How to repair/cleanup or update DCS World?

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How to repair/cleanup or update DCS World?

How to clean up and repair DCS World using the launcher

With the new launcher, maintaining your DCS World installation has become much easier.

Follow these steps to update, clean up, and repair your game:

1. Browse Game Files: Click on the 'Files' icon in the launcher to access your game files. This is where you can view and manage all files related to DCS World.


2. Check for Updates: Click 'Check for Updates' in the launcher. If there’s an update available, follow the on-screen instructions to install it.

3. Repair DCS World: Select 'Repair' to fix any issues with your installation. The system will scan for any missing or corrupted files and automatically restore them. Follow the prompts until the repair is finished. 

4. Clean Up Unwanted Files: Select 'Cleanup' to remove unnecessary or temporary files. Please note that this process will only delete unneeded files, but it may also remove any user-made modifications or custom files.


How to update DCS World?

Windows Start Menu/Eagle Dynamics. Locate the Update option for the DCS product (version) you wish to update.

Note that you can do both updates and repairs from this location.

The latest DCS World version number and the latest released DCS_updater.exe can be found on the page: DCS World updates

If you found that your DCS_updater.exe is not new, please download the latest one and replace it in the folder ..\DCS World\Bin\

You can find more in the FAQ: Errors during DCS update, install, repair

Cleanup and repair

How to repair DCS World from Start menu:

Windows Start Menu/Eagle Dynamics. Locate the Repair option for the DCS product (version) you wish to repair.

You can also run repair with an options: Check all files (slow) and Search for extra files after repair.

How to cleanup DCS World:

If you need to completely clean your DCS game after modifications, please use cleanup.

It is important to Remove all your user mods if you have any, and backup any changes

Go into your  ...\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin folder.

There, hold Left Shift and right click and click "Open Command window here."

(Windows 10 creators update now uses Powershell, type cmd in Powershell, press enter and then continue)

Then, type the following exactly as printed:

.\DCS_updater.exe cleanup

this will delete all non official files

then do a DCS repair

.\DCS_updater.exe repair

You can find the youtube tutorial here:

You can simply use the batch files directly in the root DCS World folder instead of CMD commands

Please download the files DCS_updater_cleanup.bat and DCS_updater_repair.bat
and then use one by one to clean up first, and then repair.