AV-8B Harrier II VMA-231 CG-01 164570 UPDATE 2.5

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AV-8B Harrier II VMA-231 CG-01 164570 UPDATE 2.5

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - Porcorosso86
Datum - 16.01.2018 22:52:20
United States Marine Corps Aviation AV-8B Harrier II VMA-231 CG-01 164570 flew by Lt.Col. Brewster

Hello everyone!
This is a skin request from uscstaylor, I hope that you like it!
Funny and hard, I love the details on the tail, also the tanks below the wings. Was really hard to found the pilot name and his nickname (all photos founded wasn't with enough quality).

Changed from Specular to RoughMet. Now work better with PBR engine.

Type 1)
Drag the .rar contents directly on
\\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World
Type 2)
Go to:
C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games\DCS
And if isn't exist, create the folders
and put inside the folder named VMA-231 BuNo164570

AV-8B Harrier II VMA-231 CG-01 164570 is a livery made by PorcoRosso86. Free license, do not redistribuite.
If you want to use my livery like a base of other, please put the credit and the link of the original skin.
Don't modify the original LUA comments of the original creator, but add another comment.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Alle Sprachen
  • Größe: 91.09 Mb
  • Geladen: 2294
  • Kommentare: 3
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