Operation Silver Thrust

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Operation Silver Thrust

Uploaded by - MettDeiman
Date - 11/24/2023 18:07:33
All over Iran a sentiment of revolution and change have brought the country into chaos after the goverment attacked several popular manifestations with the brutal force of the Guard units launching rockets and bombs with aircraft and artillery; even a firefight against a regular army postition that joined the population caused docens of wounded. After all the innocent deaths, and the indiscriminate bombing; army, airforce, and navy of Iran, have sublebated and joined the effort to make a diplomatic progress towards the destitution of the goverment.

A quick mission to enjoy the flying of the F/A-18. Not very difficult, and to practice some A/A refuelling, cruising enjoying the sights, and maybe... some guided weapons. You can change de AI slot If you want to fly with a friend. Hope you enjoy it. Any contructive criticisim and error reports will be welcomed.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Do Not Redistribute
  • Language: English
  • Size: 59.12 Kb
  • Downloaded: 237
  • Comments: 0
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