Operation TOP DOWN

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DCS: World 2.5
F/A-18C Hornet

Operation TOP DOWN

Hochgeladen von - Chopper A-10
Datum - 28.10.2018 23:41:39
Operation Name:    TOP DOWN
Mission:                   Escort B-52 Bomber Group
Target Area:            Hormozgan Province, Iran
Objectives:              Bomb Manufacturing Facilities Producing Weapon Grade Plutonium

Mission Planning/Development:  
After the success of OPERATION KRYPTON, Intel/US satellites have identified a second facility that is key to Iran’s ability to produce weapon grade plutonium and centrifuge parts.  This facility is located the city of Anveh.  Their military continues to build these facilities in an urban area hoping to hide their activities.

Operation Top Down will be a strategic strike of force to this newly identified compound.  The strike force will consist of two B-52’s, followed by a single B1-B bombing attacking of the Bandar Lengeh Airbase.  This second strike will only proceed if the first portion of the mission is successful.

The B-52 group will be escorted to the target area by the USS Stennis Strike Group (JCSSG) aircraft.

Can be run as both a Multiplayer or Single-Player Mission.

Download Mission Briefing PDF file at:  

  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 18.98 Mb
  • Geladen: 689
  • Kommentare: 2
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