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DCS: F-5E重制版

F-5E 是 70 年代初在美国开发的 F-5A 的升级版本。这款优秀的轻型多功能战斗机最初是作为私人资助的项目设计的。F-5E 的作战任务包括空对空和非制导的空对地攻击。在美国,它还因作为“对抗战斗机”的训练机表现出色。凭借任务灵活性、易于操作和低成本,F-5E 仍然在伊朗、瑞士等国家的空军中服役。

F-5E 配备两门 20 毫米 M39-A3 加农炮,每门炮有 280 发子弹。这些加农炮位于机头部位,并带有可将热气体导离发动机进气口的导流板。每门加农炮的射速为每分钟 1500 至 1700 发子弹。

机翼尖端配有导轨,可发射 AIM-9 红外制导导弹。


DCS: F-5E 是一款易于学习的飞机,为单人玩家提供了引人入胜的游戏体验,也是冷战时代多人服务器的绝佳选择。

发行: 2024-12-04

DCS: 怒火危崖2024

怒火危崖(FC)2024是广受欢迎的怒火危崖系列的下一篇章,其中的航空器数量有所增加:F-5E FC、F-86F FC和MiG-15bis FC。与所有FC航空器一样,这些新增飞机简单易学,操控不复杂,并包含其DCS专业飞行模型。更容易上手的FC风格概念让新老玩家都能以极具优势的价格快速进入游戏并获得乐趣。


发行: 2024-07-11

MiG-15bis Flaming Cliffs

MiG-15bis Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: MiG-15bis. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the plane and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the MiG-15bis is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.

In the 50s of the last century, the MiG-15 was a highly-capable clear-weather interceptor and light ground attack aircraft that saw much action in Korean war. It was the first swept-wing jet fighter to come out of the Mikoyan-Gurevich stable in the late 1940s. MiG-15 maneuverability and high transonic speed made it superior to all UN aircraft except the F-86 Sabre.

A powerful 37mm autocannon in the lower right fuselage (40 rounds total) and 2 × 23mm autocannon in the lower left fuselage (80 rounds per gun, 160 rounds total) give the MiG-15bis tremendous punch. In the secondary light ground attack role, aircraft can also carry 100 kg bombs on its twin underwing hardpoints.

发行: 2024-07-11

F-5E Flaming Cliffs

F-5E Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: F-5E Tiger II. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the F-5E and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the F-5E FC is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.

The F-5E is a light, tactical fighter based on the F-5A in 1972. A distinctive feature of the F-5E is its improved aerodynamics that include leading edge wing extensions and automatic control of high lift devices that improved the maneuverability of the aircraft. The sighting system was also improved to include the AN/APQ-159 radar.

The aircraft has two built-in 20mm cannons and can carry two AIM-9 short range, infrared-guided air-to-air missiles and various air-to-ground, and unguided weapons.

发行: 2024-07-11

F-86F Flaming Cliffs

F-86F Flaming Cliffs is an easy-to-learn aircraft module that is based on the full-fidelity DCS: F-86F Sabre. A more accessible Flaming Cliffs-style control concept allows new players to quickly jump into the plane and have fun. At the same time, the full-fidelity physics of the original model is preserved, providing the same professional-level flight characteristics and sense of flight. This version of the F-86F is available both as part of bundle DCS: Flaming Cliffs 2024 and as a dedicated module purchase.

The North American F-86F Sabre is a day, clear weather, transonic fighter-interceptor with a secondary ground attack capability. Fighter is armed with six .50 in/12.7 mm Colt-Browning М3 machine guns, with 300 rounds per gun. It can also carry two AIM-9B Sidewinder missiles. For air-to-ground strikes the F-86 can deliver up to sixteen HVAR unguided rockets or pairs of M64 500lb or M117 750lb General Purpose bombs.

Powered by a single General Electric J47-GE-27 turbojet providing 5,910 lbs of thrust, the F-86F has a maximum speed of 595 knots at sea level, a rate of climb of 9,000 fpm to 49,600 feet and a combat radius of about 600 nautical miles.

发行: 2024-07-11

DCS: F-4E“鬼怪”II


DCS: F-15E



DCS: MB-339




由于其卓越的飞行品质,MB-339的PAN特技版也被两个国家特技飞行队使用:意大利空军的“三色箭”和“Al Fursan”(“骑士团”-阿联酋空军)。


DCS: MB-339的目标是成为有史以来此飞机最真实的PC模拟,不仅在系统功能方面,而且特别是飞行性能方面。


发行: 2022-10-28

DCS: 幻影F1

Aerges工程团队很高兴推出DCS: 幻影F1。幻影F1是冷战时期传奇的法国单发战斗机。它曾在法国、西班牙、希腊、伊拉克和许多其他国家的空军服役,并参与过多次冲突。从最初作为全天候截击机的角色,它已经演变为多个版本,成为一个功能强大的多角色平台。

DCS: 幻影F1允许虚拟飞行员准确体验驾驶20世纪70年代第三代战机的感觉。这是一款特别有趣的飞机,因为它配备了更复杂的飞行控制系统和导航套件。然而,它没有任何屏幕或计算机辅助,因此须小心翼翼地驾驶。

DCS: “蚊”式FB VI





你将驾驶的DCS: “蚊”式FB VI战斗轰炸机是这款飞机在二战中最令人印象深刻的型号。总共生产了2140架。

“蚊”式FB VI配备了更强大的罗尔斯-罗伊斯梅林25发动机,其出色的操控特性使得驾驶充满乐趣。
