Havoc's Quick Autostart for Mi-8MTV2

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DCS World 2.7

Havoc's Quick Autostart for Mi-8MTV2

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - anonymous
Date - 05/04/2022 01:04:39
Optimized autostart script that completes several common post-start procedures.

Havoc's Quick Autostart for the Mi-8MTV2

This is an optimized autostart sequence designed to get the helicopter up and running as quickly as possible, and complete several common post-startup tasks.  It is a modified version of the default autostart sequence.  It passes IC and is OvGME-ready.

The main differences between this and the default autostart sequence are:
* Added text descriptions for all the switches that are being activated as startup is proceeding.
* UV-26 countermeasures system -- On, set to both sides, program 411.  This is a more sensible default countermeasures program that dispenses 1x flare from each side, 1 per second, for 4 seconds.
* R-828 radio - On.
* Pilot and Copilot fans - On.  As we know, these are crucial to proper flight in a Soviet helicopter.
* Fuel meter - Total.  This makes your fuel gauge show the total amount left (default shows service tank only).

This startup script takes the same amount of time as the default one (3m20s) due to the addition of labels and the extra commands.  (As such, I can't really claim it's "quick", but here we are...)

Any of these settings can be easily disabled or changed in the lua file to suit your preferences.

The shutdown procedure has also been optimized, mainly to make sure that it restores the aircraft to the cold-start state, as far as the switches used during startup are concerned.

To install, copy the Macro_sequences.lua file to C:\Games\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\Mi-8MTV2\Cockpit\Scripts (or whatever your game install folder is).

To use, press LWin+Home to autostart, or LWin+End to autostop.

Please let me know if you find any bugs or other problems.

Finally, big thanks to the ED programmers who had the foresight to make this scriptable, and Bailey for the inspiration to make my own.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 4.11 Kb
  • Downloaded: 345
  • Comments: 1