Iranian Weapon Plant Strike - F/A-18C Hornet

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Iranian Weapon Plant Strike - F/A-18C Hornet

Uploaded by - ColdFront_WI
Date - 02/22/2020 06:00:53
Previously uploaded as an air start using the Stennis, now adding a cold start version using the Supercarrier (Lincoln).  Also added “radio effects” to the voiceovers for a bit of realism.

Designed this as single-player, but with a variety of roles it could be adapted to a multiplayer scenario.

I’ve found this has a decent amount of replay-ability as the situation depends on how effective your CAP coverage is.

Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!
Destroy an Iranian weapons manufacturing plant and storage facilities.  Go in under cover of darkness with support from SEAD and CAP flights and hit the plant at daybreak.  “Overlord” will provide voiced updates and instructions as the mission progresses.    AWACS will keep you apprised of any bandits so you can focus on your targets and any ground-based threats.  Tankers are on station as well, and you will likely need to gas up to make it back to boat.


Negotiations related to Iran's various weapons programs have broken down, which has escalated tensions in the Middle East.  The Lincoln CSG has moved into the Persian Gulf and has been maintaining around-the-clock operations.  CAP flights have been kept on station, and recce flights have been keeping tabs on the locations of Iranian and Republican Guard surface assets.

Intelligence has now revealed that Iran has made an unexpected breakthrough and has started high-volume production of weapons-grade material presenting an immediate danger to our allies in the region.  You have been tasked with eliminating the facility that is producing and storing the material.

CAP flights are on station to provide coverage, and SEAD flights will go in first targeting coastal air defenses.

Hornet flights Colt 1 and Colt 2 are the assault on the factory.  Colt 1 will ingress first and target any AAA to clear a path for Colt 2.  Your flight, Colt 2, will follow Colt 1 to the target area at low altitude, and deliver Mk-83s to destroy two factory buildings and three warehouses.  Good luck!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 28.86 Mb
  • Downloaded: 1932
  • Comments: 19