Su-25T Beginner mission to practice - from beginners for beginners

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Su-25T Beginner mission to practice - from beginners for beginners

Uploaded by - VogelPapaFinn
Date - 09/19/2022 17:10:33
Some russians raided an old military airport and took some old trucks. Unfortunately.... Somebody slept during the management and transfering the equipment. Next to 4x fully armed SU-27, an A-50 AWACS and a SA-15 they found some trucks and tanks. Luckily they are not enough people to crew all of them. Destroy their equipment or we gonna have a hard time....

1. Destroy the enemys trucks and tanks [S25L x2]
2. Destroy the enemys SA-15 air defense [Kh-58U x2, Kh-58MPU x2]
3. Destroy the enemys SU-33 or stop them from taking off permanently [FAB-500 x2]

4. Shoot down the A-50 AWAC [R-60M x2]

This is a mission from a beginner for beginners. I think there are no good beginner missions to practice and thats why I created this easy mission.
You are going to fight a SA-15 (anti-radar), using some laser controlled rockets (S25L) and drop some bombs. If you are too slow you are going to have a hard time fighting some SU-33 but dont worry, you have to be very slow :) And to finish the mission you can shoot down a big fat A-50.
Have fun!

Small hint:
For a "perfect" run you should use your weapons from inside to outside. Thats at least a good way to fly this mission!
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 55.14 Kb
  • Downloaded: 945
  • Comments: 2