T.Flight HOTAS X Profile for F-16C Viper (with PowerPoint Diagram) v1.2

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F-16C Viper

T.Flight HOTAS X Profile for F-16C Viper (with PowerPoint Diagram) v1.2

Uploaded by - GrEa5eLiTeNiN
Date - 03/09/2020 07:38:10
F-16C Viper T.Flight Hotas X (Thrustmaster) Profile v1.2 for DCS 2.5.6 Open Beta.  See included diagram for reference.  Requires 2 Modifier buttons for 4 command layers, axis assignments and TrackIR (or replace Trim commands with POV).  PowerPoint included so you can customise and reprint diagram.  This is work-in-progress as the module is still in development.

2 Modifiers to give 4 command layers:

Layer 1 (Black):     Press desired command (no Modifier pressed)
Layer 2: (Red):      Press Modifier 1 only + desired command
Layer 3: (Green):   Press Modifier 2 only + desired command
Layer 4: (Blue):      Press Modifier 1 and Modifier 2 together + desired command

To install:
1. Unzip download and store the "diff.lua" profile in any folder.
2. Go to the game's Options/Controls/F-16C Sim.
3. Under the drop down menu tab for T.Flight HotasX, select "Load profile" and browse to and select the "diff.lua" file.
4. At the bottom "Modifiers" tab, add Throttle buttons 9 and 10 as the two Modifiers.
5. Any mapping changes made will be saved in the game (...User\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Config\Input\F-16C_50\joystick) but the profile can also be saved separately using step 3 with "Save profile as".

Note: I am no longer updating this profile as I have moved on to the TM Warthog HOTAS. But the diagram should be a good start. I will try to answer any questions in the comments section.

Check out my other profiles:
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 1.71 Mb
  • Downloaded: 6078
  • Comments: 18