In 1965 the 2nd FLight Platoon, "the Choppers", also received UH-1D models. The 118th's white Thunderbird logo appeared on the nose and rear corner of the cargo doors. Red and White stripes were applied on the roof just behind the roof or "eyebrow" windows. At this time I do not know the serial number of Blue 8. Later in the war the 118th used a large white and red diamond on the tail boom as a unit tactical symbol, but these diamonds do not appear on photos from 1965-66. The 2nd platoon Choppers logo was originally applied to the pilot's doors. The crews were ordered to remove them however, and the logos were then applied to the door frame behind the pilot's doors. Photos show that "Blue 8" had a nickname painted in small, white on the pilots' doors, but at this time I don't know the name.
1965 - 2nd platoon UH-1D "Blue 8"