DCS: F-5E Tiger II Out of Early Access

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11 nov
This past week Belsimtek resolved the remaining issues to bring the Tiger II out of Early Access status.

Belsimtek has (as always) done an amazing job with this aircraft and exemplifies the high level of quality and detail that DCS World modules bring.

e-Shop: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/modules/tiger/

With the Tiger II exiting Early Access, we are celebrating this with a sale and two bundle deals! Between today at 1500 GMT and lasting until Monday, 21 November, purchase the Tiger II at 20% off.

We are also offering two new bundles with 40% off:

These bundle deals start today at 1500 GMT and last until Monday, 14 November at 0900 GMT.

Get them here at: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/shop/special_offers/