New build of Normandy 1944 map with all additions and corrections.
Added Spitfire IX clipped wings version.
Added bombs and external fuel tanks for Spitfire.
DCS World
- ME. Payload panel. The payload can be renamed in all cases.
- ME. Carrier COMM FREQ can be assigned for each ship.
- ME. New a unit's 2D view on the map. Units to always appear above / on top of static objects.
- ME. New a unit's 2D view on the map. New button (tank in plan view) was added to lower bar in ME for show the unit models.
- ME. Ships. TACAN can be assigned to exact ship, not whole group.
- Doors of hangar don't open after spawn the plane - fixed.
- Fixed crash that caused by helicopter spawn on carrier.
- Incorrect route for AI when parking in a hangar - fixed.
- The AI aircraft will not eject after takeoff if the carrier is deactivated.
- Corrected Italy chevrons script for logbook by Automan.
- Added F-86F RSAF skin made by CHSubZero based on PSD of Skatezilla.
- Carrier doesn't raise shield when client borned on catapult - fixed.
- After saving a static template, the names of objects on the map are changed to DictKey_GroupName - fixed.
- Module manager. Disable useless tabs in offline mode.
- GUI. Error when trying to save template with an invalid file name - fixed.
- Added carrier cold start instant action missions
- Nose gear shuttle will be attach to catapult correctly.
- Gear strut uncompression corrected.
- The aiming of CBU corrected.
- Waypoint number can be changed on Waypoint Data page.
- MDI's blank when trying to export to other displays - fixed.
- Removed 2*Mk-83 from center pylon.
- Unable to select AG weapon after launching AIM-7 - fixed.
- Carrier deck. After connecting launch bar to the shuttle, player can disconnect with second key U press.
- TACAN TTG indication errors - fixed.
- "AA Gun and AIM-9 Sidewinder" mission corrected.
- Course line disappears with 5 and 10 scales - fixed.
- Added abeam distance to course line.
- Gen Tie fixed.
- Added third option for throttle afterburner detent.
- UFC doesn't display TACAN channel and status when it's OFF - fixed.
- TACAN callsign is missing on DDI and HUD until TCN audio volume is greater than zero - fixed.
- Selective jettison releases rack instead stores - fixed.
- Holes in gear bays - fixed.
- Corrected fuel tanks pressurization cautions.
- Mk-82 Snakeye bomb always releases retarded - fixed.
- Caution EXT XFER is missing when external fuel available with BINGO state - fixed.
- Rocket pods can't be jettisoned without BRU-33 - fixed.
- Rocket pods can't be jettisoned from BRU-33 after rocket launch - fixed.
- AIM-7 on LAU-115 jettison - corrected.
- LAU-115 can't be normally jettisoned after missile launch - fixed.
- Single bomb can't be jettisoned with RACK/LCHR option selected - fixed.
- Current weapon is deselected after priority weapon has been jettisoned - fixed.
- Priority weapon station doesn't save - fixed.
- Radar too easily losing contacts - fixed.
- Systems still energized by external power despite ExtPWR switches are disabled - fixed.
- AI F/A-18C will not try to taxi to catapult occupied by player.
- Trigger error in Nevada FA-18C AA Gun and AIM-9 quickstart mission - fixed.
- While internal wing tanks are disabled, aircraft doesn't send to tanker event for terminate refueling process - fixed.
- Engine Anti-Ice system, doesn't cause caution/advisories - fixed.
- Missing DUD cue restored.
- Reflected CUE for CCIP bombing is mechanized correctly.
- Break X/Pull Up cue is displaying when the aircraft is not pointed at the ground - fixed.
- Incorrect position vehicles sight when GUI scale option is ON - fixed
DCS Flaming Cliffs
- J-11A input missing command fixed
DCS Black Shark
DCS Spitfire LF Mk IX
- Drop tank can't be connected to fuel pipeline - fixed.
DCS Bf 109 K-4
DCS Fw 190 D-9
DCS AV-8B N/A by Razbam Simulations LLC
- Fixed external lights flashing inside of cockpit (disco strobe issue)
- UFC Waypoint edit and data entry logic
- Waypoint edit via moving map and TDC
- MPCD Compass radio logic
- Updated LHA Tarawa model and collision model
- Corrected braking force that was causing movement during 60% RPM engine check
- Add keybindings for anti-ski and electrical from community (Peagle)
- Added further keybindings and switch abstractions from community (LeCurvier and Nero.ger)
- Removed duplicate and unused Engine Start and Engine Stop keybind, to initiate auto-start or auto-stop sequence use the commands in the "Cheat" section (default Win+Home and Win+End)
- Training missions in Caucasus
- Rain falling on HUD glass fixed
DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations
- Fixed crashing issue on aircraft re-initialization (respawn, refly)
- Reworked overall Sidewinder seeker behaviour.
- Increased Rb-74 (AIM-9L) all-aspect capabilities.
- Fixed RB24J (AIM-9P) to be properly rear-aspect.
- Added Next Missile selector (FRAMSTEGN IRRB) button to bindable controls.
- Re-added kneeboard settings page
- Fixed trim on ground start - now defaults to 3 degrees
DCS M-2000C by Razbam Simulations LLC
- Strobe lights too bright fixed
- Rain falling on HUD glass fixed
- Campaigns DCS NTTR A-10C Red Flag, DCS NTTR F-15C Red Flag, F-5E ACM, F-5E BFM, Spitfire IX Epsom was transferred to keyless DRM.
- Su-27 Ultimate Argument added CN localization
- F-15C The Georgian War - corrected all missions.
- M-2000C Red Flag Campaign - added documents.
- A-10C Shturmovik - no progress in 11th mission fixed.