Persian Gulf Sub Strike with SA-5

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Persian Gulf Sub Strike with SA-5

Hochgeladen von - jmoss840
Datum - 30.08.2021 03:33:10
V2 SA-5 Replaced SA-6

Mission can be run as single player or multiplayer. F-16 or F/A-18 for SEAD. F/A-18 for Anti-ship.

SEAD flight will destroy the 2 Sa-2, 1 SA-6 and 1 Hawk Site Tracking Radars

Sub Strike Flight will target each Kilo class and one LaCombatte in the harbor.

Khasab ILS 110.30 Rwy Heading 194
Al Minhad Tacan 99X ILS 110.75 Rwy Heading 270

Tanker 1X
CVN 75 75X

Iran’s submarine force reportedly consists of around 26 vessels, mostly under the control of IRIN. Iran does not have any SSBNs (Ballistic Missile Submarines), nor SSNs (Nuclear-Powered attack submarines). It does however have around 7 SSKs (diesel-electric attack submarines) and around 20 SSMs (Mini Submarines). Iran also has a separate Naval force under its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). While the IRGC mainly uses fast attack craft for hit-and-run guerrilla missions, it may also make use of several of Iran’s mini-submarines. Intelligence has reliable information that the Iranian Navy has all of their Kilo class submarines in port at this time.

Because of the constant threat posed by these Kilo class submarines, the United States has decided to sink all of them
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Freie Weitergabe
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 175.21 Kb
  • Geladen: 746
  • Kommentare: 0