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Stable changelog
DCS - 02.10.2024
DCS - 30.09.2024
DCS - 20.08.2024
DCS - 14.08.2024
DCS - 09.08.2024
DCS - 22.07.2024
DCS - 11.07.2024
DCS - 05.06.2024
DCS - 22.05.2024
DCS - 03.05.2024
DCS - 15.04.2024
DCS - 12.04.2024
DCS - 10.04.2024
DCS - 22.02.2024
DCS - 29.11.2023
DCS - 02.08.2023
DCS - 05.05.2023
DCS - 27.12.2022
DCS - 05.10.2022
DCS - 08.09.2022
DCS - 04.08.2022
DCS - 27.05.2022
DCS - 08.04.2022
DCS - 09.02.2022
DCS - 30.12.2021
DCS - 03.11.2021
DCS - 01.10.2021
DCS - 18.08.2021
DCS - 14.07.2021
DCS - 25.06.2021
DCS - 11.06.2021
DCS - 05.03.2021
DCS - 04.01.2021
DCS - 25.12.2020
DCS - 09.10.2020
DCS - 24.07.2020
DCS - 28.05.2020
DCS - 12.04.2020
DCS - 23.12.2019
DCS - 15.11.2019
DCS - 10.09.2019
DCS - 26.08.2019
DCS - 10.07.2019
DCS - 26.06.2019
DCS - 15.05.2019
DCS - 03.04.2019
DCS - 20.02.2019
DCS - 06.02.2019
DCS - 25.01.2019
DCS - 12.12.2018
DCS - 31.10.2018
DCS - 17.10.2018
DCS - 29.09.2018
DCS - 19.09.2018
DCS - 07.09.2018
DCS - 27.06.2018
WWII Update:
Introduced DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC
Introduced an improved of Bf 109, Fw 190, P-51D and Spitfire IX cockpits and external models.
Added another version of the P-51D Mustang: P-51D-25-NA. This version has different IFF and radio equipment.

Support of new campaign - P-51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations.

Note: Regarding the VEAO Hawk, the developer has ceased supporting their product. We will though continue to make available the 2.5.3 updater for those that wish to fly this product.

DCS World
  • Corrected blue fog color.
  • Gas Platforms and Oil Rigs can now be placed on ground (not only in water) in the Mission Editor.
  • ME. Triggers. Action "RADIOITEM ADD TO coalition or group" visible for all is fixed.
  • ME. The Zone that is property of the task сontinue to be displayed on the map after changing the task is fixed.
  • ME. Part of the tab "Naval group" continues to be displayed after closing is fixed.
  • The SU-17M4 loadout has 2 entries for MER*6 FAB-100 – one of these is redundant and was deleted.
  • AGM-65. Search and lock ranges was increased based on launch altitude.
  • Encyclopedia. Fixed incorrect description for BetAB-500 bombs.
  • Su-33 AI. Late activated Su-33 causing game crash is fixed.
  • ATC Request for Takeoff Error - no clearance for takeoff fixed at hold short check from 80 meters instead 30+30 is fixed.
  • Forcing the civilian traffic options within the mission options screen has no effect when in the simulation - fixed.
  • MP. Ban functionality in server UI (WIP).
  • Added P-51D to Greece.
  • AGM-88. Adjusted missile position on LAU-118 launcher.
  • Sound disappear after off and using cancel on settings is fixed.
  • T.Flight Hotas: user can't assign any command is fixed.
  • Fixed glitch on some video cards when pixel color is less than zero.
  • Sea shelf objects will be available as suppliers.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect fog covering and ground explosion effect.
  • Fixed crash with mission reloading when cursor was forced with Alt+C.
  • Fixed crash with mission reloading when shell smoke tail was present in air at this time
  • Crash on group destroy with engine shutdown event is fixed.
  • Crash on mission reload with active scripting timers is fixed.
  • ME. Fixed bug with Ammo tab of Naval group that changing on tab to Route in some situations.
  • Input. Fixed bug that caused black screen after reassign input and press OK button.
  • MP. Fixed aircraft jumping back on heavy packet loss.
  • MP. Fixed aircraft rubber-banding when recovering from packet loss.
  • VR. Fix glitch (large white area ) when high pixel density value selected.
  • VR. Possible fix for Samsung Odyssey crosseyed picture.
  • VR: One eye image blinks when water set to High is fixed.
  • ME. FOG checkbox doesn't set when weather preset with fog selected is fixed.
  • Fixed crash if tank has been destroyed while shooting.
  • AIM-7. Loft trajectory corrected. Arm delay increased for safe launch.
  • MP. AIM-7. Net phantom (client side) of missile always flies straight ahead fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet
  • Added Laser-guided bombs GBU-10/12/16.
  • Added air show smoke for Hornet. New loadout option and key command added.
  • Added BRAA (enabled on Radar/DATA) and AA Waypoint (Bullseye), set on HSI/DATA page with indications on and attack radar page.
  • Added AGM-65F SHIP Mode.
  • Cockpit textures updated to include fixed normal map issue on the left DDI.
  • Ripple Single/Ripple Salvo fixed.
  • VACQ and GACQ symbol on HUD fixed.
  • Updated F/A-18C RU manual by Vortex.
  • We are adding updated tones for the AIM-9X, but they are not complete in this Open Beta version.
  • We are in the process of adding more realistic fuse options for MUFZ and EFUZ, including functional delayed fuse options. These are work in progress for this Open Beta.
  • AGM-65F axis slew for the Thrustmaster Warthog throttle mini-stick is a hardware issue that we cannot resolve due to the same switch being used for two actions at the same time. We are investigating an option to allow slew without TDC press.
  • A couple datalink pages have been added to this Open Beta, but these are largely non-functional as we create the larger data link system for the Hornet.
  • Corrected wrong VVI indication on HUD
  • Crash when using Weapon.getDesc() on an Aim-7F from event handler is fixed.
  • Removed GBU-16 dual carry on BRU-33.
  • Added Instant Action Missions:
  • Caucasus FA-18C AGM-65F Maverick Practice
  • Caucasus FA-18C Paveway II Laser Guided Bombs Practice
  • Caucasus FA-18C River Run
  • Persian Gulf FA-18 Strike Fighter
  • Added HARM delivery in the Self Protect mode.
  • Fixed DUD cue for GPB/LGB.
  • Fixed FOV of AGM-65E.
  • Fixed TDC slew of AGM-65F.
  • Radar ACM modes switching corrected.
  • Missing Leading Edge Extension (LEX) Vapors restored.
  • Added COLOR option to Radar, DATA sub-level.
  • Added Maverick TTMR and IN RNG (in range) cues when seeker slaved to Waypoint Designated (WPDSG) point.
  • Added new, more accurate AIM-9X sounds.
  • Fixed AGM-65E target lock issue.
  • F/A-18C training - lesson 12 AIM-9. Default language will be EN not RU.
  • F/A-18C training - lesson 15 Rockets. Corrected an failure where RU was the default locale.
  • F/A-18C. Update of the french Hornet manual.

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM
  • Added new Pilot (Ejection).
  • Added new Pilot in Seat (Ejection).
  • Added new Pilot in Cockpit.
  • Added new Pilot Uniform variations for Liveries.
  • Updated Liveries Description.Lua.
  • Updated all aircraft models.
  • Updated Cockpit to have Shadow Casting.
  • Removed older Livery variations from Liveries Folder to main texture folder.
  • Removed VR Pilot temporally to start integration of new more Accurate 3D Scanned VR Pilot.
  • Changed pilot model and textures.
  • Changed texture names from .bmp.dds and .tga.dds to .dds.
  • Fix Light Texture bugs.
  • Fixed Easy Radio bugs, allowing use of Radio panel and SR Radio
  • Fixed English cockpit modelling issue
  • Fixed reversed Head movement of exterior pilot
  • Added new animation process for Instrument controls
  • Added new animation process Switches and Knobs
  • Fixed the pilot's animation of arm in full forward movement
  • Fixed visor showing when ejected
  • Fixed Sun glare showing on cockpit instruments
  • Fixed minor problem with Roughmet texture on the Vertical RWR
  • M07: removed the Hercules causing problems with taxiing
  • M10: corrected AI behaviour and fixed bug where bandits would crash one into another
  • M12: changed the starting time to 9am
  • Updated M2000C Afterburner effect

  • Sidearm lock now breaks immediately after a target is destroyed.
  • Sidearm selected/Still fires a gun pod fixed.
  • Step logic and button is fixed.
  • Erroneous MAV information on MCPD.
  • MAVs reticles do not change color when changing polarity.
  • INRNG seems to be visible for MAV at this point.
  • Pushing step and then changing weapons carried over to next weapon.
  • Having an ITER pylon does not block step logic for other weapons.
  • Changed texture names from .bmp.dds and .tga.dds to .dds.
  • Updated Cockpit to have Shadow Casting.
  • Fixed Button 5 on UFC, wrong argument.
  • Fix Light Texture bugs.
  • Added new animation process for Instrument controls
  • Added new animation process Switches and Knobs
  • Added New Pilot
  • Added New Pilot Patches
  • Added new helmet HGU-68/P to AV8B pilot with normal and Roughmet.
  • Changed Luas in Livery folder for new Pilot
  • Released M02 and M17 for harrier (trainings)
  • Fixed Easy Radio bugs, allowing use of Radio panel and SR Radio
  • Fixed spring loaded switches not working correctly
  • Fixed Chaff & Flares release when EXP switch is OFF
  • Corrected thrust calculations at low to mid engine power
  • Corrected relation to pitch trim to stabilator throw
  • Modified ASL behavior. Now it runs parallel to the pitch ladder

DCS: AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
  • Rb04 and Rb15 should now target civilian boats (scenery) in Persian Gulf.
  • Changed the radar gain axis command to use the full axis range [-1,1] (was [0,1]).
  • Added BK-90 Preplanned target tutorial.
  • Improved performance during radar usage at long range.
  • Fixed missing texture for Rb75/T/B
  • Fixed issues with kneeboard. Some cosmetic issues still remaining.
  • Kneeboard now displays flight-plan of selected data cartridge.
  • Flight plans created in F10 map now supports adding time and speed, ie “B2 0.8” for Mach 0.8 or “M4 12:35:10” for time-on-target thirty five minutes and ten seconds past noon. Force speed works like it does in the Mission Editor, and not like in CK37, so setting a speed on B2 will have it use that speed from B1 to B2 and after, similar to setting speed on B1 manually in CK37.
  • Manual update, RC2

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
  • C-101CC Flyable
  • EFM for C-101 EB and C-101CC. Note: Early Beta Version.
  • Multiplayer- Now you can take control in rear cockpit. Some system works (Gear, Flaps,Stick, Pedals). WIP.
  • LAU-131 with M257 rockets (parachute illumination) does work now.
  • Payload does not remain in same position when the wing is detached.
  • Improved pilots’ animation and textures.
  • Fixed liveries folder structure.
  • Fixed ADI gauge glass.
  • Fixed issue with engine stopping when there is tail wind.
  • Fixed Sidewinder pylon.
  • Implemented MPR switch and corresponding light.
  • Fixed smoke system icons in ME payload page. They are now visible again.
  • Added C-101CC kneeboard (WIP) with tables for TACAN-DME channels and paired frequencies.
  • Fixed both EB and CC kneeboards.
  • Added localizer indication to C-101CC ADI.
  • Updated DEFA 553 shells (30mm instead of 12.7mm).
  • Fixed GS arm and capture modes of FD. It now keeps ALT mode longer, until GS deviation is closer to zero. No fly-up commands anymore at ILS capture.
  • Stall warning does not sound now with tailwind on ground, only when test is performed.
  • AoA indicator needle in C-101CC does not move with tailwind on ground, only when test is performed.
  • Reduced adverse yaw effect.
  • Increased yaw moment dampening.
  • Fixed ITT instrument marks in C-101CC. (Engine instruments indications are WIP).
  • Replaced Fast Erect label with Gyro Platform label in C-101CC rear cockpit.
  • Updated C-101EB kneeboard, and added C-101CC kneeboard with specific checklist and data, as well as table with TACAN-DME channels and paired frequencies.
  • Updated CC kneeboard with TACAN-DME tables.
  • Fixed digits in altimeter Kollsman window of C-101CC.
  • Removed Air Brake Toggle from control inputs.
  • Updated C-101CC kneeboard with an additional depression table for bombs employment.

DCS: F-86F Sabre
  • Updated the English Flight Manual.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3 LLC
  • R-3x missile performance adjusted.
  • Calibrated altimeter’s precision.
  • Updated weapons’ panel texture (‘Easy Weapons’ option)
  • Updated radar ‘JAM’ texture.
  • Fixed shaking pitot while the aircraft is stationary.
  • Fixed track replay.

DCS Yak-52
  • Large FPS difference from 2 Blade to 3 Blade prop fixed.

  • Assertion and crash when UH-1H main rotor is damaged are fixed.

  • Correct mass calculation in rearm menu.

  • Su-33. Corrected unnatural camera shaking when wings folded.

  • M-2000 Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon. Added RU locale (texts and images).
  • F-15C: The Georgian War campaign by Baltic Dragon. It includes the following changes:
    M2 - increased the volume of some audio files.
    M3 - Added stop condition to prevent Su-24s from re-attacking ground targets after bugging out (edited).
    M6 - Su-25Ts will no longer engage AWACS.
    M8 - enemy MiGs will now stay on station and not land too early.
    M10 - Corrected timing on radio chatter between WP3 & 4
    M11 - Adjusted flight path to prevent AI Su-27 crashing. Removed inactive MiG-31. Restricted Ground attack for wingman
    M12 - Yak-40 will be destroyed if damaged by hostile fighters
    M16 - Adjusted default flight formation. Silenced AI Hip radio calls. Corrected duplicate VO
  • L-39 Kursant campaign. Corrected missions of stage 6.
  • P-51D The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney. Removed the "player alive" success condition. Updated some docs.
  • Mi-8MTV2 The Border Campaign. Corrected mission 8 (Radio Hunt) where group of Mi-24 can not landing.
  • M-2000C Red Flag Campaign.
    Mission 03: removed static F-15 blocking taxi route for Monster (UK Tornado).
    Mission 10: fixed behaviour of AI F-5 and M-2000 so that they engage instead of landing.
    A-10C Stone Shield. Adapting mission files under DCS 2.5.
  • Museum Relic Campaign. Numerous performance changes made to both campaigns.