CH Profile For A-10C

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CH Profile For A-10C

Uploaded by - Capt_Crunch
Date - 03/17/2011 18:50:45
CH Profile For A-10C

Uses all the default keys programmed into the CH devices. No need to make any adjustments in game.

Includes 2 separate profiles as an option:
Option 1: In order to accommodate TrackIR and in-game zoom having a dedicated hat, Data Management Target and Management share the same hat and trim has moved to another hat.
Option 2: TrackIR and in-game zoom share the same hat as trim. All buttons on the Fighterstick match in-sim stick.

Profiles made for CH Fighterstick, Pro Throttle and Pro Pedals
Includes Ghost?s CMS file
Uses all default key settings of A-10C
PDF and Excel file of controller layout

In A-10C do the following:
- Assign correct throttle, throttle mini-stick, joystick and rudder axis
- Delete all other non CH joystick assignments

Additional Notes:
In CH Manager program ensure "Mapped Mode" is active. You can have your CH devices start in mapped mode every time you start Windows if you make a shortcut to "CMstart" in your Startup folder in your Start menu. The CMstart program can be found in your CH Manager folder.

TrackIR Center and TrackIR Pause are set on the joystick hat to send joystick button presses. Go into the TrackIR software with the CH profile loaded in memory and assign the TrackIR Center and TrackIR Pause functions (press the joystick button when asked) in the TrackIR software to match.

The Teamspeak Push To Talk button on the joystick is set to use the "Scroll Lock" key of the keyboard. Set up your Teamspeak up to match.
"Gain and Response Setting" for joystick axes and mini stick axes are custom set in the CH Control Manager. Tune to your preference
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 689.95 Kb
  • Downloaded: 2957
  • Comments: 0
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