VMFA-115 "Silver Eagles" CAG **UPDATE 2**

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F/A-18C Hornet

VMFA-115 "Silver Eagles" CAG **UPDATE 2**

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - Bo_Nidle
Datum - 19.07.2018 22:51:41
This was an F/A-18A++ assigned to the CAG of VMFA-115 USMC, "The Silver Eagles", Lt Col L.G. Patrick, operating out of MCAS Beaufort, South Carolina.

There should be the names of two more groundcrew on the nose gear doors but I was unable to ascertain them. If I find out that information I will update the skin.

I have updated this skin to correct a few minor errors, one big error and one addition:
The corners of the "false cockpit" have been slightly rounded off as they were too sharp.
The "201" wing numbers were too small, they have been enlarged.

***When I updated this skin I introduced a new error to the tops of the tail fins. I have now corrected this...and
will leave it alone now. Apologies***
And the big error was the underside wing insignia was on the port side rather than starboard. Now corrected.

The addition is the name of one of the ground crew to the port nose gear door. I think its correct, apologies
if it isn't and I will amend again if required.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 13 Mb
  • Geladen: 1498
  • Kommentare: 7