FC3 Bundles and Bonuses

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7 apr

This weekend we are offering two, new 40% off bundle deals that center on several of the stand-alone Flaming Cliffs aircraft:

Find these bundle deals here: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/special_offers/

In addition to these two bundle deals, we are also offering 60% off DCS: Combined Arms with use of bonus points.

Both the bundle and bonus deals will start today at 1500 GMT and last until 17 April 2017 at 0900 GMT.

DCS: World War II Assets Videos

Over the past three weeks we have released, and will continue to release, a series of short videos that highlight units coming to the World War II Assets Pack.

DCS: World War II Assets Pack - Jagdpanzer IV and Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf. H


DCS: World War II Assets Pack - Panther Ausf.G and Tiger I


DCS: World War II Assets Pack - M4 Sherman and M4A4 Sherman Firefly
