This week we released an DCS 2.5.5 Update 4 the focuses on the Hornet and DCS World foundation improvements. It is our primary focus create a solid foundation for the Hornet, from which we will only then start add new sensors and weapons.
Fixed JTAC radio communication errors due to SA-18
Improved blending of material types
Corrected trigger zone when unit not in zone
Correct ship ATC radios by adding new ATC client information for carriers
Helicopters can once again land on the Kuznetsov
Added network synch for arrestor cable
Reduced “jitter” of aircraft on carrier deck in network play
Improved realism of AI carrier landings
World color table adjustments
ME, Payload panel. Added ability to remove pylons
Removed sound distortion at speeds around Mach 1
Fixed re-arming in which new stores could not be selected
Powered Approach (PA) mode pitch trim has been tuned and pitching down moment at lowering of flaps is corrected
Fixed countermeasure reloading error
Range No Escape (Rne) calculation for AIM-9 and AIM-7 has been tuned. Raero temporarily removed
Afterburner can now selected for carrier takeoff at full throttle; finger lift function added as an Option
Maximum Bingo setting changed to 20,000
Fixed BIT freeze when folding the wings
Velocity vector length calculation has been moved to the DLZ
AI Hornets have had the position of their control surfaces for cold start adjusted. Additionally, control surfaces for AI Hornets have had their control surfaces tuned for landing.
Fuel feed lines now have correct fuel volume
Cold start position for the hook bypass switch has been corrected
External fuel tank indications added to the FUEL page
Added BIT for Avionics Undercool Warning Temperature Sensor
Fixed AIM-7F/M connectors
Corrected canopy actuator heating
There are of course several other very high-priority items that we are working on and will be coming in the near-future:
Basic Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) system
Radio frequency input not always being saved
Single (S) launch rocket pods
Changing radar scale using TDC
Canister munition accuracy
Exporting of DDIs
Use of Sensor Switch to initial lock
Situation in which stores can be auto-jettisoned
Synchronizing aircraft carrier animations
And others…