajectory.
  • Fixed crash related to BGM-109 Tomahawk usage.
  • AI’s Su-33 will be able to take off from deck of Kuznetsov with proper weight.
  • MP Server. Slightly corrected the banned list window.
  • MP Server. Fixed gradual performance loss when there’s no sound card.
  • ME. Armament HMMWV added to Georgia
  • ME. Soldiers added to Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
  • ME. Added Cuba to country list.
  • Kazakhstan Air Force will speak in Russian, not English.
  • MiG-29A. Added Kazakhstan KazAADF 2008 skin by Asker Askerov.
  • Radar missile usage crash fixed.
  • Wingmen air refueling crash fixed.
  • Ground units - crash on recon mode fixed.
  • Missile launch warning system crash fixed.
  • Aircraft Big formations. Crash appearing in case of destruction of the leading flight is fixed.
  • Fixed crash when switching maps.
  • Function "onPlayerTryConnect" now send correct message to a client when connection has been refused.
  • ME. Fixed issue with Cuba country that replacing the Third Reich
  • Helicopter special troops: On the helicopter there is no menu for embarking commandos if the first commando in the group is killed.

  • Added Overwing Vapor
  • External model updated

  • Fixed: NRAS Cannot be entered and does not display NRAS cue.
  • Fixed: Pitch Caret can not be changed on the ODU.
  • Fixed Helmet decal showing on the visor and oxygen mask of the pilot

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed pilots' textures showing on 3D mesh.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed collision lines' naming convention.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Fixed MPR power as a function of altitude (MPR doesn't decrease power at high altitude anymore).
  • Added oil pressure drop when engine damaged.
  • Added C-101CC engine fire when damaged.
  • Improved engine failure when damaged.
  • Rudder, aileron, elevator, horizontal stabilizer, flaps and speed brake flight model damage implemented.
  • Added engine fire for C-101CC to flight model damages.
  • Batteries, inverters, generator, starter, engine oil leak, engine fire, hydraulic leak, gunsight lamps flight model damage implemented (WIP).
  • Fixed wheels damaged collision model.
  • Added batteries and inverters destruction when the nose detaches.
  • Added generator destruction when engine section is damaged.
  • Added aerodynamic drag increase when nose is teared.
  • Added starter destruction due to engine section damage.
  • Fixed IFR mission #2, which was broken due to new advanced flight model.
  • Added failures set in Mission Editor (WIP) for: generator, starter, batteries, inverters, oil pressure drop, fuel leak, engine seized, hydraulic leak, elevator loss, aileron loss, rudder loss, pitot tube blocked, static port blocked and gunsight lamps failure.
  • Front-rear cockpits synchronization in multiplayer: fixed batteries isolation pushbuttons, added essential circuit transfer, added engine anti-ice and engine computer pushbuttons (partially), fixed pitch trim synchronization (partially).
  • Fixed hydraulic pressure in AFM. It's now zero at cold start and increases/decreases during engine start/stop or crank.
  • Added PART. METAL. (CHIP DETECT) warning light to C-101EB.
  • Crank will not work if there is starter failure.
  • Pilot’s arm patches are not visible when pilot body is not showing.
  • Rework on aircraft numerals (changed color for Chilean numeral).
  • Fixed Spanish patches for Matacan and Claex skins.
  • Engine seizure after some time with low oil pressure or mishandling in that condition.
  • Improved pilot liveries for default skin.
  • Added kneeboard to pilot model.
  • Altimeter indication freeze if pitot tube and static ports are blocked.
  • Changed name: Gunsight lamps failure.

  • TOT HUD indicator is reversed - fixed.
  • BRA bearing should not change based on azimuth setting
  • When the player selects a different radar azimuth setting, the BRA bearing will not changing.
  • Added Realistic/Unrealistic TDC Slew option for compensate issue with hardware TDC of the Thrustmaster Warthog.
  • Fixed High Drag Bomb Fuze Errors.
  • Fixed some errors in the Early Access Guide.
  • Adjusted pullup cue and Break X logic.
  • Corrected unguided weapons accuracy.

  • Spring Tension Campaign:13th miz - Mi-28 doesn't attack targets - fixed.

DCS Spitfire IX
  • Cockpit. Corrected Pitot heat switch marking.
  • The glass material of canopy will not be detached from the canopy frame.

Persian Gulf Map
  • Al Dhafra Airbase. Player will able to call the Rearming and refuel panel even from the farthest parking.

  • The Enemy Within 3 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:
    Mission 01- corrected typo in coordinates given by Overlord (text).
    Mission 04 - corrected rare bug where Axeman would send radio messages after being killed, corrected F10 menu items not disappearing when they should, corrected some overlaping radio messages.
  • F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign by Mapple Flag. Some minor briefing text updates and unit repositioning.

6 feb
Introduced new campaign The Enemy Within 3.0 by Baltic Dragon

DCS World
  • Helicopter-borne infantry (descent). Corrected calculating total number of troops.
  • ME. Effects on the map will be have an option to be hidden.
  • AI vehicles. Vehicles will sink if they are destroyed when swimming on the water.
  • ME. Triggers. The trigger condition “missile in zone” will contains the SS-N-2 Silkworm anti ship missile in the list.
  • Su-25T. Corrected Shkval training mission.
  • AI helicopter will not be landing to the landing area that was occupied by player.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude LLC
  • Added missing alpha channel to pilot’s patch texture.
  • Fixed more cockpit typos.
  • Fixed more typos in manual.
  • Updated sounds.
  • Improvements in suspension.
  • Added Chinese text to training missions.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude LLC
  • Fixed canopy ejectors from showing while it is open.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Damage model affects now to Flight Model (WIP). For now, you can see: Balance and yaw moments and lift and drag forces, due to the loss of parts of the wings. Engine fire (only EB).
  • Fix in damage model: Parts that are detached do not appear now duplicated, that is, connected to the airplane body at the same time.
  • Added pylons damage model.
  • Fixed N1, N2 and ITT indication with MPR in C-101CC.
  • Added patch to left arm of pilots (it was missing).
  • Fixed AGA patches.
  • Fixed patches of internal model.

DCS Combined Arms
  • Laser ranger has been fixed for binocular view.

DCS F/A-18C Hornet
  • Fix of stores weight calculation in MCc (LAU-61 rockets add absurd amount of weight).
  • Unable to step through all GBUs loaded, Incorrect release sequence are fixed.
  • AIM-7 will lose semi active radar guidance when the f-18C is hit and enters 360 spin.
  • Fixed crash when cycle between CAP-9 and TST pod.
  • Unable to select BRA with no A/A Waypoint Selected is fixed.
  • Radar page BRA and A/A Waypoint Color Error is fixed.

DCS Flaming Cliffs
  • Mig-29A/S/G Landing light animation tuned.
  • Su-25 Revanche campaign adapted to DCS 2.5.4. Corrected weather, time of start, triggers, force balance and payloads.

  • A-10C Operation Piercing Fury. Bugfix of mission 08.
  • M2000 Red Flag Campaign. Mission 10 and 11. Fixed third flight of A-10Cs that were stuck during taxiing.
  • CA Georgia Campaign. Fixes include visibility of some units. Added and updated some VOs. Fixed some typos. Other fixes.
  • Ultimate Argument: F-4E replaced by A-10C - fixed.
25 jan
WWII Update:
Introduced DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
Introduced an improved of Bf 109, Fw 190, P-51D and Spitfire IX cockpits and external models.
Added another version of the P-51D Mustang: P-51D-25-NA. This version has different IFF and radio equipment.

Support of new campaign - P-51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations.

Note: Regarding the VEAO Hawk, the developer has ceased supporting their product. We will though continue to make available the 2.5.3 updater for those that wish to fly this product.

DCS World
  • Corrected blue fog color.
  • Gas Platforms and Oil Rigs can now be placed on ground (not only in water) in the Mission Editor.
  • ME. Triggers. Action "RADIOITEM ADD TO coalition or group" visible for all is fixed.
  • ME. The Zone that is property of the task сontinue to be displayed on the map after changing the task is fixed.
  • ME. Part of the tab "Naval group" continues to be displayed after closing is fixed.
  • The SU-17M4 loadout has 2 entries for MER*6 FAB-100 – one of these is redundant and was deleted.
  • AGM-65. Search and lock ranges was increased based on launch altitude.
  • Encyclopedia. Fixed incorrect description for BetAB-500 bombs.
  • Su-33 AI. Late activated Su-33 causing game crash is fixed.
  • ATC Request for Takeoff Error - no clearance for takeoff fixed at hold short check from 80 meters instead 30+30 is fixed.
  • Forcing the civilian traffic options within the mission options screen has no effect when in the simulation - fixed.
  • MP. Ban functionality in server UI (WIP).
  • Added P-51D to Greece.
  • AGM-88. Adjusted missile position on LAU-118 launcher.
  • Sound disappear after off and using cancel on settings is fixed.
  • T.Flight Hotas: user can't assign any command is fixed.
  • Fixed glitch on some video cards when pixel color is less than zero.
  • Sea shelf objects will be available as suppliers.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect fog covering and ground explosion effect.
  • Fixed crash with mission reloading when cursor was forced with Alt+C.
  • Fixed crash with mission reloading when shell smoke tail was present in air at this time
  • Crash on group destroy with engine shutdown event is fixed.
  • Crash on mission reload with active scripting timers is fixed.
  • ME. Fixed bug with Ammo tab of Naval group that changing on tab to Route in some situations.
  • Input. Fixed bug that caused black screen after reassign input and press OK button.
  • MP. Fixed aircraft jumping back on heavy packet loss.
  • MP. Fixed aircraft rubber-banding when recovering from packet loss.
  • VR. Fix glitch (large white area ) when high pixel density value selected.
  • VR. Possible fix for Samsung Odyssey crosseyed picture.
  • VR: One eye image blinks when water set to High is fixed.
  • ME. FOG checkbox doesn't set when weather preset with fog selected is fixed.
  • Fixed crash if tank has been destroyed while shooting.
  • AIM-7. Loft trajectory corrected. Arm delay increased for safe launch.
  • MP. AIM-7. Net phantom (client side) of missile always flies straight ahead fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet
  • Added Laser-guided bombs GBU-10/12/16.
  • Added air show smoke for Hornet. New loadout option and key command added.
  • Added BRAA (enabled on Radar/DATA) and AA Waypoint (Bullseye), set on HSI/DATA page with indications on and attack radar page.
  • Added AGM-65F SHIP Mode.
  • Cockpit textures updated to include fixed normal map issue on the left DDI.
  • Ripple Single/Ripple Salvo fixed.
  • VACQ and GACQ symbol on HUD fixed.
  • Updated F/A-18C RU manual by Vortex.
  • We are adding updated tones for the AIM-9X, but they are not complete in this Open Beta version.
  • We are in the process of adding more realistic fuse options for MUFZ and EFUZ, including functional delayed fuse options. These are work in progress for this Open Beta.
  • AGM-65F axis slew for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle mini-stick is a hardware issue that we cannot resolve due to the same switch being used for two actions at the same time. We are investigating an option to allow slew without TDC press.
  • A couple datalink pages have been added to this Open Beta, but these are largely non-functional as we create the larger data link system for the Hornet.
  • Corrected wrong VVI indication on HUD
  • Crash when using Weapon.getDesc() on an Aim-7F from event handler is fixed.
  • Removed GBU-16 dual carry on BRU-33.
  • Added Instant Action Missions:
  • Caucasus FA-18C AGM-65F Maverick Practice
  • Caucasus FA-18C Paveway II Laser Guided Bombs Practice
  • Caucasus FA-18C River Run
  • Persian Gulf FA-18 Strike Fighter
  • Added HARM delivery in the Self Protect mode.
  • Fixed DUD cue for GPB/LGB.
  • Fixed FOV of AGM-65E.
  • Fixed TDC slew of AGM-65F.
  • Radar ACM modes switching corrected.
  • Missing Leading Edge Extension (LEX) Vapors restored.
  • Added COLOR option to Radar, DATA sub-level.
  • Added Maverick TTMR and IN RNG (in range) cues when seeker slaved to Waypoint Designated (WPDSG) point.
  • Added new, more accurate AIM-9X sounds.
  • Fixed AGM-65E target lock issue.
  • F/A-18C training - lesson 12 AIM-9. Default language will be EN not RU.
  • F/A-18C training - lesson 15 Rockets. Corrected an failure where RU was the default locale.
  • F/A-18C. Update of the french Hornet manual.

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM
  • Added new Pilot (Ejection).
  • Added new Pilot in Seat (Ejection).
  • Added new Pilot in Cockpit.
  • Added new Pilot Uniform variations for Liveries.
  • Updated Liveries Description.Lua.
  • Updated all aircraft models.
  • Updated Cockpit to have Shadow Casting.
  • Removed older Livery variations from Liveries Folder to main texture folder.
  • Removed VR Pilot temporally to start integration of new more Accurate 3D Scanned VR Pilot.
  • Changed pilot model and textures.
  • Changed texture names from and to .dds.
  • Fix Light Texture bugs.
  • Fixed Easy Radio bugs, allowing use of Radio panel and SR Radio
  • Fixed English cockpit modelling issue
  • Fixed reversed Head movement of exterior pilot
  • Added new animation process for Instrument controls
  • Added new animation process Switches and Knobs
  • Fixed the pilot's animation of arm in full forward movement
  • Fixed visor showing when ejected
  • Fixed Sun glare showing on cockpit instruments
  • Fixed minor problem with Roughmet texture on the Vertical RWR
  • M07: removed the Hercules causing problems with taxiing
  • M10: corrected AI behaviour and fixed bug where bandits would crash one into another
  • M12: changed the starting time to 9am
  • Updated M2000C Afterburner effect

  • Sidearm lock now breaks immediately after a target is destroyed.
  • Sidearm selected/Still fires a gun pod fixed.
  • Step logic and button is fixed.
  • Erroneous MAV information on MCPD.
  • MAVs reticles do not change color when changing polarity.
  • INRNG seems to be visible for MAV at this point.
  • Pushing step and then changing weapons carried over to next weapon.
  • Having an ITER pylon does not block step logic for other weapons.
  • Changed texture names from and to .dds.
  • Updated Cockpit to have Shadow Casting.
  • Fixed Button 5 on UFC, wrong argument.
  • Fix Light Texture bugs.
  • Added new animation process for Instrument controls
  • Added new animation process Switches and Knobs
  • Added New Pilot
  • Added New Pilot Patches
  • Added new helmet HGU-68/P to AV8B pilot with normal and Roughmet.
  • Changed Luas in Livery folder for new Pilot
  • Released M02 and M17 for harrier (trainings)
  • Fixed Easy Radio bugs, allowing use of Radio panel and SR Radio
  • Fixed spring loaded switches not working correctly
  • Fixed Chaff & Flares release when EXP switch is OFF
  • Corrected thrust calculations at low to mid engine power
  • Corrected relation to pitch trim to stabilator throw
  • Modified ASL behavior. Now it runs parallel to the pitch ladder

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Rb04 and Rb15 should now target civilian boats (scenery) in Persian Gulf.
  • Changed the radar gain axis command to use the full axis range [-1,1] (was [0,1]).
  • Added BK-90 Preplanned target tutorial.
  • Improved performance during radar usage at long range.
  • Fixed missing texture for Rb75/T/B
  • Fixed issues with kneeboard. Some cosmetic issues still remaining.
  • Kneeboard now displays flight-plan of selected data cartridge.
  • Flight plans created in F10 map now supports adding time and speed, ie “B2 0.8” for Mach 0.8 or “M4 12:35:10” for time-on-target thirty five minutes and ten seconds past noon. Force speed works like it does in the Mission Editor, and not like in CK37, so setting a speed on B2 will have it use that speed from B1 to B2 and after, similar to setting speed on B1 manually in CK37.
  • Manual update, RC2

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • C-101CC Flyable
  • EFM for C-101 EB and C-101CC. Note: Early Beta Version.
  • Multiplayer- Now you can take control in rear cockpit. Some system works (Gear, Flaps,Stick, Pedals). WIP.
  • LAU-131 with M257 rockets (parachute illumination) does work now.
  • Payload does not remain in same position when the wing is detached.
  • Improved pilots’ animation and textures.
  • Fixed liveries folder structure.
  • Fixed ADI gauge glass.
  • Fixed issue with engine stopping when there is tail wind.
  • Fixed Sidewinder pylon.
  • Implemented MPR switch and corresponding light.
  • Fixed smoke system icons in ME payload page. They are now visible again.
  • Added C-101CC kneeboard (WIP) with tables for TACAN-DME channels and paired frequencies.
  • Fixed both EB and CC kneeboards.
  • Added localizer indication to C-101CC ADI.
  • Updated DEFA 553 shells (30mm instead of 12.7mm).
  • Fixed GS arm and capture modes of FD. It now keeps ALT mode longer, until GS deviation is closer to zero. No fly-up commands anymore at ILS capture.
  • Stall warning does not sound now with tailwind on ground, only when test is performed.
  • AoA indicator needle in C-101CC does not move with tailwind on ground, only when test is performed.
  • Reduced adverse yaw effect.
  • Increased yaw moment dampening.
  • Fixed ITT instrument marks in C-101CC. (Engine instruments indications are WIP).
  • Replaced Fast Erect label with Gyro Platform label in C-101CC rear cockpit.
  • Updated C-101EB kneeboard, and added C-101CC kneeboard with specific checklist and data, as well as table with TACAN-DME channels and paired frequencies.
  • Updated CC kneeboard with TACAN-DME tables.
  • Fixed digits in altimeter Kollsman window of C-101CC.
  • Removed Air Brake Toggle from control inputs.
  • Updated C-101CC kneeboard with an additional depression table for bombs employment.

DCS: F-86F Sabre
  • Updated the English Flight Manual.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • R-3x missile performance adjusted.
  • Calibrated altimeter’s precision.
  • Updated weapons’ panel texture (‘Easy Weapons’ option)
  • Updated radar ‘JAM’ texture.
  • Fixed shaking pitot while the aircraft is stationary.
  • Fixed track replay.

DCS Yak-52
  • Large FPS difference from 2 Blade to 3 Blade prop fixed.

  • Assertion and crash when UH-1H main rotor is damaged are fixed.

  • Correct mass calculation in rearm menu.

  • Su-33. Corrected unnatural camera shaking when wings folded.

  • M-2000 Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon. Added RU locale (texts and images).
  • F-15C: The Georgian War campaign by Baltic Dragon. It includes the following changes:
    M2 - increased the volume of some audio files.
    M3 - Added stop condition to prevent Su-24s from re-attacking ground targets after bugging out (edited).
    M6 - Su-25Ts will no longer engage AWACS.
    M8 - enemy MiGs will now stay on station and not land too early.
    M10 - Corrected timing on radio chatter between WP3 & 4
    M11 - Adjusted flight path to prevent AI Su-27 crashing. Removed inactive MiG-31. Restricted Ground attack for wingman
    M12 - Yak-40 will be destroyed if damaged by hostile fighters
    M16 - Adjusted default flight formation. Silenced AI Hip radio calls. Corrected duplicate VO
  • L-39 Kursant campaign. Corrected missions of stage 6.
  • P-51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney. Removed the "player alive" success condition. Updated some docs.
  • Mi-8MTV2 The Border Campaign. Corrected mission 8 (Radio Hunt) where group of Mi-24 can not landing.
  • M-2000C Red Flag Campaign.
    Mission 03: removed static F-15 blocking taxi route for Monster (UK Tornado).
    Mission 10: fixed behaviour of AI F-5 and M-2000 so that they engage instead of landing.
    A-10C Stone Shield. Adapting mission files under DCS 2.5.
  • Museum Relic Campaign. Numerous performance changes made to both campaigns.

12 dec
Added support of new campaign - Combined Arms: Frontlines Georgia.

DCS World
  • Restored the missing debriefing after instant action mission.
  • AI aircraft climb to a very high altitude when attacking armor units with bombs - fixed.
  • AI ground. Not-activated truck can rearm the ground forces if it is visible (not hidden in the ME).
  • ME. Task 'go to waypoint' will work correctly with the stop condition.
  • Fixed issue with DCS freezing on start in some conditions.
  • MP. All information about servers with a large number of slots and clients (40+) will now be visible in the list of servers.
  • Sound. Improved fade out of sounds with distance.
  • AI F-86F. Will not use radar ranger for long range search.
  • AI F-86F. Fixed bug that bring to ground collision in the rocket attack.
  • A-10C & F/A-18C. AWACS aircraft do not call out enemy locations till the player’s comms menu is opened to AWACS - fixed.
  • Radio commands given by the player when a radio message from the AI is playing do not go through - fixed.
  • Multimonitor configurations. GUI dropboxes will not break away from their place on the main display to the other displays.
  • SA-2 unable to engage high altitude targets - fixed.
  • F-4E Iran. Added skin by Sadjad_Vosoul (ISAAC).
  • С-130 Iran. Added 2 skins by Sadjad_Vosoul (ISAAC).
  • Added SAM SA-15 Tor to Iran.
  • ME. Implemented ship livery selection.
  • Ground AI will be reposition itself if the current target exit from his fire angle.
  • Radar Mys-M1 (Silkworm HY-2 surveillance radar) is integrated. The ASM battery will be receive targeting from Mys-M1
  • surveillance radar. If the radar destroyed the ASM battery will be not functional.
  • Stennis carrier. The helicopter in takeoff position will not block all AI operations on the deck.
  • AI fighters with TWS and multiple launch capability will not use F-pole maneuver if they decided for multiple launch for several bandits. This was done so that the targets did not leave the radar's field of view.
  • MP. Banned user will get message about his ban and reason.
  • MP. Fixed the client's serverlist update when shutting down the server.
  • TrackIR works always, despite of control settings - fixed.
  • Hawk MPQ-55 will be marked as HK on Western RWR systems.
  • Fixed crash when a bridge without pillars is destroyed.
  • AI fighters will use an AIM-120C first instead of using the shorter ranged AIM-120B.
  • AI vehicles. Supplies truck added for all countries.
  • AI vehicles. Added M60 MBT to USA.
  • China Asset Pack. Completed Navy liveries (054A: 25 skins, 052B: 2 skins, 052C: 6 skins)
  • China Asset Pack. Updated KJ-2000 external model shape
  • The AI Su-34 will no longer self-destruct when dropping a KAB-500S.
  • Fixed an MP issue where static objects with number greater than 501 would not be visible to clients.
  • Added coalition management of countries in the Mission Editor via arrows keyboard keys.
  • Debriefing. Target for some SAMs and ASM HY-2 were displayed as null (0) or nothing in the debriefing.
  • When scripting the Mission Editor function StaticObject.destroy() is run on cargo objects, the cargo was not removed from the perspective of clients.
  • Corrected Su-24 level of detail such that it does not disappear.

  • Introduced JHMCS.
  • Introduced FPAS.
  • Introduced AGM-65E with laser guidance (can be used with JTAC/AFAC assistance a while). Known issue: overlapped symbols of laser codes on Mav page, will be fixed soon.
  • Big radar refactoring.
  • External fuel disappears after manoeuvre with disabled fuel pumps - fixed.
  • Radar in boresight mode will not locks target outside beam pattern.
  • Added RU manual translated by Vasil Komarichin aka ICS_Vortex
  • Added VMFAT-101 skins
  • Added NSAWC & NAWDC skins
  • Added VX-31 CoNA skin
  • Added AGM-65 instant action mission.
  • FPAS climb fixed.
  • Added input for JHMCS (Axis and buttons).
  • AGM-65E and AIM-9X reload issue - fixed.
  • AIM-9X Reticle Visible in all A/A Weapon HUD - fixed.
  • Initial introduction of the AGM-65G. This is very much an Open Beta version with several known issues.
  • Added radar information on the JHMCS and implementation of HACQ and LACQ modes.
  • Correct CLIMB function for the FPAS page.
  • Updated DCS:F/A-18C Hornet User Guide.
  • Night cockpit illumination on external view added.
  • Quantity of AMRAAM missiles on HUD will update correctly.
  • Fixed radar elevation and TDC numbers that indicate altitudes of coverage.
  • Improved ACM mode performance regardless of target aspect.
  • Radar elevation and azimuth errors after target unlock is fixed.
  • Added option for VR (left/right/both eyes), added TD box.
  • Added radio command to AI wingmen to “Go to Tanker”.
  • Corrected nose bounce and blackout when launching from the aircraft carrier with a heavy payload.
  • Updated AGM-65E/F. While the AGM-65E is now complete, the AGM-65F is still a work in progress. Known AGM-65F issues include TDC slew roughness, missile speed, and seeker lock distance against ships.
  • Radar fixes:
    - Radar will no longer move to the other side of the display when when the radar is commanded gimbal limits
    - Fix the antenna position if the HMD is turned on and the operator looks at the HUD
    - Radar no longer gets stuck in an 8-degree scan and that cannot be exited after locking a target and breaking lock
    - Rmax and Seeker Cue can no longer appear outside the tactical radar area.
  • JHMCS:
    - HACQ/LHAQ mode - radar FOV circle will be drawn while looking through HUD
    - HACQ/LHAQ mode - radar lock while looking through HUD is fixed
    - Fixed radar antenna position lock when HMD is turned on and looking through HUD
    - Up-look reticles was added

DCS Flaming Cliffs
  • Su-33 Heavy Sky campaign. Total update all missions by Alex Zelog. Changed: payloads, balance of forces, Su-33s TO weight, weather, minors.
  • MiG-29. Added missing net animations.
  • MiG-29 Flight model corrections, added engine gyrotorque (will be slightly aircraft spin on the tailslide maneuver).
  • Su-27 and MiG-29. Trim reset (LCTRL-T) will be strictly to zero.
  • MiG-29. The pitch stability augmentation system synchronized to wing slats deflection.
  • MiG-29. Updated model of braking chute.
  • MiG-29. Engines will be broken after exceed 2.6M speed.
  • MiG-29. Improved damper in the longitudinal channel.
  • MiG-29. Added an animation of a flaps buttons.
  • MiG-29. The Nose Wheel Steering HI and LO modes. The LO mode (8 degrees) used for takeoff and landing. HI mode (31 degrees) used for taxi and can be engaged by holding the LALT-Q combo provided Flaps are Up.
  • MiG-29. Added commands to set barometric altimeter pressure.
  • Multiplayer. An aircraft shaking of clients aircraft near the carrier deck is fixed.
  • MiG-29. Added the Instant Action missions in the Nevada.
  • MiG-29. The drag coefficient of the speed brake now depends on the M number. Will be less than now.
  • MiG-29. The dead zone of throttle between maximal and afterburner eliminated.
  • MiG-29. Engines can be stalled on negative AoA bigger -17 degrees.
  • MiG-29. HUD radar operation mark in VERTICAL and BORESIGHT modes restored.
  • MiG-29. New single missions in Nevada.
  • Su-27. Updated training mission Start-Up.
  • MiG-29. Adjusted the APUS compensator that will works independence by landing gear.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed gauge lights.
  • Fixed missing SPS/IAB panel texts.
  • Adjusted suspension.
  • Improved boundary layer blow system effects.
  • Improved engine device code to reduce FPS stutters.
  • Added navigation data for Persian Gulf.
  • Fixed gauges from blacking out.
  • Fixed smoothing groups on HUD glass.

  • Fuel flow corrections added based on new data
  • Corrected RWR code not showing correctly for J-11A, F/A-18C Lot 20, SA-2, SA-3, Flat Face Search Radar, KJ-2000

  • Sidearms issues fixed:
    - Sidearm keeps lock when the aircraft is not pointing at the target.
    - Sidearm keeps lock after firing when another missile remains in the aircraft
    - Sidearm does not have volume control (Sidewinder volume control also fixed
  • Fixed Magnetic compass not moving when aircraft INS is not aligned is also fixed
  • Corrected RWR code not showing correctly for J-11A, F/A-18C Lot 20, SA-2, SA-3, Flat Face Search Radar, KJ-2000
  • Corrected Left wing Polygon defects
  • Corrected Right wing Polygon defects
  • Bomb Interval now working
  • KC-130 Fuel amount increased by 50%

DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Exterior mirrors now reflect the environment
  • Fixed various clipping and shine-through issues in exterior (esp. Cockpit)
  • Sculpted new normal map for exhaust nozzle and area
  • Sculpted new normal map for exterior exhaust shell
  • Added RoughMet textures for the exhaust shell
  • Added turbine texture for better deep engine detail
  • Metal elements on wings now have appropriate material definitions
  • Animated engine exhaust fan
  • Interior engine sounds now loop properly
  • New! Improved visual fidelity of afterburner
  • Afterburner now cast lights inside engine exhaust pipe
  • Afterburner now cast lights on surrounding objects and terrain
  • Corrected afterburner z-fighting
  • Afterburner planes do not render at high viewing angles.
  • Corrected afterburner self-illumination
  • Fixed glass in LoD (distant) models turning opaque and bright.
  • New! Added significantly better quality uncompressed normal maps for entire exterior
  • Light domes are now appropriately shiny
  • Fixed wheel/tire animation values so they spin at correct speeds.
  • Fix to timeline appearing late in PLAN-bombing mode.
  • Fix to time-to-destination display in TID.
  • Fix to Rb15 missile-in-target-time.
  • Fix to Rb15 missile-in-target-time displayed even though no Rb15 is selected.
  • Update Rb15 definitions for AI. AI will now use the missiles properly.
  • E on waypoint indicator should not show when aiming ie sidewinder lock.
  • TERNAV should not update when turned off
  • Updated RB-15 for AI definition. AI will now use the missiles properly.
  • Fix to Bk90 not being launchable in NAV-mode.
  • EP13 color inversion selectable by radar mode button (black-on-white/white-on-black).
  • Brightness and contrast control for EP13.
  • Corrected elevation boresight position for Mavericks.
  • Added encyclopedia entries for weapons.
  • New feature: cartridge from putting marks on F10 map (named B1-B9, M1-M9, BX1-BX9, R1-R9, MR1-MR9 = recon-target, or S1-S9) and selectable in kneepad. Also you can just have a marker named “ATTACK” and a quick attack flightplan will be generated.
  • EP13 altitude warning is reset if EP13 is not turned on.
  • The Boundary/GRÄNS lines are now visible again.
  • AB performance at height and speed tweaked.
  • The dumping of the sight for sidewinder carried on wingtips should now be relative to the plane and not the horizon.
  • Fixed AKAN dispersion and accuracy.
  • Fixed Sun Halo effect on canopy
  • Added glass scratches to canopy glass
  • Fixed oval-shaped afterburner flame issue
  • Slight cockpit optimization
  • Fixed afterburner flame clipping into exhaust can
  • Fixed RAT projecting through intake on left side of fuselage
  • Added Encyclopedia entries for weapons
  • Tweaked dispersion for MinGr55 shell for the AKAN m/55 gunpods.
  • Fixed pop-up point not switching to target waypoint on being passed.
  • Fix to pop-up point not switching over.
  • Fixed sun halo on canopy glass.
  • Added scratches to canopy glass.
  • Fixed oval shaped afterburner.
  • Ground Radar 2.0:
    - greatly improved ground mapping radar where more objects are visible and the radar better differentiates between terrain types. Read more
  • Auto generated attack missions should now default to a ingress/egress angle 45 degree off instead of straight when no suitable terrain-masked ingress/egress is found.
  • Fix to TERRNAV not fixing.

DCS Persian Gulf
  • Updated Persian Gulf map with additions of Kish Island airfield, Al Bateen airfield, Lavan Island airfield, Bandar-e-Jask airfield, Abu Dhabi International Airport, Sas Al Nakheel airfield, Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, and the Yas Viceroy with Formula 1 racetrack.
    NOTE: All new airports still in the WIP and not working properly yet.
  • Map Size restored to the original viewable area in the Mission Editor

DCS MiG-15bis
  • New Instant Action missions in Normandy.
  • Cockpit 3D model bugfix.
  • Fixed an external textures z-fighting.

DCS Spitfire IX
  • Fixed bombs drag issue.
  • Adjusted the tint of the armoured glass.
  • One of ordinary Spitfire model LODs has clipped wings -fixed.

  • Added Instant Action missions for Normandy.

DCS Combined Arms
  • The optic sights magnification will not depends from type of munitions.
  • Default brightness of night vision optic corrected.
  • Corrected night vision window size of CA units when turn on of SSAA graphic option.
  • Wounded playable infantry will reduce max speed.
  • Incorrect aiming calculation after moved the target point on the F10 map - fixed.

  • Corrected mission F-5E Mission - AWACS.miz

  • Memory of the Hero. Updated mission 13 and 14. Deleted intro track, corrected triggers.
  • Spitfire IX - Big Show Campaign. Corrected a typo in the documentation. Added some B-17 skins that were accidentally missing.
  • Spitfire IX Big Show Campaign.
    - Performance improvements (not all bombers drop bombs to reduce FPS hit)
    - Air Sea Rescue logic changed. Now it's possible to call mayday even if the radio doesn't work, you just won't get an answer.
  • M-2000C Red Flag Сampaign.
    - Mission 1: added "mission complete" message.
    - Mission 6: Changed loadout of some of the Red Force jets after player feedback to slightly reduce the difficulty.
    - Mission 10: Mirages 2000-5s will now engage blue forces.
  • MiG-29 Over the Hump campaign сorrected.
  • F-15C Aggressors BFM Campaign. Added new missions against the Su-27.
31 oct
Added support of the new Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations.

DCS World
  • Fixed crash when using a trigger with event "On mission ends" and some action.
  • ME. Added C-130 and F-4E to Iran.
  • ME. Added missed aircraft and ground units to Serbia.
  • MP. Added corresponding message if the client was be disconnected from server by Integrity check failure.
  • Vehicle does not follow to assigned WP from task 'go to waypoint' - fixed.

DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Correction to wind compensation for bombs and rockets.
  • Popup points inputted without trailing zeros supported.
  • Corrected high-altitude non-after burning fuel scheduling.
  • Updated training missions for ARAK and RB05 to remove forest around target area.
  • Tweaked BK90 warheads.
  • Updated RB74 with ED AIM-9L changes.
  • Tweaked explosive mass of Mingr 55 30 mm shells in the gunpod.
  • Tweaked recoil coefficient on AKAN m/55.
  • Updated, and added new quick start missions for Caucasus and Persian Gulf.
  • Fix to bombs not releasing when carrying half-load.
  • Automatically generated cartridges are exported to .ini - files for inspection in third party software or to make changes which then can be loaded again in sim. Ability to have multiple .ini files to choose from.
  • Exterior mirrors now reflect the environment
  • Fixed various clipping and shine-through issues in exterior (esp. Cockpit)
  • Sculpted new normal map for exhaust nozzle and area
  • Sculpted new normal map for exterior exhaust shell
  • Added RoughMet textures for the exhaust shell
  • Added turbine texture for better deep engine detail
  • Metal elements on wings now have appropriate material definitions
  • Animated engine exhaust fan
  • Interior engine sounds now loop properly
  • New! Improved visual fidelity of afterburner
  • Afterburner now cast lights inside engine exhaust pipe
  • Afterburner now cast lights on surrounding objects and terrain
  • Corrected afterburner z-fighting
  • Afterburner planes do not render at high viewing angles.
  • Corrected afterburner self-illumination
  • Fixed glass in LoD (distant) models turning opaque and bright.
  • New! Added significantly better quality uncompressed normal maps for entire exterior
  • Light domes are now appropriately shiny
  • Fixed wheel/tire animation values so they spin at correct speeds.

Changes in last Tuesday’s patch:
  • Fix to popup-point switching logic.
  • Rb15 group target fix.
  • U22 and U22/A is no longer turned on when starting cold.
  • Fix to U22/A listening even though it was turned off.
  • Suspension for main landing gear softened to allow earlier rotation.
  • Both brakes on same axis fixed.
  • Fix to target ring not displaying with sidewinders.
  • Reverted smoke-in-AB-fix because it turned off sound, not sure how to fix this.

  • MiG-29. Tuning Flight Model.
  • MiG-29. Corrected thrust at low engine rpm.
  • MiG-29. Adjustment of aerodynamic moments with the slats extension.
  • MiG-29. Added APU-60 for all pylons and APU-470 for inner pylons for AA missiles.
  • MiG-29. Accidentally engine stall at 1.6M - fixed.
  • MiG-29S: R-77 misaligned on launchers - corrected.
  • Su-33. Corrected position of FAB-250 on pylons.

  • Broken Autostart fixed.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Reversed NPP localizer bar animation.
  • Reversed Max G-load needle animation.
  • Reimplemented vibration effects to Pitot while taxiing.
  • Fixed hint typo on Mach test switch from 1.7 to 1.5.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • Corrected engine instruments lighting to be able to see colors of limitations arc when setting high illumination.
  • Updated C-101 textures (Albedo) and liveries.
  • Corrected parachute to keep same texture when reaching the ground.
  • Smoke CB’s push-in/pull-out were reversed in inputs.
  • Player can now change cockpit position (front/rear) with joystick button, before it was only possible with keyboard.
  • Corrected some mission names.
  • C101CC max fuel weight corrected.
17 oct
Introduced the new Professional FM of MiG-29.

DCS World
  • MP. The MP server panel can be closed by press to X in the upper-right corner.
  • Antiship missile HY-2 range extended to 100 km.
  • F10 map. Corrected Chinese char display in online mode.
  • Fixed GUI error when use ship task Attack Group to static object.
  • VR. Weapons pop-up menu in ME is cut on edge of screen - fixed.
  • ME. With copy-paste operation it is possible to make mission with several Player roles - fixed.
  • Reloading time has been defined for HY-2 and SA-2.
  • Ticonderoga. Increased the missiles launch rate of VLS to 1 launch every 2 sec.
  • Stennis. AI will not taxi into you If path blocked.
  • KJ-2000 will shows as A50 on Western RWR
  • Attributes list of new Surface to Surface missile corrected.
  • UH-60A AI will not crashes into ground when trying to landing to Novorossiysk.
  • Fixed issue that caused an unable to rearm of ground AI from warehouses.
  • Windsock shows incorrect wind direction with dynamic weather - fixed.
  • Fixed ME error when you try to add suppliers after change ship type.
  • AIM-9M/L major FM update. Adjusted lift and drag curves, motor performance, DLZ.
  • Input. The default device profiles will no longer creating conflicts with load along with the player profiles. The default device profiles can be loaded only manually via the LOAD PROFILE button in the input panel.
  • ME. Part of the ship's tab Suppliers incorrectly displayed in ME - fixed.
  • ME. A-10. Corrected weight of the double launcher of AIM-9.
  • ME. Fixed GUI Error when player try to scaling map after use Mission generator in some case.
  • CHN ground crew voiceover updated

DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Fix to airfields not appearing in kneeboard and CK37 in Nevada.
  • Removed smoke when afterburner engaged.
  • Axis command for master mode selector added.
  • Parking brake in correct visual position on spawn.
  • Data-rotary command clockwise/counterclockwise added, default data-rotary position set to AKTPOS.
  • Weapon interval selector clickability reversed so right-click = clockwise.
  • Seat adjustment command reversed.
  • Dynamically generated attack missions egress-speed set to M0.8.
  • Fix to .ini custom cartridge not being selectable.
  • More descriptions in sample cartridge.
  • Seriestrim (transsonic autotrim) was disabled when autopilot was on so when having autopilot on and accelerating through subsonic to supersonic and then disabling autopilot would result in a pitch-yank, often blacking out the pilot.
  • Modified high-drag bombs ballistics for easier usage.
  • Various bug-fixes.

DCS MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed ASO device initialization.
  • Fixed pneumatic pressure gauge from constantly reading zero.
  • Fixed SARPP from not recording all flight information.
  • Reversed DA-200 bank indicator animation
  • Reversed NPP localizer bar animation
  • Reversed UVW for air pressure gauge warning colors

DCS F/A-18C Hornet
  • Hotfix B-sweep no longer renders outside the radar tactical area.
  • Corrected the drag value of TCTS Pod.
  • TDC cursor position maintains location after target breaks lock.
  • Aerial refueling Instant Action missions have been corrected.
  • B-Sweep no longer hangs when radar loses lock. This issue is still being worked on for an undesignate button break lock.
  • Hornet Campaign add CN localization

DCS L-39
  • Added Instant Action missions for Persian Gulf.
  • Corrected RSBN training mission.

  • Added Instant Action missions for Normandy map

  • Su-27. Corrected Su-27 leading edge flaps net synchronization for the clients.
  • MiG-29. Incorrect display of aircraft model in mirrors - fixed.
  • New Instant Action missions for MiG-29A and MiG-29S on Caucasus.
  • MiG-29. Updated textures of cockpit.
  • MIG-29. Corrected input profile.
  • MiG-29. Added EN and RU flight manuals.
  • Su-33 at T/O position 3 will not take-off earlier than 1 & 2 on Kuznetsov deck.

DCS Black Shark
  • ME. Ka-50. Fix GUI Error when select INU FIX Point for helicopter copy.
  • ME. Ka-50. INU FIX Point and Navigation target points tab will not remains after change helicopter type from Ka-50 to any other.

Memory of Hero - updated most of missions.
29 sep
New free mini campaign of F/A-18C.

Persian Gulf map update 2. Added a few landmarks: Aldar Headquarters building, Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque etc. Fix coastline. Corrected terrain mesh.

DCS World
  • Tanker and AWACS callsigns missing option to set flight number - fixed.
  • Custom labels in mission container doesn't applies in simulation (single and multiplayer) - fixed.
  • Options - Input texts disappears in some multimonitor configurations - fixed.
  • Scale UI does not scale properly to UIMainView if not the Same Resolution as DCS Resolution - fixed.
  • ME. When set to Imperial units the dust-storm setting still uses metric - fixed.
  • Fog and Dust settings will reset on creation of new mission.
  • Stennis. AI will abort landing if other AI spawn on catapults 3 and 4.
  • Stennis. Corrected AI spawn positions.
  • Mk-20 Rockeye. Increased cumulative factor of Mk118 submunitions.
  • R-77 AA missile. Was added the adaptive proportional navigation factors.
  • P-19 surveillance radar added to countries that have SA-2.
  • Added new units: SAM SA-2, SAM Rapier, ASM HY-2 Silkworm, Oil platform, Gas platform.

  • Added Hornet mini-campaign and single missions from the campaign.
  • Flashing X on radar page, little refactoring.
  • Sometimes radar can't lock the target and beam oscillate near target position - fixed.
  • Added Mk-82Y (high drag with ballute) added to the Hornet inventory.
  • Note: while the radar is much improved, there are some b-sweep oddities are still addressing.

DCS Flaming Cliffs
  • MiG-29 and Su-27 keyboard rudder control improved. Pressing the opposite key will now stop the rudder at the current position.

Combined Arms
  • Manpad Igla. The constantly shake of Igla sight is removed.

  • Training missions added CN localization

DCS: MiG-21Bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • Fixed PRMG localizer needles' animations.
  • Corrected canopy glass normal map texture - Huge sun glare removed.

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Added possibility to load Bx, RUTA points etc from saved-games folder ini-file. A sample cartridge is in mods-folder.
  • Added Bx6-9 targeting data for Rb15 to autogenerated attack-missions.
  • Auto generated attack missions now plans for highest concentration of enemy units instead of closest units.
  • Increased available attack plans to 5 and added some extra info to differentiate them.
  • Added possibly to disable cartridges in Mission Editor.
  • Filter out non-airbases among reference data points in CK37 and kneeboard. This solves the issue where 80+ FARPs in the mission resulted in CTD and when FARPs close to spawn point would be set as take-off point for CK37.
  • Added T1-fix for two-stage triggers.

The Enemy Within: important update to M19.
M-2000C Red Flag: updates to M02 and M10.
Memory of a Hero. Corrected most missions.
M-2000C Red Flag campaign:
Mission 3: updated erroneous kneeboard (wrong frequency listed fixed),
Mission 4: bug with disappearing MiG-29s fixed.
19 sep
Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of Hero campaign added
Added Helicopters Ops mission dedicated to start of sales the Helicopters bundle (Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, SA342)

DCS World
  • GUI Error when using task ‘Embark’ to transport for vehicle fixed
  • GUI Error when user tries to open tab Stop Condition after add waypoint fixed
  • Aircraft initial speed calculated based on optimal cruise values
  • Rain droplets option listbox replaced with checkbox
  • MSAA 8x option removed
  • F10 view can be unzoomed now when mission saved with maximal zoom in ME
  • Box for ‘Time left’ text expanded (offline mode)
  • BRU-42 weight is corrected
  • Ground units are no more moved out of the bridge being attacked
  • Mouse camera control now works after mission change
  • Smoke from generators no more displayed after aircraft damaged
  • F10 map will center on players aircraft at first entering
  • ‘Twin S-25OFM’ payload weight corrected
  • DCS crash when user lands on carrier in VTOL aircraft fixed
  • Flight model updated for all AIM-7 family
  • Rain droplets artifacts fixed for all cockpits
  • Dust and smoke atmosphere effect added to Mission Editor
  • New label option added: Off, Full, Abbreviated, and Dot Only
  • AV-8B AGM-65E CTD fixed
  • VR glitch with modal windows fixed
  • Unit icons on F10 view fixed for multimonitor configurations (note: second screen doesn’t cleared after switching to F10 view)
  • GUI Error when try to load some static templates fixed
  • GUI Error when selecting a group of units after loading a template fixed
  • Senaki parking positions fixed in "FC3-Su-27-Blockade.miz" mission
  • Wrong mission texts in no-EN locales for "SoH-F-15C-IA - BFM" Quick Start mission fixed
  • Mission Editor crash fixed
  • Multimonitor configurations: picture on second monitor now cleared when user switches to F10 map
  • Fixed crash at start mission in the Persian Gulf and Normandy.
  • Fixed issue of Oculus Rift with Asynchronous Spacewarp mode.
  • Corrected GUI panels behaviour. Panels will be automatically closed when player opening new panel.
  • MP. Intermittent Multiplayer Server Crash VCRUNTIME140.dll on F/A-18С rearming - fixed.
  • Fixed crash with multi-monitor setup procedure.
  • VR. Fixed issue when some menu items are unreachable at high main monitor resolution.
  • VR. Cursor stretching in VR with windows cursor scale - fixed.
  • ME. The high default speed of helicopters at initial WP - fixed.
  • ME. Removed Double dots appears near the pasted unit on the map.
  • A-10C "Stone Shield' campaign: CN localization added.
  • Normandy: terrain shining removed
  • Old style Labels option recognized incorrect fixed
  • GUI Error when trying to paste a linked unit fixed
  • Fixed a rare sound-related startup freeze
  • Controls in the window bottom now accessible in 4k resolution
  • Uncontrolled HAI falls through the ship fixed
  • MP. Network: receiving max ping fixed
  • MP. Chat Window key bindings fixed

  • No more HUD avionics freeze when Mer*6 Fab-100 jettisoned
  • Su-27 SoH BFM mission will not required installed F/A-18C module.
  • Added czech localization to missing FC3 instant action missions.
  • FC3 and Su-33: added missing filename extensions
  • Su-33: twin rocket blocks moved from 4,9 to 3,10 pylons

  • max weight is corrected
  • Engine damage appears when player exceeds max possible RPM
  • Engine start sequence is corrected
  • ‘Fighter’ aircraft icon replaced
  • Logbook will work with Yak-52.
  • Yak-52 input russian localization corrected for undercarriage commands

  • AIM7 FLOOD mode corrected
  • PRF selection label by OSB 1 changed to PDI cannot be changed unless the lock is dropped
  • Hornet PAI will now engage targets with radar-guided missiles
  • Power Up sound, EW Tones and Lights added
  • HSI brightness now can be adjusted
  • Corrected AIM-9X search tone
  • Over-wing vapor added
  • AIM-9X HOBS extended to 90 degrees
  • New EW symbols added
  • ACM indication error when select AA weapon fixed
  • Carrier catapults will work correctly at low and high temperature of the environment.
  • Added missing Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) for RWS.
  • Fix radar boresight mode. Now scan range is equal 10 Nm.
  • Incorrect radar azimuth coverage after lock-on - fixed.
  • HSI waypoint will be the incorrect location on moving map.
  • F/A-18 Lesson_2 Cold Start mission corrected (static object moved from of aircraft)

  • Gunsight option for L-39 moved to the Mission Editor, aircraft panel

  • RWR intensity knob now rotates smooth
  • F-5E Chinese cockpit texture added
  • Trimmer reverse in pitch channel fixed
  • Flight manual CN added.

  • Mi-8MTV2 Chinese cockpit texture updated

  • Throttle sticking in max and min positions when controlled by keyboard fixed
  • Nose light cone from landing light will not be seen if battery depleted.

DCS Combined Arms
  • M1A1 sound issue with error message - fixed.

  • Corrected cockpit glass transparency.

China Asset Pack
  • Surface-To-Air missile parameters updated

  • Mi-8 Oilfield: Mission 12 improved, APA-80 starts after switching off the external power

Known Issues
Input commands disappears at some multimonitor configurations
ScaleUI does not scale properly to UIMainView if not the Same Resolution as DCS Resolution
Custom labels in mission container doesn't applies in simulation Mi-8MTV2 and Ka-50: Memory of Hero campaign added
Added Helicopters Ops mission dedicated to start of sales the Helicopters bundle (Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, SA342)

DCS World
  • GUI Error when using task ‘Embark’ to transport for vehicle fixed
  • GUI Error when user tries to open tab Stop Condition after add waypoint fixed
  • Aircraft initial speed calculated based on optimal cruise values
  • Rain droplets option listbox replaced with checkbox
  • MSAA 8x option removed
  • F10 view can be unzoomed now when mission saved with maximal zoom in ME
  • Box for ‘Time left’ text expanded (offline mode)
  • BRU-42 weight is corrected
  • Ground units are no more moved out of the bridge being attacked
  • Mouse camera control now works after mission change
  • Smoke from generators no more displayed after aircraft damaged
  • F10 map will center on players aircraft at first entering
  • ‘Twin S-25OFM’ payload weight corrected
  • DCS crash when user lands on carrier in VTOL aircraft fixed
  • Flight model updated for all AIM-7 family
  • Rain droplets artifacts fixed for all cockpits
  • Dust and smoke atmosphere effect added to Mission Editor
  • New label option added: Off, Full, Abbreviated, and Dot Only
  • AV-8B AGM-65E CTD fixed
  • VR glitch with modal windows fixed
  • Unit icons on F10 view fixed for multimonitor configurations (note: second screen doesn’t cleared after switching to F10 view)
  • GUI Error when try to load some static templates fixed
  • GUI Error when selecting a group of units after loading a template fixed
  • Senaki parking positions fixed in "FC3-Su-27-Blockade.miz" mission
  • Wrong mission texts in no-EN locales for "SoH-F-15C-IA - BFM" Quick Start mission fixed
  • Mission Editor crash fixed
  • Multimonitor configurations: picture on second monitor now cleared when user switches to F10 map
  • Fixed crash at start mission in the Persian Gulf and Normandy.
  • Fixed issue of Oculus Rift with Asynchronous Spacewarp mode.
  • Corrected GUI panels behaviour. Panels will be automatically closed when player opening new panel.
  • MP. Intermittent Multiplayer Server Crash VCRUNTIME140.dll on F/A-18С rearming - fixed.
  • Fixed crash with multi-monitor setup procedure.
  • VR. Fixed issue when some menu items are unreachable at high main monitor resolution.
  • VR. Cursor stretching in VR with windows cursor scale - fixed.
  • ME. The high default speed of helicopters at initial WP - fixed.
  • ME. Removed Double dots appears near the pasted unit on the map.
  • A-10C "Stone Shield' campaign: CN localization added.
  • Normandy: terrain shining removed
  • Old style Labels option recognized incorrect fixed
  • GUI Error when trying to paste a linked unit fixed
  • Fixed a rare sound-related startup freeze
  • Controls in the window bottom now accessible in 4k resolution
  • Uncontrolled HAI falls through the ship fixed
  • MP. Network: receiving max ping fixed
  • MP. Chat Window key bindings fixed

  • No more HUD avionics freeze when Mer*6 Fab-100 jettisoned
  • Su-27 SoH BFM mission will not required installed F/A-18C module.
  • Added czech localization to missing FC3 instant action missions.
  • FC3 and Su-33: added missing filename extensions
  • Su-33: twin rocket blocks moved from 4,9 to 3,10 pylons

  • max weight is corrected
  • Engine damage appears when player exceeds max possible RPM
  • Engine start sequence is corrected
  • ‘Fighter’ aircraft icon replaced
  • Logbook will work with Yak-52.
  • Yak-52 input russian localization corrected for undercarriage commands

  • AIM7 FLOOD mode corrected
  • PRF selection label by OSB 1 changed to PDI cannot be changed unless the lock is dropped
  • Hornet PAI will now engage targets with radar-guided missiles
  • Power Up sound, EW Tones and Lights added
  • HSI brightness now can be adjusted
  • Corrected AIM-9X search tone
  • Over-wing vapor added
  • AIM-9X HOBS extended to 90 degrees
  • New EW symbols added
  • ACM indication error when select AA weapon fixed
  • Carrier catapults will work correctly at low and high temperature of the environment.
  • Added missing Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) for RWS.
  • Fix radar boresight mode. Now scan range is equal 10 Nm.
  • Incorrect radar azimuth coverage after lock-on - fixed.
  • HSI waypoint will be the incorrect location on moving map.
  • F/A-18 Lesson_2 Cold Start mission corrected (static object moved from of aircraft)

  • Gunsight option for L-39 moved to the Mission Editor, aircraft panel

  • RWR intensity knob now rotates smooth
  • F-5E Chinese cockpit texture added
  • Trimmer reverse in pitch channel fixed
  • Flight manual CN added.

  • Mi-8MTV2 Chinese cockpit texture updated

  • Throttle sticking in max and min positions when controlled by keyboard fixed
  • Nose light cone from landing light will not be seen if battery depleted.

DCS Combined Arms
  • M1A1 sound issue with error message - fixed.

  • Corrected cockpit glass transparency.

China Asset Pack
  • Surface-To-Air missile parameters updated

  • Mi-8 Oilfield: Mission 12 improved, APA-80 starts after switching off the external power

Known Issues
Input commands disappears at some multimonitor configurations
ScaleUI does not scale properly to UIMainView if not the Same Resolution as DCS Resolution
Custom labels in mission container doesn't applies in simulation
7 sep
  • Fixed crash with AGM-65E missile on the AV-8B Harrier
  • Some improvements into input localisation