The enemy was able to setup a SA-10 SAM site near on of our airports. The SA-10 is quite modern and has maybe not a huge range but it missiles are really accurate and destructive. Your goal is to destroy the two Track Radars to deactivate the SAM site [SEAD]. But be aware: The site is heavily guarded and you have to fly on the height of the trees to dodge the radar and incoming missiles. Good luck pilot!
1. Take off and follow the route to the third waypoint
2. Get as close to the SAM site as possible [MPS-410 Jammer]
3. Start flying on tree height when the SAM site fires its first missile towards you
4. Destroy the two Track Radars [Kh-58U x2, Gunpods x2]
5. Land at our allied airport Maykop-Khanskaya
This time you have to deactivate a SAM site (this mission type is called SEAD). Its fire range is bigger than the range of your Kh-58U so you have to decrease the distance to it. Do that by flying on tree height to dodge the radar and incoming missiles. You can destroy the two Track Radars with the two Kh-58U's or your gunpods. But be aware if you are flying to fast/too low and fire your missiles they may impact the ground and damage/kill you!
If the route is too long for you:
You can increase the simulation speed with 'STRG + Y' [QWERTZ] and slow it down with 'Shift + Y'.