P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign

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Become a member of the most famous fighter unit of the USAAF, take part in escorting large bomber formations, support the ground troops after D-day, or engage the Luftwaffe over the snowy hills of the Ardennes. The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney is a semi-historical campaign for the P-51D Mustang. It follows the 352nd Fighter Group from May 1944 through the Normandy landings until Operation Bodenplatte in January 1945. This campaign has a plethora of details and Easter eggs to make you feel like a young American flyboy in the Army Air Forces in 1944.

Release: 12/19/2018

Key Features:

  • 14 semi-historical missions focusing on the 352nd Fighter Group
  • A detailed background story, mission contexts, checklists and encounter reports
  • Detailed briefings and briefing images, including separate PDF mission files
  • Unique kneeboard graphics and checklists for each mission
  • Hundreds of specially recorded voice-over messages and radio broadcasts
  • Historically accurate custom skins
  • A wide array of missions including fighter sweep, bomber escort, armed reconnaissance and ground attack

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