Fictional Spanish Navy Random Numbers

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Fictional Spanish Navy Random Numbers

Type - Skin
Uploaded by - ESAc_Lipe
Date - 10/14/2013 03:16:46
Skin ficticio para usar como si el Mi-8 fuese un SH-3H de la Armada española con numeros aleatorios

Fictional Skin to use the Mi-8 like a SH-3H of the Spanish Navy with random numbers

Este skin reproduce el colorido que llevan los SH-3H Seaking de la armada española con numeros aleatorios que se configuran en el editor de misiones.

This skin reproduces the colors worn by the SH-3H Seaking of the Spanish Navy with random numbers that are configured in the mission editor.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 11.61 Mb
  • Downloaded: 697
  • Comments: 1
Tags: Spanish