NWGJulian's Virtual Reality Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Profile for F/A-18C

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NWGJulian's Virtual Reality Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Profile for F/A-18C

Uploaded by - NWGJulian
Date - 04/30/2021 17:12:13
Keybind Profile for my F/A-18C Hornet and my TM Warthog Hotas System, made by NWGJulian

The profile has gone through 300+ flight hours of improvement, and is now ready to be shared.

The profile is based on real joystick and throttle bindings, as accurate as possible, but also as easy as possible.
No weird modifiers, no overdone keybinds, no bullshit; straight practical, easy to learn and easy to use.

The profile is mainly used for VR, but with a Keyboard aside to use the F-view-keys. If you wish, you can of course make use of a modifier (e.g. the cage/uncage left red button on the throttle) and set the F-view-keys on e.g. the coolie switch with the modifier. Feel free to customize whatever you want!

This profile is also used with rudder pedals.

In addition, afterburner detent is used on the physical throttle.
If you also wish to do so, synchronise the physical afterburner detent with the virtual one from the F/A-18C by adding a custom throttle curve on the throttle axis. Also make sure to set afterburner detent ingame to "always on" in the special tab)
Settings for the custom curve are on the PDF-sheet!

Checklist / How to install:
- download both LUA-files
- go to DCS, controls, click on your joystick, click load profile and search for the LUA-file you downloaded from me
- do the same with the throttle
- make sure the axis are bound correctly (inverted etc.)
- if afterburner detent is used, create a custom curve
- make sure your rudder pedals are set properly (rudder axis, left break axis, right break axis)
- make sure the HMD brightness is correctly set on the joyslider axis

- check "synchronise HOTAS system with start of the simulation"
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: English
  • Size: 3.03 Mb
  • Downloaded: 3004
  • Comments: 4