Clear Pampa Patagonia

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DCS World 2.7

Clear Pampa Patagonia

Uploaded by - John Spa 103
Date - 03/11/2023 10:36:35
PVE mission on south Atlantic map
Requires A4 MOD
War zone on the chilian and Argentina airspaces
Training Zone on the Falklands islands.

Hi everyone. This is John Spa 103 fr om "Groupement de chasse 22". Here is a new mission I made with the help of the french DCS community. I made a New mission on the South Atlantic Map with the clearfield operation spirit. You will have to capture some bases like Ushuaia etc.. and you won't be able to spawn on those bases witch are not yet on the blue coalition side. The opposition is composed about peruvian, chilian, equatorian and russian force. This mission is essentially a PVE mission. But you can modify it as you wan't to make everything you want to do on this mission.
You'll also have a training space on the Falklands islands wh ere you can respawn infinite red planes or red ground targets.

This mission contains the  A4mod. You can disable it in the mission editor if you don't have this mod.

Big thank to :
Surrexen for the inspiration
cirribob for the SSB script file
ASTA fr, tonton fr, JGi I Quéton 1-1, Jojo, Miguel 21 and the others persons that i could forget.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 1.73 Mb
  • Downloaded: 83
  • Comments: 3