DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3 LLC Available for Download

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18 jan

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Fly the Christen Eagle II today! The Christen Eagle II, which later became the Aviat Eagle II in the mid-1990s, is an aerobatic biplane aircraft that has been produced in the United States since February 1977.

Designed by Frank Christensen, a veteran WW2 P-51D pilot and aerobatic competitor, it was originally built to compete with the Pitts Special. You’ll find that the Eagle is hard to beat in terms of flying excitement and adventure, and yet the ease of control allows even average pilots to feel like masters of aerobatics.

Although DCS World is a combat simulation as its focus, it is certainly not limited to only military aircraft. We are delighted to bring the Christen Eagle II and other civil aircraft into our simulation and expanding what DCS can offer.