Look back to 2023

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22 dec
Look back to 2023

2023 was a big year for both Eagle Dynamics SA and our 3rd party partners. Much of our work focused on improving the DCS core with important enhancements and bug fixes. Some of the more notable core improvements included:

Other important DCS core improvements included a new datalink architecture systems across several aircraft platforms, enhancements to weapon modeling, new visual target sighting options, improved Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) modeling, the addition of new weapon types, updated air-to-air radar modeling, new and improved models for several AI-only units, multiplayer performance and stability improvements, new liveries, multicrew improvements, many new and free missions, several new pilot models, and enhancements to the Mission Editor, to name just a few.

In addition to these DCS core improvements, 2023 saw the release of many exciting DCS modules and campaigns that included the F-15E from RAZBAM, the Mirage F1 EE and BE from Aerges, the Normandy 2 map from Ugra Media, the Sinai map from OneReTech, and many fantastic campaigns.

2023 also saw continued development and improvements across numerous aircraft, maps, assets, and campaigns.   

In the spirit of the season, we wish you a Merry Christmas filled with joy, warmth, and memorable moments. Thank you for being a part of our family. DCS is a community-driven project, and your passion fuels our dedication to delivering a world-class simulation. As we navigate towards the skies of 2024, exciting developments lie ahead.