Represents an object with body, unique name, category and type. Non-final class.
Object.Category enum that stores object categories.
Object.Desc = extends Desc { life = number, --initial life level box = Box3 --bounding box of collision geometry }
object descriptor. Each object belongs to a type and each such type has its own descriptor. Descriptor format depends on object category, but always extends Object.Desc.
Member functions
boolean function Object.isExist(Object self)
return if the object exist.
function Object.destroy(Object self)
destroys the object without making damage to it and generation any event. The object just disappear. For now it is impossible to destroy remote objects.
enum Object.Category Object.getCategory(Object self)
returns category of the object.
TypeName Object.getTypeName(Object self)
returns type name of the object.
Object.Desc Object.getDesc(Object self)
returns object descriptor.
boolean function Object.hasAttribute(Unit self, AttributeName attributeName)
returns true if the object belongs to the category.
string Object.getName(Object self)
returns name of the object. This is the name that is assigned to the object in the Mission Editor.
Vec3 function Object.getPoint(Object self)
returns object coordinates for current time.
Position3 function Object.getPosition(Object self)
returns object position for current time.
Vec3 function Object.getVelocity(Object self)
returns the unit's velocity vector.
boolean function Object.inAir(Object self)
returns true if the unit is in air.
Represents all Objects those may belong to a coalition: units, airbases, static objects, weapon. Extends Object. Non-final class.
Member functions
enum coalition.side CoalitionObject.getCoalition(CoalitionObject self)
returns coalition of the object.
enum CoalitionObject.getCountry(CoalitionObject self)
returns object country.
Represents a weapon unit: shell, rocket, missile and bomb. Extends CoalitionObject. Final class.
Weapon.flag enum stores weapon flags. Some of them are combination of another flags.
Weapon.flag = { LGB, TvGB, SNSGB, HEBomb, Penetrator, NapalmBomb, FAEBomb, ClusterBomb, Dispencer, CandleBomb, ParachuteBomb, GuidedBomb = LGB + TvGB + SNSGB, AnyUnguidedBomb = HEBomb + Penetrator + NapalmBomb + FAEBomb + ClusterBomb + Dispencer + CandleBomb + ParachuteBomb, AnyBomb = GuidedBomb + AnyUnguidedBomb, LightRocket, MarkerRocket, CandleRocket, HeavyRocket, AnyRocket = LightRocket + HeavyRocket + MarkerRocket + CandleRocket, AntiRadarMissile, AntiShipMissile, AntiTankMissile, FireAndForgetASM, LaserASM, TeleASM, CruiseMissile, GuidedASM = LaserASM + TeleASM, TacticASM = GuidedASM + FireAndForgetASM, AnyASM = AntiRadarMissile + AntiShipMissile + AntiTankMissile + FireAndForgetASM + GuidedASM + CruiseMissile, SRAAM, MRAAM, LRAAM, IR_AAM, SAR_AAM, AR_AAM, AnyAAM = IR_AAM + SAR_AAM + AR_AAM + SRAAM + MRAAM + LRAAM, AnyMissile = AnyASM + AnyAAM, AnyAutonomousMissile = IR_AAM + AntiRadarMissile + AntiShipMissile + FireAndForgetASM + CruiseMissile, GUN_POD, BuiltInCannon, Cannons = GUN_POD + BuiltInCannon, AnyAGWeapon = BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyBomb + AnyRocket + AnyASM, AnyAAWeapon = BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyAAM, UnguidedWeapon = Cannons + BuiltInCannon + GUN_POD + AnyUnguidedBomb + AnyRocket, GuidedWeapon = GuidedBomb + AnyASM + AnyAAM, AnyWeapon = AnyBomb + AnyRocket + AnyMissile + Cannons, MarkerWeapon = MarkerRocket + CandleRocket + CandleBomb, ArmWeapon = AnyWeapon - MarkerWeapon }
Weapon.Category enum that stores weapon categories.
Weapon.Category = { SHELL, MISSILE, ROCKET, BOMB }
Weapon.GuidanceType enum that stores guidance methods. Available only for guided weapon (Weapon.Category.MISSILE and some Weapon.Category.BOMB).
Weapon.MissileCategory enum that stores missile category. Available only for missiles (Weapon.Category.MISSILE).
Weapon.MissileCategory = { AAM, SAM, BM, ANTI_SHIP, CRUISE, OTHER }
Weapon.WarheadType enum that stores warhead types.
Weapon.WarheadType = { AP, HE, SHAPED_EXPLOSIVE }
Weapon.Desc = extends Object.Desc { category = enum Weapon.Category, warhead = { type = enum Weapon.WarheadType, mass = Mass, caliber = Distance, explosiveMass = Mass or nil, --for HE and AP(+HE) warheads only shapedExplosiveMass = Mass or nil, --for shaped explosive warheads only shapedExplosiveArmorThickness = Distance or nil ----for shaped explosive warheads only } }
weapon descriptor. This is common part of descriptor for any weapon. Some fields are actual only for HE and AP+HE warheads, some fields are actual only for shaped explosive warheads. Descriptor format depended on weapon category.
Weapon.DescMissile = extends Weapon.Desc { guidance = enum Weapon.GuidanceType, rangeMin = Distance, rangeMaxAltMin = Distance, rangeMaxAltMax = Distance, altMin = Distance, altMax = Distance, Nmax = number, fuseDist = Distance }
missile descriptor.
Weapon.DescRocket = extends Weapon.Desc { distMin = Distance, distMax = Distance }
rocket descriptor.
Weapon.DescBomb = extends Weapon.Desc { guidance = enum Weapon.GuidanceType, altMin = Distance, altMax = Distance, }
bomb descriptor.
Member functions
Unit Weapon.getLauncher(Weapon self)
returns the unit that launched the weapon
Object Weapon.getTarget(Weapon self)
returns target of the guided weapon. Unguided weapons and guided weapon that is targeted at the point on the ground will return nil.
Weapon.Desc Weapon.getDesc(Weapon self)
returns weapon descriptor. Descriptor type depends on weapon category.
Represents units: airplanes, helicopters, vehicles, ships and armed ground structures. Extends CoalitionObject. Final class. Units exist in groups.
Identifier of an unit. It assigned to an unit by the Mission Editor automatically.
enum that stores unit categories
enum that stores aircraft refueling system types.
enum that stores sensor types.
Unit.SensorType = { OPTIC, RADAR, IRST, RWR }
enum that stores types of optic sensors.
Unit.OpticType = { TV, --TV-sensor LLTV, --Low-level TV-sensor IR --Infra-Red optic sensor }
enum that stores radar types.
Unit.RadarType = { AS, --air search radar SS --surface/land search radar }
Unit.Desc extends Object.Desc = { category = enum Unit.Category, massEmpty = Mass, --mass of empty unit speedMax = Distance / Time, --maximal velocity }
an unit descriptor. This is common part of unit descriptor. Its format depends on unit category.
Unit.DescAircraft extends Unit.Desc = { fuelMassMax = Mass, --maximal inner fuel mass range = Distance, --operational range Hmax = Distance, --ceiling VyMax = Distance / Time, --maximal climb rate NyMin = number, --minimal safe acceleration NyMax = number, --maximal safe acceleration tankerType = enum Unit.RefuelingSystem, --refueling system type }
an aircraft descriptor.
Unit.DescAirplane extends Unit.DescAircraft = { speedMax0 = Distance / Time, --maximal TAS at ground level speedMax10K = Distance / Time --maximal TAS at altitude of 10 km }
an airplane descriptor.
Unit.DescHelicopter extends Unit.DescAircraft = { HmaxStat = Distance, --static ceiling }
a helicopter descriptor.
Unit.DescVehicle extends Unit.Desc = { maxSlopeAngle = Angle, --maximal slope angle riverCrossing = boolean, --can the vehicle cross a rivers }
a vehicle descriptor.
Unit.DescShip extends Unit.Desc = { }
a ship descriptor.
Unit.AmmoItem = { desc = Weapon.Desc, --ammunition descriptor count = number --ammunition count }
ammunition item: "type-count" pair.
Unit.Ammo = array of Unit.AmmoItem
an unit ammunition.
Unit.Sensor = { typeName = TypeName, type = enum Unit.SensorType }
an unit sensor.
Unit.Optic extends Unit.Sensor = { opticType = enum Unit.OpticType }
an optic sensor.
Unit.Radar extends Unit.Sensor = { detectionDistanceRBM = Distance or nil, --detection distance for RCS=1m^2 in real-beam mapping mode, nil if radar doesn't support surface/land search detectionDistanceHRM = Distance or nil, --detection distance for RCS=1m^2 in high-resolution mapping mode, nil if radar has no HRM detectionDistanceAir = { --detection distance for RCS=1m^2 airborne target, nil if radar doesn't support air search upperHemisphere = { headOn = Distance, tailOn = Distance }, lowerHemisphere = { headOn = Distance, tailOn = Distance } } }
a radar.
Unit.IRST extends Unit.Sensor = { detectionDistanceIdle = Distance, -- detection of tail-on target with heat signature = 1 in upper hemisphere, engines are in idle detectionDistanceMaximal = Distance, -- ..., engines are in maximal mode detectionDistanceAfterburner = Distance, -- ..., engines are in afterburner mode }
an IRST.
Unit.RWR extends Unit.Sensor = { }
an RWR.
Sensors = { [Unit.SensorType.OPTIC] = array of Unit.OpticSensor or nil, [Unit.SensorType.RADAR] = array of Unit.Radar or nil, [Unit.SensorType.IRST] = array of Unit.IRST or nil, [Unit.SensorType.RWR] = array of Unit.RWR or nil, }
table that stores all unit sensors.
Static functions
Unit function Unit.getByName(string name)
returns unit object by the name assigned to the unit in Mission Editor. If there is unit with such name or the unit is destroyed the function will return nil. The function provides access to non-activated units too.
Member functions
boolean function Unit.isActive(Unit self)
returns if the unit is activated.
string function Unit.getPlayerName(Unit self)
returns name of the player that control the unit or nil if the unit is controlled by A.I.
Unit.ID function Unit.getID(Unit self)
returns the unit's unique identifier.
number function Unit.getNumber(Unit self)
returns the unit's number in the group. The number is the same number the unit has in ME. It may not be changed during the mission. If any unit in the group is destroyed, the numbers of another units will not be changed.
Controller function Unit.getController(Unit self)
returns controller of the unit if it exist and nil otherwise
Group function Unit.getGroup(Unit self)
returns the unit's group if it exist and nil otherwise
string function Unit.getCallsign(Unit self)
returns the unit's callsign - the localized string.
number function Unit.getLife(Unit self)
returns the unit's health. Dead units has health <= 1.0
number function Unit.getLife0(Unit self)
returns the unit's initial health.
number function Unit.getFuel(Unit self)
returns relative amount of fuel (from 0.0 to 1.0) the unit has in its internal tanks. If there are additional fuel tanks the value may be greater than 1.0.
Unit.Ammo function Unit.getAmmo(Unit self)
returns the unit ammunition.
Unit.Sensors function Unit.getSensors(Unit self)
returns the unit sensors.
boolean function Unit.hasSensors(Unit self, enum Unit.SensorType sensorType = nil, ...)
returns true if the unit has specified types of sensors. This function is more preferable than Unit.getSensors() if you don't want to get information about all the unit's sensors, and just want to check if the unit has specified types of sensors.
Sensor type.
Additional parameters.
If sensorType is Unit.SensorType.OPTIC, additional parameters are optic sensor types. Following example checks if the unit has LLTV or IR optics:
unit:hasSensors(Unit.SensorType.OPTIC, Unit.OpticType.LLTV, Unit.OpticType.IR)
If sensorType is Unit.SensorType.RADAR, additional parameters are radar types. Following example checks if the unit has air search radars:
unit:hasSensors(Unit.SensorType.RADAR, Unit.RadarType.AS)
If no additional parameters are specified the function returns true if the unit has at least one sensor of specified type.
If sensor type is not specified the function returns true if the unit has at least one sensor of any type.
boolean, Object function Unit.getRadar(Unit self)
returns two values:
Unit.Desc function Unit.getDesc(Unit self)
returns unit descriptor. Descriptor type depends on unit category.
Represents airbases: airdromes, helipads and ships with flying decks or landing pads.
Extends CoalitionObject.
Final class.
Identifier of an airbase. It assigned to an airbase by the Mission Editor automatically.
This identifier is used in AI tasks to refer an airbase that exists (spawned and not dead) or not.
Airbase.Category = { AIRDROME, HELIPAD, SHIP }
enum contains identifiers of airbase categories.
Airbase.Desc = extends Desc { category = Airbase.Category }
airbase descriptor. Airdromes are unique and their types are unique, but helipads and ships are not always unique and may have the same type.
Static function
Airbase Airbase.getByName(string name)
returns airbase by its name. If no airbase found the function will return nil.
Airbase.Desc Airbase.getDescByName(TypeName typeName)
returns airbase descriptor by type name. If no descriptor is found the function will return nil.
Member functions
Unit Airbase.getUnit(Airbase self)
returns Unit that is corresponded to the airbase. Works only for ships.
Airbase.ID Airbase.getID(Airbase self)
returns identifier of the airbase.
string function Airbase.getCallsign(Airbase self)
returns the airbase's callsign - the localized string.
Airbase.Desc getDesc(Airbase self)
returns descriptor of the airbase.
Represents static object added in the Mission Editor. Extends CoalitionObject. Final class.
Identifier of a static object. It is assigned to a static object by the Mission Editor automatically.
StaticObject.Desc = Unit.Desc
Descriptor of StaticObject and Unit are equal. StaticObject is just a passive variant of Unit.
Static functions:
StaticObject function StaticObject.getByName(string name)
returns static object by its name. If no static object found nil will be returned.
Member functions:
StaticObject.ID function StaticObject.getID(StaticObject self)
returns identifier of the static object.
StaticObject.Desc StaticObject.getDesc(StaticObject self)
return descriptor of the static object.
Extends Object. Final class. Has nothing that Object hasn't.
SceneryObject.Desc = Unit.Desc
Descriptor of SceneryObject and Unit are equal. SceneryObject may have the same body StaticObject or Unit have.
Represents group of Units.
enum contains identifiers of group types.
Identifier of a group. It is assigned to a group by Mission Editor automatically.
Static functions
Group function Group.getByName(string name)
returns group by the name assigned to the group in Mission Editor.
Member functions
boolean function Group.isExist(Group self)
returns true if the group exist or false otherwise.
function Group.destroy(Group self)
destroys the group and all of its units.
enum Group.Category function Group.getCategory(Group self)
returns category of the group.
enum coalition.side function Group.getCoalition(Group self)
returns coalition of the group.
string function Group.getName(Group self)
returns the group's name. This is the same name assigned to the group in Mission Editor.
Group.ID function Group.getID(Group self)
returns the group identifier.
Unit function Group.getUnit(number unitNumber)
returns the unit with number unitNumber. If the unit is not exists the function will return nil.
number function Group.getSize(Group self)
returns initial size of the group. If some of the units will be destroyed, initial size of the group will not be changed. Initial size limits the unitNumber parameter for Group.getUnit() function.
array of Unit function Group.getUnits(Group self)
returns array of the units present in the group now. Destroyed units will not be enlisted at all.
Controller function Group.getController(Group self)
returns controller of the group.
Controller is an object that performs A.I.-routines. Other words controller is an instance of A.I.. Controller stores current main task, active enroute tasks and behavior options. Controller performs commands.
Please, read DCS A-10C GUI Manual EN.pdf chapter "Task Planning for Unit Groups", page 91 to understand A.I. system of DCS:A-10C.
function Controller.setOnOff(Controller self, boolean value)
enables and disables the controller.
Note: Now it works only for ground / naval groups!
function Controller.setTask(Controller self, Task task)
resets current task and then sets the task to the controller. Task is a table that contains task identifier and task parameters.
function Controller.resetTask(Controller self)
resets current task of the controller
Common task format is:
Task = { id = string, params = { } }
String task identifier.
function Controller.pushTask(Controller self, Task task)
pushes the task to the front of the queue and makes the task active. Further call of function Controller.setTask() function will stop current task, clear the queue and set the new task active. If the task queue is empty the function will work like function Controller.setTask() function.
function Controller.popTask(Controller self)
pops current (front) task from the queue and makes active next task in the queue (if exists). If no more tasks in the queue the function works like function Controller.resetTask() function. Does nothing if the queue is empty.
boolean function Controller.hasTask(Controller self)
returns true if the controller has a task.
1. NoTask
An empty task. It finished just being started.
NoTask = { id = 'NoTask', params = { } }
2. AttackGroup
Attacking the target group (airborne, ground or naval).
AttackGroup = { id = 'AttackGroup', params = { groupId = Group.ID, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, directionEnabled = boolean, direction = Azimuth, altitudeEnabled = boolean, altitude = Distance, attackQtyLimit = boolean, } }
weaponType (optional)
Weapon flags are enlisted in Weapon.flag table.
Determines how much weapon will be released at each attack. If parameter is not defined the unit / group will choose expend on its own discretion.
This parameter limits maximal quantity of attack. The aicraft/group will not make more attack than allowed even if the target group not destroyed and the aicraft/group still have ammo. If not defined the aircraft/group will attack target until it will be destroyed or until the aircraft/group will run out of ammo.
The flag determines how to interpret attackQty parameter. If the flag is true then attackQty is a limit on maximal attack quantity for "AttackGroup" and "AttackUnit" tasks. If the flag is false then attackQty is a desired attack quantity for "Bombing" and "BombingRunway" tasks.
Note: this looks like not a good solution. It would be better to have two number parameters: required parameter attackQty for "Bombing" and "BombingRunway" tasks and attackQtyLimit for "AttackGroup" and "AttackUnit" tasks.
Indicates ingress direction is defined.
Desired ingress direction from the target to the attacking aircraft. Group/aircraft will make its attacks from the direction. Of course if there is no way to attack from the direction due the terrain group/aircraft will choose another direction.
Indicates attack start altitude is defined.
Desired attack start altitude. Group/aircraft will make its attacks from the altitude. If the altitude is too low or too high to use weapon aircraft/group will choose closest altitude to the desired attack start altitude. If the desired altitude is defined group/aircraft will not attack from safe altitude.
3. AttackUnit
Attacking the target (airborne, ground or naval).
AttackUnit = { id = 'AttackUnit', params = { unitId = Unit.ID, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, attackQtyLimit = boolean, groupAttack = boolean, } }
The task has the same parameters of AttackGroup, but has unitId parameter instead of groupId and additional parameter groupAttack.
Inner unique identifier of the unit to attack.
Flag indicates that the target must be engaged by all aircrafts of the group. Has effect only if the task is assigned to a group, not to a single aircraft.
4. Bombing
Delivering weapon at the point on the ground.
Bombing = { id = 'Bombing', params = { point = Vec2, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, groupAttack = boolean, } }
The task has the same parameters of AttackUnit task, but has parameters point instead of unitId, plus attackQty and minus attackQtyLimit parameters.
5. AttackMapObject
Attacking the map object (building, structure, e.t.c).
AttackMapObject = { id = 'AttackMapObject', params = { point = Vec2, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, groupAttack = boolean, } }
The task has the same parameters AttackUnit task has, but has parameters point instead of unitId.
Object id is not used here because Mission Editor doesn't support map object identificators.
6. BombingRunway
Delivering weapon on the runway.
BombingRunway = { id = 'BombingRunway', params = { runwayId = AirdromeId, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, groupAttack = boolean, } }
The task has the same parameters Bombing task has, but has parameter runwayId instead of point.
7. Orbit
Flying orbit.
Orbit = { id = 'Orbit', params = { pattern = enum AI.Task.OribtPattern, point = Vec2, point2 = Vec2, speed = Distance, altitude = Distance } }
point (optional)
speed (optional)
altitude (optional)
point2 (optional)
Orbit Patterns.
speed and altitude are an optional parameters. If not defined aircraft will fly orbit at altitude of first waypoint and with speed equal 1.5 of stall airspeed.
8. Refueling
Refueling from the nearest tanker. No parameters.
Refueling = { id = 'Refueling', params = {} }
9. Land
Landing at the ground. For helicopters only.
Land = { id= 'Land', params = { point = Vec2, durationFlag = boolean, duration = Time } }
10. Follow
Following another airborne group. The unit / group will follow lead unit of another group, wingmens of both groups will continue following their leaders. If another group is on land the unit / group will orbit around.
Follow = { id = 'Follow', params = { groupId = Group.ID, pos = Vec3, lastWptIndexFlag = boolean, lastWptIndex = number } }
11. Escort
Escort another airborne group. The unit / group will follow lead unit of another group, wingmens of both groups will continue following their leaders. The unit / group will also protect that group from threats of specified types.
Escort = { id = 'Escort', params = { groupId = Group.ID, pos = Vec3, lastWptIndexFlag = boolean, lastWptIndex = number, engagementDistMax = Distance, targetTypes = array of AttributeName } }
The parameters are the same Follow task has, but plus 2 additional:
12. Mission
Mission is a complex task. Performing the Mission means flying the route and performing tasks at each waypoint of the route.
Mission = { id = 'Mission', params = { route = { points = { [1] = { type = enum AI.Task.WaypointType, airdromeId = Airbase.ID, helipadId = Airbase.ID, action = enum AI.Task.TurnMethod, x = Distance, y = Distance, alt = Distance, alt_type = enum AI.Task.AltitudeType, speed = Distance, speed_locked = boolean, ETA = Time, ETA_locked = boolean, name = string, task = Task }, [2] = { ... }, ... [N]= { ... } } }, } }
1. FireAtPoint
Firing at point until there is ammo.
FireAtPoint = { id = 'FireAtPoint', params = { point = Vec2, radius = Distance, } }
radius (optional)
2. Hold
Not moving. No parameters.
Hold = { id = 'Hold', params = { } }
3. Mission
Mission is a complex task. Performing the Mission means following the route and performing tasks at each waypoint of the route.
Mission = { id = 'Mission', params = { route = { points = { [1] = { action = enum AI.Task.VehicleFormation, x = Distance, y = Distance, speed = Distance, ETA = Time, ETA_locked = boolean, name = string, task = Task }, [2] = { ... }, ... [N]= { ... } } }, } }
1. FAC_AttackGroup
The task makes the group/unit a FAC and orders the FAC to control the target (enemy ground group) destruction. The killer is player-controlled allied CAS-aircraft that is in contact with the FAC.
If the task is assigned to the group lead unit will be a FAC.
FAC_AttackGroup = { id = 'FAC_AttackGroup', params = { groupId = Group.ID, weaponType = number, designation = enum AI.Task.Designation, datalink = boolean } }
weaponType (optional)
Weapon flags are enlisted in Weapon.flag table.
designation (optional)
datalink (optional)
1. EngageTargets
All enroute tasks have the priority parameter. This is a number (less value - higher priority) that determines actions related to what task will be performed first.
Engaging a targets of defined types.
EngageTargets ={ id = 'EngageTargets', params = { maxDist = Distance, targetTypes = array of AttributeName, priority = number } }
2. EngageTargetsInZone
Engaging a targets of defined types at circle-shaped zone.
EngageTargetsInZone = { id = 'EngageTargetsInZone', params = { point = Vec2, zoneRadius = Distance, targetTypes = array of AttributeName, priority = number } }
3. Engage Group
Engaging a group. The task does not assign the target group to the unit/group to attack now; it just allows the unit/group to engage the target group as well as other assigned targets.
EngageGroup = { id = 'EngageGroup', params = { groupId = Group.ID, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, attackQtyLimit = boolean, priority = number } }
The task has same parameters of AttackGroup task, plus priority.
4. EngageUnit
Engaging an unit. By this task you do not assign the target to the unit/group to attack now, you just allow the unit/group to engage the target as well as other assigned targets.
EngageUnit = { id = 'EngageUnit', params = { unitId = UnitId, weaponType = number, expend = enum AI.Task.WeaponExpend, attackQty = number, direction = Azimuth, attackQtyLimit = boolean, groupAttack = boolean, priority = number } }
The task has same parameters of AttackUnit task, plus priority.
Aircraft will act as an AWACS for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts). No parameters.
AWACS = { id = 'AWACS', params = { } }
6. Tanker
Aircraft will act as a tanker for friendly units. No parameters.
Tanker = { id = 'Tanker', params = { } }
1. EWR
Ground unit (EW-radar) will act as an EWR for friendly units (will provide them with information about contacts). No parameters.
EWR = { id = 'EWR', params = { } }
1. FAC_EngageGroup
The task makes the group/unit a FAC and lets the FAC to choose the target (enemy ground group) as well as other assigned targets. The killer is player-controlled allied CAS-aircraft that is in contact with the FAC.
If the task is assigned to the group lead unit will be a FAC.
FAC_EngageGroup = { id = 'FAC_AttackGroup', params = { groupId = Group.ID, weaponType = number, designation = enum AI.Task.Designation, datalink = boolean, priority = number } }
The parameters are the same FAC_AttackGroup task has plus priority.
2. FAC
The task makes the group/unit a FAC andlets the FAC to choose a targets (enemy ground group) around as well as other assigned targets. The killer is player-controlled allied CAS-aircraft that is in contact with the FAC.
If the task is assigned to the group lead unit will be a FAC.
FAC = { id = 'FAC', params = { radius = Distance, priority = number } }
1. Controlled Task
This is a wrapper for a task that makes possible to assign special conditions to stop a task.
ControlledTask = { id = 'ControlledTask', params = { task = Task, stopCondition = StopCondition, } }
StopCondition consists of several sub-conditions. Each sub-condition is optional. If at least one of the conditions has met, the task will be stopped. All the sub-conditions will being checked periodically.
StopCondition = { time = Time, userFlag = string, userFlagValue = boolean, condition = string, duration = Time, lastWaypoint = number, }
time (optional)
User Flag (optional).
The condition will be met only is the userFlag has value that equals to userFlagValue.
condition (optional)
function [generated name]() return [Lua code] end
The condition will be met when the function will return true.
duration (optional)
lastWaypoint (optional)
2. Combo Task
Combo Task is a list of actions to run them in the order they are enlisted.
ComboTask = { id = 'ComboTask', params = { tasks = { [1] = Task, [2] = Task, ... [N] = Task } } }
The task may be useful if it is necessary to assign list of actions to the group/unit. For example, actions list created for the waypoint in Mission Editor is a Combo Task. It is only possible to fill Combo Task with tasks. To fill the Combo Task with Commands and Behavior Options you should use Wrapped Action task.
3. Wrapped Action
A command wrapped into task. This construction may be useful in ComboTask.
WrappedAction = { id = 'WrappedAction', params = { action = Command } }
Commands are instant actions those required zero time to perform. Commands may be used both for control unit/group behavior and control game mechanics.
function Controller.setCommand(Controller self, Command command)
sets the command to perform by controller.
Table that contains command identifier and command parameters.
Commands have following format
Command = { id = string, params = { } }
id is a string identifier of the command
1. No Action
Empty action. No parameters.
NoAction = { id = 'NoAction', params = { } }
2. Script
Runs Lua-script.
Script = { id = 'Script', params = { command = string } }
3. Set callsign
Sets callsign to the group. It is only valid for western groups those have hierarchic callsigns: [group callname][flight number][aircraft number]. You can change [group callname][flight number] part of callsign for all aircraft in the group of for single aircraft.
SetCallsign = { id = 'SetCallsign', params = { callname = number, number = number, } }
Callname | Identifier |
Enfield | 1 |
Springfield | 2 |
Uzi | 3 |
Colt | 4 |
Dodge | 5 |
Ford | 6 |
Chevy | 7 |
Pontiac | 8 |
Hawg | 9 |
Boar | 10 |
Pig | 11 |
Tusk | 12 |
Callname | Identifier |
Overlord | 1 |
Magic | 2 |
Wizard | 3 |
Focus | 4 |
Darkstar | 5 |
Callname | Identifier |
Texaco | 1 |
Arco | 2 |
Shell | 3 |
Ground JTAC
Callname | Identifier |
Axeman | 1 |
Darknight | 2 |
Warrior | 3 |
Pointer | 4 |
Eyeball | 5 |
Moonbeam | 6 |
Whiplash | 7 |
Finger | 8 |
Pinpoint | 9 |
Ferret | 10 |
Shaba | 11 |
Playboy | 12 |
Hammer | 13 |
Jaguar | 14 |
Deathstar | 15 |
Anvil | 16 |
Firefly | 17 |
Mantis | 18 |
Badger | 19 |
4. Set frequency
Sets frequency and modulation to the unit's radio or to the radio of each unit in the group.
SetFrequency = { id = 'SetFrequency', params = { frequency = number, modulation = enum radio.modulation, } }
5. Switch waypoint
Switches current leg of the route. Has effect only if the "Mission" task is active.
SwitchWaypoint = { id = 'SwitchWaypoint', params = { fromWaypointIndex = number, goToWaypointIndex = number, } }
New leg is defined by a two parameters:
6. Stop route
Stops / resumes following the route. Has effect only if the "Mission" task is active.
StopRoute = { id = 'StopRoute', params = { value = boolean, } }
7. Switch action
Switches to an another action of the actions list of the waypoint. Has effect only if the "Mission" task is active.
SwitchAction = { id = 'SwitchAction', params = { actionIndex = number, } }
8. Invisible
Makes the unit/group invisible for enemy A.I.
SetInvisible = { id = 'SetInvisible', params = { value = boolean } }
9. Immortal
Makes the unit/group immortal.
SetImmortal = { id = 'SetImmortal', params = { value = boolean } }
10. Activate beacon
Activates the beacon onboard the aircraft or onboard first aircraft of the group. Note that the only one beacon can be activate at the same time. If you activated new beacon having another beacon active that old beacon will be deactivated.
ActivateBeacon = { id = 'ActivateBeacon', params = { type = number, system = number, name = string, callsign = string, frequency = number, } }
11. Deactivate beacon
Deactivates beacon onboard the unit. If it is a group the beacon will be activated onboard a first unit of the group. No parameters.
{ id = 'DeactivateBeacon', params = { } }
Sets parameters of EPLRS datalink of the unit/group. If EPLRS command called for the airborne group then all aircrafts of the group will be affected. If EPLRS command called for vehicle group then only the first unit of the group will be affected. You can switch EPLRS on/off and change track number of the first unit of the vehicle group.
{ id = 'EPLRS', params = { value = boolean, groupId = number, } }
Option is a pair of identifier and value. Behavior options are global parameters those affect controller behavior in all tasks it performs.
Option identifiers and values are stored in table AI.Option in subtables Air, Ground and Naval.
OptionId = or or
OptionValue = AI.Option.Air.val[optionName] or AI.Option.Ground.val[optionName] or AI.Option.Naval.val[optionName]
function Controller.setOption(Controller self, OptionId optionId, OptionValue optionValue)
sets the option to the controller.
Airborne units
Option | Values | |
| |
AI.Option.Air.val.FLARE_USING.AGAINST_FIRED_MISSILE AI.Option.Air.val.FLARE_USING.WHEN_FLYING_IN_SAM_WEZ AI.Option.Air.val.FLARE_USING.WHEN_FLYING_NEAR_ENEMIES | | complex option. See the description below. | |
false | |
false |
Ground units
Option | Values | |
| |
AI.Option.Ground.val.ROE.RETURN_FIRE AI.Option.Ground.val.ROE.WEAPON_HOLD | |
false | |
AI.Option.Ground.val.ALARM_STATE.GREEN AI.Option.Ground.val.ALARM_STATE.RED |
Naval units
Option | Values | |
| |
AI.Option.Naval.val.ROE.RETURN_FIRE AI.Option.Naval.val.ROE.WEAPON_HOLD |
Formation is a complex parameter that consists of 3 sub-parameters: formation type, formation variant and formation orientation (left/right). Each sub-parameter is represented by a number. These three numbers are packed into a single number - the formation code.
Note: it is not an elegant solution, but we have a limitation here - option value may be a number or boolean. May be it will be reworked later.
[4 bytes formation code] = [2 bytes - formation type][1 byte - formation orientation][1 byte - formation variant]
Formations are enlisted in ./Scripts/Database/db_formations.Lua.
Formation type identifiers
local id = { NO_FORMATION = 0, --airplanes LINE_ABREAST = 1, TRAIL = 2, WEDGE = 3, ECHELON_RIGHT = 4, ECHELON_LEFT = 5, FINGER_FOUR = 6, SPREAD_FOUR = 7, --helicopters HEL_WEDGE = 8, HEL_ECHELON = 9, HEL_FRONT = 10, HEL_COLUMN = 11, -- MAX = 12 }
Formation orientation
Default orientation of each formation type determines by a formation geometry given in the script. All existed formation types have right orientation. To inverse orientation (to the left) the value of formation orientation sub-parameter must be 1.
Formation variant
Some formation types have several variants usually different by a density. Variants are enumerated from 1 to N. If the variant is 0 then default variant will be used.
Airplane formations "Trail", "Wedge", "Echelon Right", "Echelon Left", "Finger Four", "Spred Four" have two variants: "Open" and "Close" (default) and have no variable orientation. Helicopter formation "Echelon" has three variants "50x70", "50x300" (default), "50x600" and has variable orientation. Helicopter formation "Front" has three variants: "interval 300" (default), "interval 600" and has variable orientation. All other formations have no variants and no variable orientation.
Controller.Detection = { VISUAL, OPTIC, RADAR, IRST, RWR, DLINK }
enum contains identifiers of surface types.
function boolean detected, boolean visible, ModelTime lastTime, boolean type, boolean distance, Vec3 lastPos, Vec3 lastVel, Controller.isTargetDetected(Controller self, Object target, [Controller.Detection detection1, Controller.Detection detection2, ... Controller.Detection detectionN] or nil)
checks if the target is detected or not. If one or more detection method is specified the function will return true if the target is detected by at least one of these methods. If no detection methods are specified the function will return true if the target is detected by any method.
detection1 - detectionN
Return values:
DetectedTarget = { object = Object, --the target visible = boolean, --the target is visible type = boolean, --the target type is known distance = boolean --distance to the target is known }
detected target.
DetectedTargets = array of DetectedTarget
list of detected targets.
function array DetectedTargets Controller.getDetectedTargets(Controller self, [Controller.Detection detection1, Controller.Detection detection2, ... Controller.Detection detectionN] or nil)
returns list of detected targets. If one or more detection method is specified the function will return targets which were detected by at least one of these methods. If no detection methods are specified the function will return targets which were detected by any method.
detection1 - detectionN
function Controller.knowTarget(Controller self, Object object, boolean type, boolean distance)
Represents a spot from laser or IR-pointer. Final class.
Spot.Category enum that stores spot categories.
Spot.Category = { INFRA_RED, LASER }
Static functions
Spot function Spot.createInfraRed(Object source, Vec3 localPoint = nil, Vec3 point)
creates laser ray from the object to the given point.
Spot function Spot.createInfraRed(Object source, Vec3 localPoint = nil, Vec3 point, number laserCode)
creates laser ray from the object to the given point.
Member functions
function Spot.destroy(Spot self)
Destroys the spot.
Spot.Category function Spot.getCategory(Spot self)
Returns category of the spot.
Vec3 function Spot.getPoint(Spot self)
Returns position of the spot, end of the beam.
number function Spot.getCode(Spot self)
Returns laser code.
function Spot.setPoint(Spot self, Vec3 point)
Sets position of the spot.
function Spot.setCode(Spot self, number code)
Sets position of the spot.