Falklands War or Guerra de las Malvinas - 1982 - Version 8

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DCS World 2.5
AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL

Falklands War or Guerra de las Malvinas - 1982 - Version 8

Uploaded by - Jaguar | ANT
Date - 03/21/2019 16:34:52
This mission is a Falklands War 1982 sandbox, where Argentina has fully established the occupation of the Falkland Islands. British forces are at pre landing / early landings stage of operations. Ships and ground units are roughly in correct historical positions around the battle zone. It has an analogous layout, including unit types and names, obviously limited by the map and assets currently available in DCS World.

Most major combatant units are represented for both sides (so far as DCS can allow) such as ships helicopters, planes, ground units, AA, SAMs, vehicles and missiles. The layout of the Falkland Islands is portrayed using the east coast of Crimea and the Taman Peninsula of Russia, the Kerch Strait therefore plays the role of the Falkland Sound which is the sea divide between the east and west Falklands islands. Basic way-points take client aircraft to the key objective airfields only, as the area of operations is small.

The mission is a kind-of sandbox, in the mission editor, simply move the units around to suit your own needs and add waypoints etc as necessary. It is a good starting point for creating your own sorties in a pre-defined Falklands War scenario, without the need to add or research anything further.

There are key navigation waypoints for appropriate airfields and FARPS for all client aircraft.

Navigation aids are implemented to the best of my abilities - TACAN channels for both sides are listed in the briefing, including for both aircraft carriers and all main airfields FOBs and FARPs (however the airfields, FOB and FARP TACANS have defined units on the map but are currently not yet working in DCS - awaiting ED implementing them).

A JTAC is available to the British (frequency in briefing)

When using the mission you can choose to show labels in the F10 map to see the names of all locations which are represented.

I have tried to be accurate and have populated the map with units which are similar in capability / size armaments and are named to represent those used by both Argentina and the UK during the Falklands / Malvinas war of 1982.

The positioning and naming of airfields, ports, towns, hamlets, bases, ships, aircraft and their ingress directions / points are based on information available fr om sources such as Wikipedia, various pilot autobiographies, historical websites and museum exhibits (Aeroventure in Doncaster has a great informative exhibit regarding the war).

Any AI units with or without triggers, such as the Harriers, Skyhawks, etc, are added as simple examples of potential user made additions as part of your own missions. They are intended to be deleted or repurposed wh ere desired.

Two Argentine occupied grass airstrips are represented (crudely) using tyres, buildings and static aircraft.

The following 3 Mods are required to use this mission;

       Aermacchi MB-339A/PAN   (NEW VERSION v2.0.1)

    found here;




        Skyhawk A-4E-C    (NEW VERSION v1.3.1)

    found here;






        HMS Hermes R12 Version 2 Phase 1 update 1

    found here;




The following skins which I have used in the mission are optional - not required;


1       Fictional RAf and RN FAA Harrier liveries V2.0


2    UK Mi-8 V1.2 V1.1 24/11/16



3    Argentine Air Force M5 Dagger (Mirage 2000), Escuadrón II de Caza, VI Brigada Aérea


4    Mirage 2000C Fuerza Aerea Argentina Mirage III


        *Livery Fix for the above Mirage2000C made by Legoheli;


Many thanks to the makers of the above Mods, without which I couldn't have produced this mission.

This is a work In progress, I will add more features and amend mistakes gradually, any questions, criticism or ideas are very welcome, leave a message here and I will reply ASAP

A base / template mission by:   Jaguar 1-1 | ANT
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 236.96 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1278
  • Comments: 15
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