8 fictional liveries with pilot uniform -= Hungarian description below =- Fictional livery pack for the F/A-18C Hornet. F/A-18C was participant of an unsuccessful tender in mid '90, so there was a tiny chance to see this beauty in this national colour. (Explained at my M2000 skin pack, read out there if you are curious) Comes in 8 versions: 1. Grey F/A-18C livery with low visibility signs (roughly the nowadays standard) 2. Grey F/A-18C livery with coloured signs - if you prefer a bit ...
Datum: 03/03/2024
The Russian federation is falling apart, Caucasian insurgents are taking over mass land in the south, a convoy is planning to cross a bridge to create trouble in Georgia. Singleplayer ONLY! F/A-18C Hornet mission in Caucasus map by Hya6. The mission has custom ATC and voice overs, requires you to interact to able to proceed with the mission. Make sure that you read the "Readme" file and the mission brief. Launching the mission on a multiplayer server "Even if you're ...
Datum: 08/11/2022

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