8K14 Scud-B Launcher

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LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2

8K14 Scud-B Launcher

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - beczl
Date - 05/08/2011 15:01:50
8K14 Scud-B Launcher v1.01

- High detailed different skins for all season
- Multi LOD 3D model
- Fully animated launch sequence
- Modman 7.3 compatible

8K14 Scud-B Launcher v1.01

Compatible for LockOn FC2 Only

Main features:
- High detailed different skins for all season
- Multi LOD 3D model
- Fully animated launch sequence
- Modman 7.3 compatible

- Scud battery template attached. It's available through ME template section as "Scud site".
- One test mission "Scud Hunt" is attached to mod.
- The Scud missile characteristic changed as real as possible, but some things are limited and hardcoded in this case the missile do some silly manoeuvre sometimes, so be carefull.
- The Scud only able to start launch missile +-25 degree fr om their base direction. If their selected target out of this lim it the unit won't start the launhing sequence.
- The Scud replaced the non-active Uragan MLRS. In this case the Scud missile have been recognised as a simple MLRS missiles and doesn't start like at real Scud missile. And the SAM patriot unit won't shoot it of course.
- The typical Scud missile erector and launch preparation sequence is ~4-8min and it depends on the target distance. (near = less time; far = more time) So if you recognise the launcher you have 4-8min to eliminate it.



- Few minor 3D correction at missile nosecone section
- The in-air missilewobbles fixed
- Texture invertion at static missile is fixed

Have Fun!!!

mail: laszlo.becz@gmail.com
web: beczl.tvn.hu
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 16 Mb
  • Downloaded: 2566
  • Comments: 2
Tags: Scud
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