Guarding the Eagles Nest

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DCS: World
Fw 190 D-9 Dora

Guarding the Eagles Nest

Hochgeladen von - Stonehouse
Datum - 12.08.2014 08:30:46
Defend the airbase and supplies against Allied attacks. 4 Player co-op flying FW190Ds. Updated to DCS 1.5+, Mist 4.0.57 and Flakv3.3

Defend a Luftwaffe airbase against an Allied attack to destroy aircraft and supplies and put the airbase out of action. You have a staffel of FW190Ds if they can get airborne in time as well as heavy and light flak emplacements. 4 player co-op flying FW-190Ds
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 1.47 Mb
  • Geladen: 1251
  • Kommentare: 0
Tags: FW-190, FW-190D, FW190
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