L’F-5E è stato sviluppato negli Stati Uniti all’inizio degli anni ’70 come versione migliorata dell’F-5A. Questo eccezionale caccia leggero multiruolo è stato inizialmente progettato come un progetto finanziato privatamente. I ruoli di combattimento dell’F-5E includono sia missioni aria-aria che attacchi aria-terra non guidati. Negli Stati Uniti si è distinto anche come aereo avversario nei combattimenti simulati. Grazie alla sua flessibilità operativa, facilità d’uso e costi ridotti, l’F-5E continua a servire forze aeree come quelle di Iran, Svizzera e altri paesi.
L’F-5E è armato con due cannoni M39-A3 da 20 mm, ognuno con 280 colpi. I cannoni sono posizionati nella sezione anteriore e sono dotati di deflettori che dirigono i gas caldi lontano dalle prese d’aria del motore. Ogni cannone ha una cadenza di tiro di 1.500-1.700 colpi al minuto.
Le estremità delle ali integrano rotaie di lancio capaci di sparare missili a guida infrarossa AIM-9.
Cinque punti di aggancio (un pilone centrale e quattro piloni sotto le ali) consentono il trasporto di bombe, munizioni a grappolo e razzi. Per aumentare il raggio d’azione, è possibile attaccare serbatoi esterni a tre punti predisposti (un pilone centrale e due piloni interni). In combattimento, manovrabilità e velocità possono essere massimizzate sganciando tutti i carichi esterni.
Il DCS: F-5E è un velivolo facile da apprendere, che aggiunge un’esperienza di gioco coinvolgente per il giocatore singolo ed è un’ottima scelta per i server multiplayer dell’era della Guerra Fredda.
Flaming Cliffs (FC) 2024 is the next chapter of the popular Flaming Cliffs series that features an expanded list of aircraft: The F-5E FC, F-86F FC, and MiG-15bis FC. As with all FC aircraft, these additions are easy-to-learn, with less complex controls, and includes their DCS Professional Flight Models. The more accessible FC-style concept allows new and existing players to quickly jump into the action and have fun at an exceptionally advantageous price point.
Flaming Cliffs 2024 provides an unrivalled sense of flight that only DCS can offer. With impressive and highly realistic 3D modelling, powerful authentic weapons and ease of use, Flaming Cliffs is specifically designed for those of you looking for an unbeatable combat experience, without having to learn all the systems and a very large number of cockpit inputs typical of the full fidelity aircraft in DCS.
MiG-15bis Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: MiG-15bis. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the plane and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the MiG-15bis is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.
In the 50s of the last century, the MiG-15 was a highly-capable clear-weather interceptor and light ground attack aircraft that saw much action in Korean war. It was the first swept-wing jet fighter to come out of the Mikoyan-Gurevich stable in the late 1940s. MiG-15 maneuverability and high transonic speed made it superior to all UN aircraft except the F-86 Sabre.
A powerful 37mm autocannon in the lower right fuselage (40 rounds total) and 2 × 23mm autocannon in the lower left fuselage (80 rounds per gun, 160 rounds total) give the MiG-15bis tremendous punch. In the secondary light ground attack role, aircraft can also carry 100 kg bombs on its twin underwing hardpoints.
F-5E Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: F-5E Tiger II. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the F-5E and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the F-5E FC is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.
The F-5E is a light, tactical fighter based on the F-5A in 1972. A distinctive feature of the F-5E is its improved aerodynamics that include leading edge wing extensions and automatic control of high lift devices that improved the maneuverability of the aircraft. The sighting system was also improved to include the AN/APQ-159 radar.
The aircraft has two built-in 20mm cannons and can carry two AIM-9 short range, infrared-guided air-to-air missiles and various air-to-ground, and unguided weapons.
F-86F Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: F-86F Sabre. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the plane and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the F-86F is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.
The North American F-86F Sabre is a day, clear weather, transonic fighter-interceptor with a secondary ground attack capability. Fighter is armed with six .50 in/12.7 mm Colt-Browning М3 machine guns, with 300 rounds per gun. It can also carry two AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles. For air-to-ground strikes the F-86 can deliver up to sixteen HVAR unguided rockets or pairs of M64 500lb or M117 750lb General Purpose bombs.
Powered by a single General Electric J47-GE-27 turbojet providing 5,910 lbs of thrust, the F-86F has a maximum speed of 595 knots at sea level, a rate of climb of 9,000 fpm to 49,600 feet and a combat radius of about 600 nautical miles.
The F-4 Phantom II is an American two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long- range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber originally developed by McDonnell Aircraft for the United States Navy. After entering service with the Navy in 1961, it became adopted by the United States Marine Corps and United States Air Force. Due to its high adaptability, versatility and for its time, unparalleled capabilities, it quickly turned into the main workhorse for all 3 branches and spread beyond the borders of the United States, going on to serve and protect 12 nations across the world, with Phantoms still in operation today. Its production ran from 1958 to 1981, and with nigh 5200 Phantoms built, it became the most produced supersonic US military aircraft in the history, solidifying its place as one of the most recognizable and well known aircraft of the cold war era.
The F-15E, developed in the mid 1980's, is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. An array of avionics and electronics systems give the F-15E the capability to fight at low or high altitude, day or night, and in all weather. The F-15E is the USAF's premier strike fighter still in use today.
The F-15E delivered fighter aircrew several first-time capabilities. Its APG-70 radar, based on the very capable APG-63 from the F-15A-D, boasted a synthetic mapping capability that literally created pictures of the target based solely on radar imaging. A self-contained, networked electronic warfare suite gave the aircraft self-protection capabilities. Bringing this all together and placing battlespace information at the hands of the crew, a sophisticated, air-to-ground with an ergonomic cockpit layout that was developed to take full advantage of the latest technology and advances in such areas with Multi-Purpose Displays.
The MB-339 is a single engine, twin seat, Italian jet trainer and light ground support aircraft derived from the legendary MB-326 and designed during the Cold War. The aircraft entered service in the early 80's becoming the main training platform of the Italian Air Force.
The MB-339 was exported in several foreign countries in which some specimens are still operative. This aircraft also took part in the Falklands-Malvinas war with the Armada de la República Argentina (Argentina Navy) and was also used by the Eritrean Air Force in various roles, against rebels, smugglers, and even against the Ethiopian Air Force.
Historical operators of this aircraft in its A version were the Italian Air Force, Malaysia, Nigeria, Peru, United Arabs Emirates, Argentina and Ghana.
Thanks to its superb flying qualities, the MB-339 in its aerobatic version (PAN) is also used by two great national aerobatic teams: the "Frecce Tricolori" (Italian Air Force) and the "Al Fursan" ("The Knights" – UAE Air Force).
The MB-339 is the only jet aircraft capable of performing the famous Lomcovák manoeuvre.
The DCS: MB-339 aims to be the most realistic simulation of this aircraft ever made for PC, not only in terms of system functionalities but especially flight performances.
The MB-339 will be available in an almost complete state. Some of the most interesting features available at the release date are:
The Aerges Engineering Team is pleased to introduce the DCS: Mirage F1. The Mirage F1 is a legendary single engine French fighter jet from the Cold War era. It has had an illustrious career serving with the air forces of France, Spain, Greece, Iraq and many other countries and has taken part in multiple conflicts. From its original role as an all-weather interceptor, it has evolved with multiple versions into a capable multirole platform.
The DCS: Mirage F1 will allow virtual pilots to accurately experience the feeling of flying a 1970s third generation aircraft. This is a particularly interesting aircraft, as it is equipped with a more sophisticated flight control system and navigation suite. However, it lacks any screens or computer assistance and has to be flown carefully and with skill.
Il britannico De Havilland Mosquito, in servizio con la Royal Air Force (RAF) dal 1940 al 1961, è stato uno degli aerei da combattimento più rivoluzionari ed efficaci della Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Il ‘Mossie’, dal design brillante ed innovativo, ha lasciato un segno luminoso e duraturo nella storia dell'aviazione e ha servito negli Stati Uniti, in Canada e in Australia.
La cellula, costruita per la maggior parte in legno per risparmiare sulle scarse forniture di metallo, gli è valsa il soprannome di "The Wooden Wonder". Era anche conosciuto come "Freeman's Folly", dal nome del maresciallo dell'aria che ne sostenne la produzione.
Armato con quattro mitragliatrici Browning da 7.7 mm. (.303in) e quattro cannoni Hispano Mk.II da 20 mm., questo cacciabombardiere estremamente versatile poteva trasportare sia bombe che razzi su lunghe distanze ad alta velocità, e sganciarli con precisione millimetrica.
La sua capacità di mantenere un'alta velocità di crociera ad alta quota rendeva molto difficile per i caccia della Luftwaffe intercettarlo.
Il Mosquito FB VI che volerai in DCS è la versione dotata delle maggiori capacità che sia mai entrata in azione durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Ne furono prodotti in totale 2.140.
L’FB Mk. VI è dotato di motori Rolls-Royce Merlin 25 potenziati e le sue eccellenti caratteristiche di manovrabilità lo rendono un piacere da volare.