SU-33 Armoury and Convoy Strike

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DCS World 2.7

SU-33 Armoury and Convoy Strike

Uploaded by - chattytumbler
Date - 04/22/2022 13:43:57
Captain, this afternoon’s sortie is a short mission into contested territory.

Rebel forces have occupied a train station and are using it to store a cache of weapons. Your primary task is to destroy the two buildings that make up the train station.

In addition, we have received intel images from an Orlan-10 drone that show a rebel supply convoy halted a few miles north of the train station. It appears that the lead vehicle has run into a mine. Catch the convoy before their engineers have time to find a safe path and move on.

Set on the Caucasus map this short mission can be completed in 20-30 minutes. It has been designed: to test your ability to follow waypoints, bomb a lightly defended target using CCIP/CCRP bombs, use rockets to destroy vehicles and potentially to defend yourself against an enemy air threat in a 1-on-1 engagement.

Take-off and landing is from a land base so there is no need to own the Supercarrier or additional mods to run this mission.

Includes custom kneeboards.
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 2.92 Mb
  • Downloaded: 597
  • Comments: 0