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DCS World 2.5
Uploaded by - ColdFront_WI
Date - 02/22/2020 06:00:53
Previously uploaded as an air start using the Stennis, now adding a cold start version using the Supercarrier (Lincoln).  Also added “radio effects” to the voiceovers for a bit of realism.

Designed this as single-player, but with a variety of roles it could be adapted to a multiplayer scenario.

I’ve found this has a decent amount of replay-ability as the situation depends on how effective your CAP coverage is.

Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!
Destroy an Iranian weapons manufacturing plant and storage facilities.  Go in under cover of darkness with support from SEAD and CAP flights and hit the plant at daybreak.  “Overlord” will provide voiced updates and instructions as the mission progresses.    AWACS will keep you apprised of any bandits so you can focus on your targets and any ground-based threats.  Tankers are on station as well, and you will likely need to gas up to make it back to boat.

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 28.86 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1914
  • Comments: 19
DCS World 2.5
Uploaded by - ColdFront_WI
Date - 10/25/2019 07:03:57
Launch from the Stennis and conduct SEAD in support of a targeted strike on an Abkhazi base.  Coordinate with Air Force F-15s providing CAP, and lend them a hand if necessary.  Ensure the path is clear for two flights of A-10s to do their job.  Keep an eye on your and your flight's fuel levels to ensure you can make it back to Stennis.

Voiceover briefing and in-mission instructions and updates from "Overlord," the Air Force colonel who is overseeing the mission.

Please let me know if you have any feedback, or if anything breaks!

  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.22 Mb
  • Downloaded: 895
  • Comments: 6
DCS World 2.5
Uploaded by - ColdFront_WI
Date - 09/14/2019 05:21:03
I've been having fun lately adding voice recordings to missions.  This is a quick nighttime strike in the Hornet with voice overs from the mission commander and another unit.  Fairly straightforward mission, but a couple of surprises along the way.

Mission Brief:
"Good evening, everyone.  We have received intelligence that a high value target is camped out in a mountain valley north of Kutaisi.  The mission tonight is simple: Take out the target.  There's not a lot of maneuvering room in the valley, so Dodge flight, a single F-18 will go in alone armed with rockets.  A single Apache, Springfield flight, will be standing by for additional CAS.  Uzi will be on station over the camp providing forward air control, and will designate targets as needed.  Overlord will provide mission command.  Additional details will be provided after startup."
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.45 Mb
  • Downloaded: 727
  • Comments: 2