Mig-21 Bomber intercept - Night

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Mig-21 Bomber intercept - Night

Uploaded by - pandaman1029
Date - 10/16/2014 03:26:44
The capitalists have launched a bombing run on Sukhumi!  Your objective is to launch your Mig from Kobuleti and intercept them.  There are 4 B-52s that start South of Kobuleti on the edge of the map, you must destroy them before they reach the city!

The capitalists have launched a bombing run from Turkey on the city of Sukhumi.  One group of 4 B-52s.  Stop them at all costs comrade!  If you succeed, you are granted permission to land back home or at Sukumi first to refuel.  If you fail, you are not permitted to land anywhere!
This is a night time training mission, meant to train you in flying, navigating and engaging targets by instruments only.  The bombers start at high altitude and have ECM on so you should see them on your radar fairly easily.  They will be flying along the coast in a straight line towards Sukhumi if you lose them.  You should only use the F10 map or labels if you're having difficulty finding your targets (These are disabled in this mission by default).  The B-52s will attempt to evade and defend against your attacks.  Wounded bombers will drop their bombs and retreat.  Your mission is not to destroy the bomber group, but to defend Sukhumi, so do not worry about the retreating bombers, they will be scored as victories after they leave the AO.  You may wish to change your loadout to 4 radar guided missiles.  JATO is recommended as this is an intercept and countermeasures will not be needed.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 8.85 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1377
  • Comments: 0