... в техподдержку #62272). Использованы материалы Capt Zeen. MonitorSetup is only for example ...
Date: 04/22/2017
Helios profiles for the P-51D and TF-51D. For this profile i exported Radio Indicator Compass, Ias, clock, suction indicator, manifold pressure, altimeter, gyroheading, Flight Indicator ADI, Horizont caged, coolant temp, rpm, carburator temp, oil temp, oil press, fuelpress, Gmeter, Gmax and Gmin, VVI, sweep ball, turn needle, back radar light, landing safe light, landing unsafe light, high blower light, oxigen flow, oxigen press, hydraulic press, Anmeter, left tank fuel, fuselaje tank ...
Date: 03/30/2015
SU25T Helios Profile. for 16:10 and 16:9 resolution monitors, QWERTY and AZERTY keyboards After some time evaluating the possibilities DCSWorld offers to export data from FC3, I decided to create this Helios profile for the SU25T. One of the biggest problems is that DCS does not send all the information from FC3 controls, but enough to make an interesting project. From the Helios FC2 interface we can collect up to 18 different indicators values, coming from DCS: radar altimeter, barometric ...
Date: 09/24/2014
NIGHT OPERATIONS version v1.01 of the KA50 helios profiles, for 16:9 and 16:10 monitor users You can now fly the KA-50 on night missions using this profile version, designed to look like the cockpit illuminated width the blue lights and the labels on. Device Profiles English Ka-50 Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution 1396
Date: 06/01/2014

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