Su-25 Russian Cockpit HD Textures without Mipmaps v2

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Su-25 Russian Cockpit HD Textures without Mipmaps v2

Typ - Mod
Hochgeladen von - Rabb03
Datum - 29.08.2017 11:56:04
DCS Su-25 Russian Cockpit HD Textures without Mipmaps for lower end computers and lower Texture quality settings, updated.

Update: Mod is still compatible with DCS 2.5.5, but installation method is changed.

This mod is made specifically for people who use lower end computers and have Texture quality setting set to Low or Medium.

Textures included are original DCS high resolution Russian cockpit and instruments textures with mipmaps removed. This way, even with the lowest Texture quality setting, entire cockpit will be in crisp high resolution.

These textures may induce shimmering when zoomed out, depending on a resolution and monitor used.

Update: If you are experiencing darker areas/shadows in canopy, with previous version, try this mod.

Mod is compatible with DCS 2.5.5 or higher.

Mod is compatible with "Customized Cockpit" menu.


To install:
1. Extract Cockpit_Su-25 folder to '...\Users\User_name\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\' folder.
2. Start DCS
3. In Options, Special tab, click at FC3 and in "Customized Cockpit Su-25" drop-down list select "Su-25-NoMipmaps". Click at OK
4. Restart DCS (yes, it is required)
5. Enjoy.


To uninstall:
1. Start DCS
2. In Options, Special tab, click at FC3 and in "Customized Cockpit Su-25" drop-down list select "Default". Click at OK.
3. Exit DCS
4. Navigate to your '...\Users\User_name\Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\Cockpit_Su-25' folder.
5. Delete: "Su-25-NoMipmaps" folder.


  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Russisch
  • Größe: 12.54 Mb
  • Geladen: 1557
  • Kommentare: 0
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