DCS World 2.7


Uploaded by - GazAce
Date - 07/28/2022 17:18:11
Hey there awesome DCS Brothers & Sisters, hope all is well. This is my latest mission & should take you around 90 mins or maybe less & I difficulty rate this one about 8.5. There a few different ways to fly this & naturally other AC can be used in this Sortie also. I hope you enjoy it. Regards GA :-)
Dawn 05:45 Jirah Airfield. You're resting & enjoying well deserved R n R after some intense ORT exercises (Operational Readiness Training). Just then your peace & quiet was broken by an alarming report that came in of a small enemy camp consisting of three enemy Howitzers & other units that have positioned themselves on the Euphrates River in Raqqa at the foot of a large road bridge. They're sitting East of the Euphrates River Weir Dam & its large Electricity Plant & at this very moment bombarding both the plant & the dam. Also at this camp is a SAM SA-3 Array & an enemy Ka-50 has been seen orbiting the area. If that's not enough...
Go here for a full fly-through on my YT Ch https://youtu.be/iXvOH4TX1aI

After Startup & Taxi authority fr om Jirah, WP navigate to Tabqa (WP-5) wh ere on approach you will be provided "Precise" Lat Long (Sec) coordinates of the enemy groups location. Once you create your new WP designating their position you will take immediate action. You're tasked to kill the three Howitzers that are bombarding the Dam & Electricity Plant & also take out that SAM SA-3 "Goa" Launcher & use caution near the camp as there are other AAA units positioned there. You must also splash the two Howitzers that are embedded within the column that's heading for the Power Plant & it's imperative you nail them before they reach the plant which we estimate will be in around 45 mins from the time of your mission start. If any one of the Howitzers reach the Power Plant you will fail the mission & their route will be designated within your Kneeboard. The Flanker, Awacs has ID could also become a concern & furthermore...
1. The SAM "Goa" Launcher carries 4 missiles & has a rearm time of 10 mins.
2. Please follow your Waypoints as these generate triggers crucial to mission info & continuity.
3. Friendly reminder: Prior to plotting your coordinates & setting new WP.. when in your HSI --> DATA page don't forget to box "PRECISE" in the WYPT display & select "LATLN SEC" in the A/C screen.
4. You'll prob need a Refuel so maybe fill up after you nail the SAM & the Column Howitzers ( Inside important Tip )
5. Start Up: In your AMPCD, box STD HDG for a nice quick Nav alignment.
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