DCS: FC3 / SU-25A Complete English Cockpit Mod

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DCS: FC3 / SU-25A Complete English Cockpit Mod

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - Devrim
Date - 07/22/2014 01:21:07
V1.4 (03/2024) This mod provides almost complete English cockpit for DCS World (and FC3) Su-25A module.




    * This mod is compatible with DCS v2.x
    * This mod was made based on the stock cockpit textures.
    * Integrity Check - OK.
    * Please feedback about letter or translation mistakes, typos or your suggestions.
    * Please do not create mirror mods or download links for this mod!
    * These are the translations of abbreviations for Beryoza and Weapon Indication panel:

        Airborne:     П to A
        Long-Range:   З to L
        Medium-Range: X to M
        Short-Range:  H to S
        Early Warn.:  F to E
        AWACS:        C to W

    Weapon Status Panel:
        Bombs:    Б to BB
        Missiles: УР to MSL
        Rockets:  НРС to RKT
        Cannon:   ВПУ to GUN
        Full:     К to F

Thank you. Have fun.


v1.4 - Applied ED's new textures (03/2024).
v1.3.4 - Some word/translation and alpha channel corrections. Changed installation method (09/2017)(10754DLs).
V1.3.3 - A little fix. Re-written ReadMe file. Mipmaps. No need re-download actually (07/2017)(4243DLs).
V1.3b - A little fix by ED (10/2016)(3981DLs).
V1.3a - No texture update. "Customized Cockpit" feature compatible (07/2016)(3072DLs).
v1.3 - Updated for DCS World v1.5 and a few corrections (11/2015).
v1.2 - Some corrections on texts. JSGME-ready.
V1.1 - Fixed "aircraft(s)" folder issue, and some corrections.
v1.0 - First release (07/2014).
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 22.35 Mb
  • Downloaded: 11084
  • Comments: 8