Clear Tkvarcheli with voice overs, more diverse moving targets, more random arrangements, 1 to 8 multi-player, all helicopters (v2.7.11.xx)

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DCS World 2.7

Clear Tkvarcheli with voice overs, more diverse moving targets, more random arrangements, 1 to 8 multi-player, all helicopters (v2.7.11.xx)

Hochgeladen von - GSS_Rain_ALT
Datum - 29.03.2022 02:13:32
The original Clear Tkvarcheli mission has been updated to get the mission working as intended for DCS version 2.7.11.  Added independent random artillery layout.  Added independent random mission scenario.   Added independent random air traffic.  Added independent random moving targets and pop-up targets.   Adjusted 32nd Company and insurgent configuration types and positioning to make for more interesting battle.  Added voice overs for Red Force and Blue Force sides.   VR friendly Mission Brief pages.  

After many months of unrest and rebel attacks on our military forces south of our boarder, insurgent forces entered the area last month and have established a foot hold.

In a brazen surprise attack, insurgent forces, with the help of western military hardware, have pushed North fr om Chkhortoli last night and entered the town of TKVARCHELI. Our forces had no choice but to retreat and abandon the town.

Spetsnaz operatives in the area report a column of a little more than a dozen armoured vehicles entered the town and took up defensive positions.

Although exact details are sketchy, the column reportedly included a number of armoured HMMWV, Bradleys, armoured personnel carriers, and some Anti-Air defense units including MANPADS.  

The rebels may also be operating various helicopter types that were recently acquired from the Taliban as western forces left Afghanistan.  Operatives report that a make shift FARP has been setup.  Whispers about one chopper that they call, "The BEAST".

Armed troops are patrolling the streets and a 24-hour curfew has been imposed on civilians in the area so civilians will not be in the line of fire.

Upwards of 3 dozen soldiers were injured during the attack, and they have been evacuated by their comrades to a hamlet to the North East of TKVARCHELI wh ere a small force of our troops were conducting a training exercise.

Those troops are preparing to make a dash to the local medical center north of Pokvesh, your current position (Code name Home Plate) .  Their route will take them back through the streets of TKVARCHELI as they transverse the roads heading West.

Our rapid response forces have already setup a FARP (Forward Arming and Refueling Point) suitable for our helicopters at Home Plate.  Our artillery is in the process of softening up their defenses.  They will cease firing shortly to clear the way for air traffic to get underway.

You are to lead a flight of attack helicopters north-east  to the town of TKVARCHELI and eliminate the threat to the convoy carrying injured troops out of the area.  You don't have to destroy every vehicle.  Primary targets would be missile capable vehicles and heavy caliper vehicles armed with  20mm or 30mm cannons.  Also prioritize SAM type vehicles to make safe our air operations.  Use your gun and rockets when you can and save your missiles for targets that you need to out range.  (If Single Player, you may have to conserve munitions or re-arm at home plate)

You may fly 3.8km at 75 degrees to the forward observation way point, and then plan your engagement from there.

The convoy is preparing to depart within the next 20 minutes.  They will be transmitting a homing beacon on frequency 120 MHz AM.  You can locate them using your ADF equipment.  Haste is of the utmost importance.

Your radio is tuned away from FARP ATC (127.5 MHz AM) so that their radio chatter will not interfere with your mission brief.

32nd Company has established a front line around a small town located 3 miles north of home plate.  They will signal with green flares if you fly within 750 meters of their position.  Their mission is to create a buffer zone between the rebels and home plate.  They will also provide safe passage for the convoy if the convoy can reach the area under 32nd Company's control.  Your secondary objective is to make sure our front line holds.  So support 32nd Company if the need arises.  They can be located on their homing frequency of 135 MHz AM.

Engage and destroy enemy ground forces in and around the town of TKVARCHELI. Prioritise their missile capable vehicles and heavy caliper weapons.  Keep your head on a swivel and be on the look-out for their Air Defense Units.

Ensure safe passage for the evacuation convoy carrying injured troops through the town.  They are transmitting a homing beacon on frequency 120 MHz AM.

Friendly forces have taken up positions SouthWest of TKVARCHELI.   They can be located on their homing frequency of 135 MHz AM.

Home Plate ATC :         127.5 MHz AM
Helipad Single 1 ATC : 123 MHz AM
Helipad Single 2 ATC : 125 MHz AM
Helipad Single 3 ATC : 129 MHz AM

Name                         Armament            Leathal Ranges
Scout HMMWV          12.7mm gun           1.0 km
Vulcan Mini-Gun        20 mm cannon        2.0 km
LAV-25                     25 mm cannon        2.5 km
ATGM HMMWV          TOW Missile           3.8 km
Bradley                     TOW Missile           3.8 km
SAM Avenger             IR Missile               4.0 km
Stinger Squad            IR Missile               4.0 km
SAM Chaparral           IR Missile               8.0 km

Red Forces are preparing for a major military offensive.  Your objective is to stop them at all cost.  We have access to a variety of attack helicopters to provide Close Air Support and Strike Missions.

Red Force have established a forward base 4.7nm West/SouthWest (243 Degrees) from TKVARCHELI.  They also have forces forward deployed in a small town 3.0nm west of TKVARCHELI.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 21.87 Mb
  • Geladen: 370
  • Kommentare: 1