DCS World Weekend News

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12 may

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Now Available Steam

We are pleased to announce that RAZBAM M-2000C is now available for purchase on Steam!

DCS World on Steam

Please note that the DCS: M-2000C, and all future DCS World DLC releases on Steam, will now use Steam Keys instead of Starforce keys. As such, these purchases cannot be activated on the DCS World e-Shop version. Previous purchases will not be affected.

World War II Victory Day in Europe and DCS Bonus Spectacular Continues

In May of 1945 the Second World War came to end in Europe. This is celebrated in Russia as Victory Day on 9 May and in Western Europe and the US on 8 May as Victory in Europe (VE) Day. To commemorate the end of World War II in Europe, we are having a Bonus action. Use your bonus points to discount for many DCS modules (which participating in the bonus program) up to 60%!

Ends soon on Monday, 15 May at 0900 GMT.

Aircraft Modules, Campaigns

DCS: Normandy 1944 Map Alpha Key Lottery

With the release of the Normandy 1944 Map fast approaching, we want to give our customers the chance to win a free key! On our Facebook page, we have started a lottery post. To enter yourself in the running, just share the post to your Facebook page and you will automatically be entered in the drawing. A week later, we will randomly select three winners.

Official Eagle Dynamics and DCS World Facebook page

New DCS: World War II Assets Pack Video

In our continuing series of teaser videos for the DCS: World War II Assets Pack, we have three more to share today:

Pre-purchase now and save 20%: Normandy 1944 Map + WWII Assets Pack

DCS: World War II Assets Pack Obstacles

In addition to new ground, air defense, and ship units, the assets pack will also include numerous types and sub-types of obstacles. These range from landing beach objects to re-create the D-Day landing beaches to various types of tank and infantry barriers to be used further inland.

All of these are available in the Mission Editor.

Here are three images that display what is possible.

The Eagle Dynamics Team