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Uploaded by - JHzlwd
Date - 01/21/2014 18:09:25
Secure the streets of Sochi against terrorist attacks on the Olympic motorcade. Lots of action with a premium on flying skills in an urban environment.

Chechen extremists have vowed to ruin the Sochi Olympic Winter Games with acts of violence. You are member of a 3-ship helicopter patrol charged with securing the streets against this menace. Buses with athletes and officials are arriving from Adler airport. As they enter the city, protect as many of them as possible from lurking RPG and rifle equipped terrorists. You'll be doing a lot of delicate maneuvering amongst buildings while dodging bullets and organizing your response to newly emerging threats. You will be judged successful if you save 40% or more of the buses and the motorcade isn't blocked from reaching the rec eption area.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 27.47 Kb
  • Downloaded: 1493
  • Comments: 0
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