VF-1 CAG 1988 "Grey Nose"

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DCS: World 2.5
F-14 Tomcat

VF-1 CAG 1988 "Grey Nose"

Typ - Anstrich
Hochgeladen von - Tomcatter87
Datum - 12.04.2021 16:23:38
In 1988 and 1989, the CAG bird of VF-1 Wolfpack could be seen with a replacement radome. Since I found that quite curios, I decided to do a livery, including custom roughmet for the replaced parts. Thanks to Reflected Simulations for allowing me to use one of his liveries as a base for my skin.

In 1988, the CAG bird of VF-1 Wolfpack could be seen with a replacement radome. Since I found that quite curios, I decided to do a livery, including custom roughmet for the replaced parts. Thanks to Reflected Simulations for allowing me to use one of his liveries as a base for my skin.
  • Lizenz: Freeware - Kostenlose Version, Weitergabe untersagt
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Größe: 122.84 Mb
  • Geladen: 515
  • Kommentare: 2
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