Better Smoke for DCS World 2.5.6

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DCS World 2.5

Better Smoke for DCS World 2.5.6

Type - Mod
Uploaded by - taz1004
Date - 08/27/2020 20:41:34
UPDATED TO V9 (2021-01-27)

1.  Gun Smoke (IC Safe)
2.  Softer smoke texture (Single Player Version Only)

Attached here is IC Safe Multiplayer version only.  Single player version has more features such as rain, clouds, smoke trails, and crater texture.  It can be  download from forum link below.

Forum Link

INSTALL:  Extract to main DCS install path. OvGME or other Mod Managers recommended

If you have any other mod that modifies particles, you must install this mod last and overwrite.

**Posting updated for version update (2021-01-27)**
  • License: Freeware - Free version, Unlimited distribution
  • Language: Any language
  • Size: 20.06 Kb
  • Downloaded: 7173
  • Comments: 58